
Salty and fresh woven snow vegetable meat shredded fried white mushroom, the rice is delicious, make this dish remember to simmer an extra pot of rice

author:Food warms the home

Salty and fresh woven snow vegetable meat shredded fried white mushroom, the rice is delicious, make this dish remember to simmer an extra pot of rice

In recent days, Xiaobian has been looking for a variety of mushrooms for everyone, today just have time, just walked a few more markets, sure enough, kung fu pays off, and finally found a kind of mushroom that Xiaobian has not found before, saying that it was not found, in fact, because the name and appearance of this mushroom is too ordinary, the whole body is white, it is called white mushroom, before Xiaobian has been looking for that kind of less common mushroom, ignoring ordinary mushrooms, this is not considered "black under the lights", since the white mushroom was unveiled by Xiaobian today, Then decide to make a snow vegetable shredded stir-fried white mushroom today.

Salty and fresh woven snow vegetable meat shredded fried white mushroom, the rice is delicious, make this dish remember to simmer an extra pot of rice

White mushroom is a relatively common mushroom, containing a variety of amino acids, vitamins and some other nutrients needed by the human body, often eat white mushrooms can prevent osteoporosis, for elderly friends, than eating meat calcium to prevent osteoporosis healthier, more convenient, and white mushrooms also contain crude fiber and other ingredients, can be laxative detoxification, often eat has certain benefits to the body, so let's come with Xiaobian to understand the detailed practice of this snow dish meat shredded fried white mushroom.

Salty and fresh woven snow vegetable meat shredded fried white mushroom, the rice is delicious, make this dish remember to simmer an extra pot of rice

【Dish name】: Stir-fried white mushroom with shredded snow vegetables

【Required ingredients】: A plate of white mushrooms, a small piece of lean meat, four dried peppers, a moderate amount of green onion, a few cloves of garlic, a small piece of ginger, and a half bag of snow vegetables.

【Cooking process】:

Step 1, first process the white mushroom, cut off the fresh white mushroom stalk root, take a larger basin, pour half a basin of water into the basin, sprinkle a little salt, stir it with your hands, let it become light salt water, put the cut white mushroom into the water to soak for a while, the white mushroom surface has mucus to soak for a while, in order to wash it, after soaking, gently with your hands, or put your hand in the middle of the basin to stir clockwise for half a minute, then stir in the opposite direction, let it stand for a minute, then take it out and rinse it in turn, and the white mushroom will be washed. Cut the washed white mushrooms into thick slices and put them in a clean basin and soak them in water to prevent the white mushrooms from oxidizing and discoloration.

Salty and fresh woven snow vegetable meat shredded fried white mushroom, the rice is delicious, make this dish remember to simmer an extra pot of rice

Step 2, after the white mushrooms are processed, the prepared pork lean meat, cut into thin wires, the knife is not good friends will freeze the meat and then cut it simply, cut it well and put it into a clean bowl, add an appropriate amount of soy sauce and cooking wine, a little pepper, a little starch and cooking oil mixed well and put it aside to marinate for a while.

Salty and fresh woven snow vegetable meat shredded fried white mushroom, the rice is delicious, make this dish remember to simmer an extra pot of rice

Step 3: After the main ingredients are prepared, peel and slice the garlic, peel and chop the ginger, cut the dried pepper into sections, and pass the snow vegetables with cold water to remove the excess salty taste and drain and set aside.

Salty and fresh woven snow vegetable meat shredded fried white mushroom, the rice is delicious, make this dish remember to simmer an extra pot of rice

Step 4: After all the ingredients are prepared, heat the oil, reduce the heat, and put the cut garlic slices and ginger into the pot and stir-fry the aroma.

Salty and fresh woven snow vegetable meat shredded fried white mushroom, the rice is delicious, make this dish remember to simmer an extra pot of rice

Step 5, then add dried chili peppers and stir-fry a few times, if you are afraid of chili peppers stir-fry paste, you can pass the water beforehand.

Salty and fresh woven snow vegetable meat shredded fried white mushroom, the rice is delicious, make this dish remember to simmer an extra pot of rice

Step 6: Pour the marinated shredded meat into the pan, sauté quickly until it changes color, then add the appropriate amount of watercress sauce and stir-fry the red oil.

Salty and fresh woven snow vegetable meat shredded fried white mushroom, the rice is delicious, make this dish remember to simmer an extra pot of rice

Step seven, the white mushrooms soaked in the water are fished out and drained into the pot, stir-fried on high heat, fried until the white mushrooms become soft and fast-cooked, pour the prepared snow vegetables into the pot, stir-fry evenly, add a little salt and chicken powder to season, continue to stir-fry evenly, sprinkle the green onions into the pot, you can turn off the heat out of the pot and plate.

Salty and fresh woven snow vegetable meat shredded fried white mushroom, the rice is delicious, make this dish remember to simmer an extra pot of rice

【Cooking Skills】:

1, snow vegetables have a salty taste, so put salt must pay attention to the appropriate amount, before putting salt can taste the salty light, to determine how much is appropriate.

2, white mushrooms must be cleaned, otherwise it will affect the eating experience.

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