
Can white mushrooms still be eaten after opening the umbrella?

author:Yu irrigates white mushrooms

White mushrooms are very popular in the market, it can cook many delicacies, and is deeply loved by consumers. However, the preservation conditions of white mushrooms are more demanding, need to be low temperature preservation, if stored at room temperature, it is easy to open the umbrella, then if the back of the white mushroom umbrella is open, then the white mushroom can still eat?

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The back of the white mushroom opens and appears black, indicating that the white mushroom is old and the taste is not so good. However, it is still edible. White mushrooms are rich in vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C and vitamin P, calcium, iron, phosphorus and other mineral content.

So in order to prevent white mushrooms from opening the umbrella and turning black, how do we save them?

1. Refrigeration: Low temperature can keep mushrooms fresh and of high quality. During storage and transportation, it is most appropriate to maintain a temperature of 0 to 3 degrees Celsius and a relative humidity of 90 to 95 percent.

2, quick freezing: in 30 to 40 minutes, the mushroom from room temperature speed to minus thirty degrees to negative forty degrees, frozen mushroom center humidity should be at minus twenty degrees, and then frozen under negative eighteen degrees, can maintain the original quality and flavor for a long time.

3, brine preservation: after boiling the mushrooms immediately placed in the salt solution salt, after a few days add an appropriate amount of fine salt, continue to maintain the salt solution. After 4 to 6 days, the aliquot, weight and pH are stable and can be sealed and preserved.

4, soak in water: wash the fresh mushrooms, put them in a container, pour water to submerge the mushrooms, such as mushrooms floating on the press can be pressed a heavy object. This method is suitable for short-term storage, and care should be taken not to use iron containers to avoid fresh mushrooms turning black.

5, drizzle acid, when cutting white mushrooms, applying some lemon juice can also preserve white mushrooms.

White mushrooms have a balanced nutrient content and many benefits for the human body, so how to choose mushrooms?

1. Look at the color: nature is good: some unscrupulous merchants in order to make the white mushroom look whiter and more beautiful, the use of whitening agents to wash the white mushroom, such mushrooms although it looks good, but after eating the human body is huge damage. Therefore, when choosing white mushrooms, the first thing to look at is the color, and the color is naturally good.

2. Look at the appearance: complete and non-mutilated white mushrooms, the surface will have a white mushroom protective layer, which can protect the internal mushroom meat from oxidation, and the surface has no scratches and other external force damage, so that white mushrooms can be boldly selected.

3. Smell the smell : a light fragrance : a good white mushroom will have a faint fragrance, this fragrance is not pungent, this is the mushroom meat fragrance unique to the fungus, the smell is pleasant, the appetite is greatly increased.

Can white mushrooms still be eaten after opening the umbrella?

4. Check the grain: natural grain: pay attention to the white mushroom with a particularly smooth surface, if the surface of the white mushroom is particularly smooth, then this may be a bleach washed mushroom, after eating there is damage to the human body, to be cautious to buy.

5. Maturity: Seven or eight mature is good: Why is seven or eight ripe the best? It turns out that after the white mushroom is picked, its interior is actually still growing, if it is not eaten in time or improperly preserved, the white mushroom will "grow legs" and "open the umbrella". So we recommend buying seven or eight ripe mushrooms, so that white mushrooms are more tender and easier to preserve.

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