
Xin Fu is alive. Love. Work hard

author:If the heart is in love, it is at 0h9A

In the busy life, we often have such a feeling: want to put everything down, but in the end because they are too idle and flustered; wronged and no one to tell, hope that there is a person around to care about themselves; the days seem to be the same, no passion, desire for happiness, but very confused...

Someone said, "Happiness has three indispensable factors, one is to have something to do, the second is to be loved, and the third is to have hope." Indeed, the best state of life for a person is nothing more than having something to do, someone to love, and something to look forward to.


Friend Dahua shouted for a long time to resign, always complaining that the work was too busy, but also to see the boss's face. I didn't expect to quit my job and idle, at first he was relaxed, saying that he could finally sleep, touch the fishing rod, and play cards. But within a few days, he felt groggy and uninterested in anything.

He laughed bitterly and said that he was muddy and bored every day. He began to panic, feeling that the whole world was moving forward, and only he was spending time in the same place. Later, he applied for a sales position, although the current salary is not high, but he feels very fulfilling, said that finally something has been done, do not have to fidget at home, busy life will have a head.

I once saw a question: "What is it like to have nothing to do?" There is an answer that is very heartfelt: "There is no desire to sleep, no vision of waking up, it is like being abandoned by the world." "Doing something in a hurry is actually a love of life. Once people are busy, they are not so confused. Sleep when you are sleepy, wake up and continue to move forward, as long as you don't slacken off, the days will run.


Aunt Chen across from our house is always radiant, and everyone envies her relationship with Uncle Li. Once, there was a ballroom dance competition in their community, and at first Uncle Li did not let her participate, saying that he was upset when he saw her dance partners, and he was sullen about it.

Unexpectedly, after two days, Uncle Li actually took a leave of absence from the unit and said that he wanted to give Aunt Chen a sparring partner. As a result, Uncle Li, whose limbs were uncoordinated, really trained himself out of the teacher and became Aunt Chen's dance partner. Aunt Chen smiled and complained that her wife was careful with her eyes, and showed me her new mobile phone: "You see, this is your uncle just changed, he said that this feature is very powerful, and said that girls like pink." During the conversation, Aunt Chen was so shy that she was like a little girl.

There is a saying: "The best blessing in life is to be sure that someone loves you." "Being loved by someone, you can do what you like." The greatest happiness in life is to shine because of being loved.

Red face is easy to grow old, only love can resist the wind and frost, against the long years. No matter how old we are, love makes us treasures in the palm of each other's hands.


A netizen shared his experience. Some time ago, he broke up with his girlfriend, he resigned, and his mother was hospitalized for a heart attack, which was life-threatening at any time. He fantasized about many kinds of good futures, but looking at the real life, he only felt helpless.

After a few days of torture, he suddenly understood that since he did not know what the future would be, he should live the present well. He rethinked and planned his life, cleaned up, bought a pot of ivy, and tried to cook a few dishes that his mother liked to eat. Work out for a while every day, learn programming, send out resumes for job searches. The days are not hurried, life is orderly, and everything is gradually developing in a good direction.

There are many nodes in life, today is the beginning of every day in the future, and every step of the present will be ashamed. Even the most simple life, for the sake of that expectation of the future, toss, will be lively. Expect something, everything is lovely.

What is the best life? But it is to do what you want to do, have someone who loves you, and live the life you want. Life does not stop, there is something to do, we feel at ease, can experience the steaming of life; someone loves, it can always heal the desolation of the heart, make themselves gentle and strong; no matter how difficult, there are expectations, they inject themselves with lasting combat effectiveness, can make the future shine.

What is happiness? It's just living, loving, working hard. The rest of your life is long, don't panic, use your heart to experience happiness, create happiness, and you will always smile.

If you like it, pay attention to it, the next issue is more exciting.