
A simple home-cooked recipe of braised cucumber strips, cold cucumber meat slices, pickled cucumber strips cold mix cucumber meat slices pickled cucumber

author:Healthy food
A simple home-cooked recipe of braised cucumber strips, cold cucumber meat slices, pickled cucumber strips cold mix cucumber meat slices pickled cucumber


Peanut oil, table salt

Garlic, peppercorns

Dried chili peppers, sugar

1. Wash the cucumber and cut it from the middle, and then cut it into four strips

2. Remove the soft seed part in the middle with a blade

3. Cut into moderately long and short pieces, grasp well with 2g salt and set aside, slice the garlic

4. Dried chili peppers are seeded and chopped into knots and set aside

5. Pour the appropriate amount of oil into the pan, put the peppercorns first, then slowly fry over low heat until the color is dark brown

6. Then sauté the chili peppers on high heat until dark brown, add the pickled cucumbers and garlic slices, and add a little sugar

7. Stir-fry quickly on high heat for about 15 seconds to get out of the pot and let it cool to eat

A simple home-cooked recipe of braised cucumber strips, cold cucumber meat slices, pickled cucumber strips cold mix cucumber meat slices pickled cucumber

Pork tenderloin

Cucumber, egg white

Salt, starch

Garlic juice, cold sauce

Fresh shellfish, sesame oil

1. Preparation of ingredients

2. Peel and slice the cucumber and slice the tenderloin into large pieces

3. Marinate the tenderloin with egg whites and starch and salt

4. Bring a pot of boiling water to a boiling pot and cook the sliced meat

5. Fish out the cooked meat slices and put them in cold water to ice them to maintain a crisp and tender taste

6. After draining the slices, add the cucumber slices and add salt, garlic juice, cold sauce, fresh shellfish and sesame oil

7. Mix well, plate and serve

A simple home-cooked recipe of braised cucumber strips, cold cucumber meat slices, pickled cucumber strips cold mix cucumber meat slices pickled cucumber

Onion, salt

Rock sugar, ginger

Garlic, star anise

Peppercorns, dried peppers

Soy sauce, coriander

Green onion white, water

1. Wash and drain the cucumber, then cut into strips, to ensure that each melon strip has a melon skin

2. Take a large container, add the cut melon strips, add salt and mix well

3. Press a container filled with water on top of the melon strips and marinate in a cool place for about 4 hours

4. Put soy sauce, dried chili peppers, star anise, ginger, garlic, peppercorns, coriander (knotted), white onion, onion, rock sugar and salt into the pot, add water, bring to a boil on high heat, turn to medium-low heat and cook for 10 minutes, then let cool

5. Drain the marinated juice and squeeze out the water in the melon strips

6. Pour the cool sauce into a container with melon strips, then put it into a container that can be sealed, refrigerate and store, soak for 1 hour to eat, and use oil-free and water-free chopsticks to pick it up when eating

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