
Filial piety to his mother and practicing loyalty - He Shi, the first secretary of Longzhu Village in Wangcang County, brought the "post-80s", his heart was steadily shuttled through the mountains and ravines, he was fearless of hardships and difficult problems, he never took a detour to uproot the roots, he racked his brains

author:Sichuan Science and Technology News
Filial piety to his mother and practicing loyalty - He Shi, the first secretary of Longzhu Village in Wangcang County, brought the "post-80s", his heart was steadily shuttled through the mountains and ravines, he was fearless of hardships and difficult problems, he never took a detour to uproot the roots, he racked his brains

Recently, the reporter and his party walked into Longzhu Village, Maying Township, Wangcang County, Guangyuan City, only to see that the clear Yanglao River divides Longzhu Village into two from north to south, and the small Western-style buildings on both sides of the river valley are lined up one after another, the centralized resettlement sites and cultural squares are spacious and bright, the fish ponds and roads are lined with cash crops such as kiwifruit, walnuts, and qianhu, and the once poor and backward Longzhu Village has a new look.

When they arrived at the village, the villagers greeted each other warmly, and their faces were full of happy smiles, and they all sighed: "The gratifying changes in the village are thanks to the first secretary He Shi." What's even more honorable is that he also carries a 'post-80s'! ”

<h1 class="ql-align-justify" > bring "post-80s", he is steadfast</h1>

In 2018, Longzhu Village is facing a very severe task of poverty alleviation, and the whole village must be lifted out of poverty at the end of the year. In order to help Longzhu Village get rid of poverty as scheduled, the Wangcang County Science and Technology Association, a support unit, selected He Shi, who has rural work experience, to serve as the first secretary in the village. Since then, he has once again set out to set foot on the land of the countryside and provoked the burden of poverty alleviation.

Sink to the grassroots level and shoulder the burden. As a party member, I regard my work as "loyalty" and my filial piety to my parents as "filial piety." Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety have been difficult to complete. "To work in the countryside, you must eat and live in the village, and what can the 'post-80s' mother do at home?" He Shi fell into contemplation. After consulting with his wife, who teaches in the countryside, he decided to take his mother to live in the village. However, no matter how the couple did their ideological work, the old mother was still reluctant to follow him to the village for fear of influence. "You don't tell us very often that when we were young, you always took us to the fields when we were working, because you didn't feel comfortable leaving us alone at home. Now that you are old, coupled with your physical illness, I can't come back from the village every day to take care of you and bring you to my side. Listening to He Shi's words, his mother did not insist any longer, and the next morning he followed him to Longzhu Village.

After learning of this incident, He Shi's colleagues and the people in the village praised his filial piety. The poor households were even more touched, saying: "If you don't get rid of poverty as soon as possible, I'm really sorry for their mother and son." ”

Filial piety to his mother and practicing loyalty - He Shi, the first secretary of Longzhu Village in Wangcang County, brought the "post-80s", his heart was steadily shuttled through the mountains and ravines, he was fearless of hardships and difficult problems, he never took a detour to uproot the roots, he racked his brains

<h1 class="ql-align-justify" > through the mountains and ravines, he is fearless and hardworking</h1>

"Old Zhang, I'm feeding the fish again!" Your hands are not convenient, I will help you! "Seeing that poor households need help, He Shi immediately stepped forward to take the handle." Lao Wang, your rapeseed can be harvested, you alone are not enough labor, I will organize a collection team for you. Looking at the yellow and brilliant rapeseed in the field, He Shi immediately called the poor household Wang Chaoyi... Stationed in Longzhu Village, He Shi shuttled through the mountains and ravines every day, tirelessly repeating these pictures.

However, although he brought his mother to the village, her table was always full of instant noodles. Longzhu Village 30 poor households and 117 poor people out of poverty, 16 households relocated to poverty alleviation tasks, 4 production teams of safe drinking water project implementation, 200 acres of vine pepper park construction, 700 square meters of cattle farm construction, "1 + 6" party and mass public service center construction, centralized resettlement site construction, 2 km of household road hardening, regular household visits to publicize the policy, the creation of four good villages, farmers' night school teaching, village party branch party building work... The tedious work did not allow He Shi more time to take care of his mother, let alone cook sweet and delicious dishes for her every day.

Day after day, He Applied measured the barren land of Longzhu Village, and never stopped.

<h1 class="ql-align-justify" > the hardest question, and he never takes a detour</h1>

Just arrived at Longzhu Village, He Shi encountered a "hard bone". Yang Yonghai, a poor household in Longzhu Village, is old and infirm, and his children and grandchildren are not around, because of the lack of labor, the family's several acres of land are particularly difficult to plant. And for various reasons, the old couple is particularly resistant to Murakami's work. In order to let the old couple not be left behind on the road to poverty alleviation, He Shi took pains to insist on visiting him every week, pulling family routines with him, understanding family difficulties, and at the same time carrying out gratitude education to help solve various problems. He Shi introduced that when the TV sets in the old two families were aging, they actively coordinated with them to replace them with a new TV set; when the house was dilapidated and uninhabitable, they coordinated the relocation; during the sowing season, the organization personnel suddenly sowed seeds; when the harvest was rushed, the organization personnel helped to grab the harvest... Now, as soon as he saw He Shi's figure, the old couple would greet him warmly and take the initiative to invite him to sit at home.

Today, under the guidance of He Shi, Yang Yonghai's two old families have raised a pig in addition to farming, plus the income of micro-gardens such as qianhu and walnuts, and have been lifted out of poverty in advance. In this regard, colleagues praised: "He Shi is really a master of solving 'old and difficult'!" "It is not enough to talk about policies in the work of poor households, but also to think about problems from their standpoint, treat them as relatives, talk to each other more, care about their well-being, and help them solve practical problems." At the same time, we must resolutely establish the concept that 'the masses have no small matters,' put every matter of the masses in the first place, and grasp it as a major matter, so that any 'old and difficult' problems can be solved. He Shi said happily.

In the work, in the face of heavy help and support tasks, He Shi did not take a detour in case of trouble, dared to gnaw on the "hard bones", and achieved full coverage of monthly visits to poor households and quarterly visits to non-poor households. Today, he knows the situation of each poor family, and the poor households praise him. In July this year, He Shi was commended by the Party Committee and Government of Maying Township as "Outstanding First Secretary of 2018".

<h1 class="ql-align-justify" > he racked his brains to pull out the roots</h1>

He Shi knew very well that in order to uproot the roots of poverty, he must devote himself to embroidery. "If you only consider short-term poverty alleviation is not difficult, to plan a strong industry, you really need to rack your brains." He Shi said. In the village, he was busy walking from village to village during the day, and at night, he worked hard to formulate poverty alleviation measures, planned the direction of industrial development, and actively sought a doorway for villagers to get rid of poverty and get rich.

Zhang Dengjin, a poor household in Longzhu Village's Three Societies, is the last "poor root" in the village. Losing his left hand due to a car accident, Zhang Dengjin's thinking has always been relatively negative, and every time he visits He Shi, he actively enlightens him and meditates on planning an industry for him. Because Zhang Dengjin's family has less land, in order to turn the inch of land into gold, a blueprint is gradually clear under The planning of He Shi: the development of the kiwi orchard economy of 2 mu, the expected annual income is about 5,000 yuan; the planting of "Wang Nucleus No. 1" walnut tree is 1.5 mu, the estimated annual income is about 3,000 yuan; the fish farming is 2.5 mu, the expected annual income is about 4,000 yuan; the annual income is 100 chickens, and the annual income is expected to be about 8,000 yuan. In addition, to assist his wife to go out to work, the annual income is expected to be about 18,000 yuan...

"When I told Zhang Dengjin about my development ideas, I thought he would be happy with his eyebrows, but Lao Zhang's brows were locked, and he couldn't be happy." He Shi introduced. Originally, Zhang Dengjin basically exhausted his family's savings due to medical treatment, and now he has no money to develop the industry except to maintain a basic life. After learning the situation, He Shi purchased 15 kilograms of fish fry from his own pocket, purchased 50 chicken fry through the help force, and contacted experts to guide him in kiwifruit and walnut management and protection techniques... It wasn't until he saw the fruits hanging from the branches and the jubilant fish in the fish pond that Zhang Dengjin's smile bloomed again, and the stone in He Shi's heart also fell to the ground.

"I am proud to be able to return to the countryside once again to engage in grassroots work and do practical things for the people." He Shi said that in the future, he will overcome various difficulties and continue to lead the villagers to build a multi-product pattern of "the middle reaches of the fish pond, the wild release of livestock and poultry, the planting of vines and peppers in the field, and the front of the fruit tree court", and resolutely win the battle against poverty. (Yang Xikun, reporter of this newspaper, Liao Mei)

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