
Recommended food: leek duck blood konjac powder, shrimp cold vermicelli, eight treasure fried rice cake preparation

author:A Jin xiao introduction
Recommended food: leek duck blood konjac powder, shrimp cold vermicelli, eight treasure fried rice cake preparation

Shrimp cold vermicelli

Ingredients: 1 ball of vermicelli, shredded carrots, 20 white shrimp, soy sauce, rice vinegar, white pepper, fish sauce, powdered sugar, salt, cooking wine, sesame oil to taste


1. Wash the white shrimp meat and drain. Add 1 tsp salt, 2 tsp cooking wine and appropriate amount of white pepper and marinate for 15 minutes.

2. Add vermicelli to boiling water and cook for 1-2 minutes, then scoop up, soak in cold water for 10 minutes and drain.

3. Pour the shrimp and shredded carrots into boiling water and blanch, remove and drain.

4. Place the vermicelli, shredded carrots and shrimp in a bowl, pour in the appropriate amount of soy sauce, rice vinegar, white pepper, fish sauce, powdered sugar and sesame oil, mix well and serve.

Recommended food: leek duck blood konjac powder, shrimp cold vermicelli, eight treasure fried rice cake preparation

Eight treasures fried rice cake

Ingredients: Ham 20g, Chicken Gizzard 20g, Winter Shoots 20g, Shiitake Mushrooms 20g, Shrimp 20g, Green Beans 20g, Dried Tofu 20g, Carrots 20g, Rice Cake 200g, Seafood Sauce 1 Teaspoon (15g), Sugar 1 Teaspoon (5g), Dark Soy Sauce 1 Teaspoon (5ml), Salt 1 Teaspoon (5g), Oil 30ml.

Recipe 1: Wash the ham, chicken gizzard, winter shoots, dried tofu, shiitake mushrooms and carrots separately, cut into 0.5 cm cubes, and cut the rice cake into 0.5 cm thick slices and set aside.

2, put the soup pot on the induction cooker, pour in water, press the boiling water button to boil, put in the ham diced, chicken gizzard, diced winter shoots, dried tofu, diced shiitake mushrooms, carrots, green beans and shrimp until cooked, soak in cold water, drain the water.

3: Put another wok on the induction cooker, pour in the oil, press the frying button, burn the oil until it is six ripe, put in the rice cake slices and fry slightly, fry on both sides until golden brown, set aside.

4: Heat the oil in the pot, add the blanched eight treasure ingredients and sauté until fragrant, pour in the fried rice cake slices and stir-fry evenly, add the seafood sauce, dark soy sauce, white sugar and salt and stir-fry for a while

Recommended food: leek duck blood konjac powder, shrimp cold vermicelli, eight treasure fried rice cake preparation

Leek duck blood konjac powder

Ingredients: duck blood, konjac vermicelli, leeks, bean paste, green onion, ginger and garlic, starch, pepper, oil and salt


1. Bring water to a boil, add a little salt and blanch the duck blood clots.

2. Heat the pan, put the right amount of oil, add the green onion, ginger and garlic and sauté it, sauté it to taste the aroma and add the watercress sauce to sauté.

3. Sauté the red oil and add the appropriate amount of water, cover and simmer for two or three minutes, then fish out the watercress residue inside.

4. Put in the konjac vermicelli, cover and cook for 2 minutes, then add the blanched duck blood clots.

5. Add the right amount of salt and pepper to taste, pour the appropriate amount of water starch over high heat to thicken, add leek segments before coming out of the pot, and change color.

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