
Two eggplants, two tomatoes, a piece of tofu, and the nutritious sautéed eggplant is prepared as follows

author:Cuckoo Sister Food Diary

Hello everyone! I'm Sister Cuckoo.

Today, when frying eggplant, I still follow the previous method, no frying, but this time not only add tomatoes, but also add tofu to stir-fry together, although it is a homely method, but the taste is good!

The key is to blanch the tofu first, remove the bean smell, and then put it in the soup of the fried tomatoes and simmer it for a while, it will be more flavorful!

Two eggplants, two tomatoes, a piece of tofu, and the nutritious sautéed eggplant is prepared as follows

Ingredients required:

Eggplant, tomatoes, tofu, shallots, garlic, coriander, salt, sugar, chicken essence, sesame oil

1: Put water in a pot, add a little salt, after the water boils, put the cut tofu slices into the blanched water for 2 minutes, fish out and set aside.

2: Peel the eggplant, cut the hob into a basin, sprinkle with a little salt and mix well, marinate to remove excess water.

3: Cut a cross flower knife on top of the tomatoes, blanch, peel and cut into small cubes in hot water of blanched tofu.

Two eggplants, two tomatoes, a piece of tofu, and the nutritious sautéed eggplant is prepared as follows

4: Put the oil in the pot, add the processed eggplant, fry until slightly yellow, put out and set aside.

Two eggplants, two tomatoes, a piece of tofu, and the nutritious sautéed eggplant is prepared as follows

5: Stir-fry a little oil, green onion and minced garlic until fragrant, add the chopped tomatoes, a little sugar, and stir-fry the soup.

Two eggplants, two tomatoes, a piece of tofu, and the nutritious sautéed eggplant is prepared as follows

Add the blanched tofu, simmer slightly in the tomato soup, add the flavor, then add the fried eggplant, a little salt and stir-fry; add a little chicken essence, sesame oil, coriander before the pot, stir well, out of the pot.

Two eggplants, two tomatoes, a piece of tofu, and the nutritious sautéed eggplant is prepared as follows

Home-cooked, home-cooked delicacies!

#九月吃什么 #

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