
What should I do if my child has indigestion in autumn and winter? Give your child some tomatoes

author:Dietitian Lan Bingying

Autumn and winter, whether adults or children have the need to paste autumn fat, but many people do not control at once, it is easy to paste more leading to indigestion, especially for children, this situation is more likely to occur, children if there is indigestion, what should be done?

What should I do if my child has indigestion in autumn and winter? Give your child some tomatoes

In fact, it is very simple, give the child to eat some tomatoes on the good ~ tomatoes in the malic acid and citric acid and other organic acids, but also increase the acidity of gastric juice, help digestion, regulate gastrointestinal function. Take 12 grams of hawthorn and 2 tomatoes. Add hawthorn to water and cook for 10 minutes, add tomatoes and sugar and cook for 5 minutes. It can treat children's indigestion and food accumulation.

What should I do if my child has indigestion in autumn and winter? Give your child some tomatoes

And tomatoes are rich in a variety of vitamins and mineral elements, especially vitamin C content, its taste is sweet and sour, can help the baby appetizer and supplement nutrition, provide resistance, so autumn and winter families with children, tomatoes can be arranged on the la ~

What should I do if my child has indigestion in autumn and winter? Give your child some tomatoes


200g of pasta, 3 slices of bacon, 2 tomatoes, 10g of butter, 5g of minced garlic, edible oil to taste, salt to taste


1, Pour water into the pot, add an appropriate amount of cooking oil and salt, add the pasta after the water is boiled, and after cooking, fish out the noodles and set aside

What should I do if my child has indigestion in autumn and winter? Give your child some tomatoes

2: Slice the bacon and fry in a frying pan until browned, remove and set aside

What should I do if my child has indigestion in autumn and winter? Give your child some tomatoes

3: Heat a wok and melt the appropriate amount of butter, pour in the chopped diced tomatoes, boil into tomato sauce and set aside

What should I do if my child has indigestion in autumn and winter? Give your child some tomatoes

4: Stir in the boiled tomato sauce with cooked noodles, add salt to taste, and finally sprinkle with fried bacon and stir well

What should I do if my child has indigestion in autumn and winter? Give your child some tomatoes

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