
Zhang Guotao's guard Zhang Hai: The guard who was praised by Mao Zedong and later became the deputy commander of the "hero of the expansion of red" Zhang Hai picked up the life and remained optimistic in the predicament and could not leave

author:Hole A C

There was a man in China's modern history who rejected Zhang Guotao's request and adhered to his principles, which Mao Zedong highly praised.

This person was Zhang Hai, the later deputy commander of Hubei.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > "Expanding Red Hero" Zhang Hai</h1>

Zhang Hai was born in southern Sichuan at the beginning of the last century, his father died early, and his mother lived strong with two children.

When Zhang Hai was born, China was in the midst of internal and external troubles, new things and old things coexisted, on the one hand, Yuan Shikai's government was subjected to the humiliating "Twenty-One Articles", on the other hand, Chen Duxiu founded "New Youth" in Shanghai.

But all this seems to have nothing to do with the ordinary people living at the bottom, the vast number of ordinary people living in poverty, this is the dark time in China, but also the time when China is the poorest and backward.

It is conceivable that Zhang Hai was born in a poor family, in order to maintain his family life, he had to work as a helper for others from an early age, and suffered a lot at a young age.

In 1933, a turning point in Zhang Hai's fate, Zhang Hai met the "Expanding Red" team on the road.

Zhang Guotao's guard Zhang Hai: The guard who was praised by Mao Zedong and later became the deputy commander of the "hero of the expansion of red" Zhang Hai picked up the life and remained optimistic in the predicament and could not leave

"Expanding the red" means that the Red Army wants to expand its influence and recruit many new recruits to replenish the troops and prevent the vacancy of troops.

Zhang Hai was attracted by these people on the road who had never met before, he heard these people preaching some revolutionary principles, although some of the words he still could not understand, but he thought for a long time, and finally decided to join the army.

Therefore, he secretly asked his cousin Fu lin of the same age to secretly join the army, and in this way, Zhang Hai joined the Ninth Army of the Fourth Front of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, and his cousin was assigned to another unit, and Zhang Hai never heard from him again.

Zhang Guotao's guard Zhang Hai: The guard who was praised by Mao Zedong and later became the deputy commander of the "hero of the expansion of red" Zhang Hai picked up the life and remained optimistic in the predicament and could not leave

18-year-old Zhang Hai fanggang, as the saying goes: "Maxima often has, and Bole is not often there", Zhang Hai is very lucky, he got the appreciation of the "expansion of red" leaders, sent to do the work of expanding red.

The leader can look at him is not inexplicable, because Zhang Hai was a child to herd cattle for others, Zhang Hai still has a little desire for knowledge, so he often leads the cattle to the window of the private school to listen to Mr. Lecture, although no one teaches, but also memorized many ancient texts, know some words, and the Red Army team at that time was uneven, just need someone like Zhang Hai.

Zhang Haiqinjia memorized it, and soon remembered his most convinced Red Army propaganda, and soon he walked on the field, calling on young peasants to join the army in order to turn over and own their own land.

Zhang Guotao's guard Zhang Hai: The guard who was praised by Mao Zedong and later became the deputy commander of the "hero of the expansion of red" Zhang Hai picked up the life and remained optimistic in the predicament and could not leave

Zhang Hai led NongQing to the homes of the big local tycoons who hoarded goods and lived in Qi to open warehouses and release grain, scatter money, and spread the news of the agrarian revolution of "fighting the local tycoons and dividing up the land" among the hungry and impatient people around them.

Many people know Zhang Hai's contribution, so Zhang Hai got the title of "Hero of Expanding Red".

Zhang Hai, who did not have much vocabulary, did not know what this meant, and was curious to ask others.

After the cadres explained it to him, he understood what it meant, and it took some time to understand the feelings of heroism and military honor.

Zhang Guotao's guard Zhang Hai: The guard who was praised by Mao Zedong and later became the deputy commander of the "hero of the expansion of red" Zhang Hai picked up the life and remained optimistic in the predicament and could not leave

In the era in which Zhang Hai lived, the ideals propagated by the Red Army were to fight for the liberation and interests of the poor, and then for the liberation and interests of the world proletariat.

Zhang Hai had such a strong belief that he was extremely heroic in battle and became a member of the 81st Regiment, an elite vanguard of the Red Fourth Front.

In April 1936, Zhang Hai joined the Communist Party of China as he wished.

Zhang Guotao's guard Zhang Hai: The guard who was praised by Mao Zedong and later became the deputy commander of the "hero of the expansion of red" Zhang Hai picked up the life and remained optimistic in the predicament and could not leave

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the life that was picked up</h1>

Although Zhang Hai had decided to dedicate his entire life to the Communists, he fought bravely and bravely, often charging forward on the battlefield and bravely moving forward, but in an anti-encirclement and suppression campaign, he still encountered an accident.

In an anti-encirclement and suppression battle, the enemy's gunfire was extremely fierce, Zhang Hai did not have any fear in his heart, he often said: "Bullets can't hit the most ferocious people", still like any usual war, rushing to the forefront.

At this time, an accident occurred, the enemy bomb blew down Zhang Hai, and he had completely lost consciousness at this time.

Zhang Guotao's guard Zhang Hai: The guard who was praised by Mao Zedong and later became the deputy commander of the "hero of the expansion of red" Zhang Hai picked up the life and remained optimistic in the predicament and could not leave

Facing his teammates shouting more eagerly than ever, he knew nothing.

At that time, the team was going to be transferred immediately, the commander had already issued an order to leave immediately, Zhang Hai was still in a coma at this time, and the instructor saw Zhang Hai lying in a pool of blood, and it seemed that there was no possibility of survival.

In order to be responsible for the lives of the other warriors, the instructor immediately ordered that Zhang Hai be abandoned, and the time was pressing, and he must leave immediately!

However, the comrades-in-arms around Zhang Hai insisted on not giving up, they and Zhang Hai got along day and night, already had a deep feeling, several comrades insisted on sending Zhang Hai to the field hospital for rescue, even if there was only one breath, they also had to save Zhang Hai.

Zhang Guotao's guard Zhang Hai: The guard who was praised by Mao Zedong and later became the deputy commander of the "hero of the expansion of red" Zhang Hai picked up the life and remained optimistic in the predicament and could not leave

Although Zhang Hai was still lying on the ground, he could hear some conversations in a confused way, and he was carried by his comrades-in-arms and sent to the hospital.

By the time Zhang Hai was fully awake, it was many days later.

The paramedics told him that on the day he was sent, several of his comrades immediately turned around and returned to the team, but shortly after they left the hospital, a shell fell, killing them all, and the accident always came suddenly.

Zhang Guotao's guard Zhang Hai: The guard who was praised by Mao Zedong and later became the deputy commander of the "hero of the expansion of red" Zhang Hai picked up the life and remained optimistic in the predicament and could not leave

They all died, and in order to save Zhang Hai, the same young life disappeared.

Zhang Hai was grief-stricken, he knew that these comrades died because of him, and he knew that his second life was given by his comrades.

Zhang Hai's revolutionary pride in his heart was even firmer, and he wanted to accomplish what his comrades-in-arms had not done, that is, to follow the Communist Party and fight for unity and leadership of the masses of the people, so even after a long time, no matter what happened, he did not give up his faith.

Zhang Guotao's guard Zhang Hai: The guard who was praised by Mao Zedong and later became the deputy commander of the "hero of the expansion of red" Zhang Hai picked up the life and remained optimistic in the predicament and could not leave

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > remain optimistic amid the difficulties</h1>

Although Zhang Hai carries a lot of burdens, he still maintains a positive and optimistic attitude towards life.

In 1935, when the Red Army crossed the meadow, Zhang Hai served as the leader of the propaganda team and led a team, including propaganda and encouragement, as well as urging some of the fallen personnel to continue to rush back to the army, as well as the most basic marching support of the army.

Because Commander-in-Chief Zhu De was very approachable, Zhang Hai liked him very much, so on the way to the march, he often went to his side to join in the fun and listened to him sing folk songs.

After going back, teach the people in the team to sing to pass the time, mobilize everyone's emotions, and make the atmosphere less dull.

Zhang Hai is actually not more spiritual than others, but in order for more people to survive, he always tries to mobilize the emotions of others, and with spirit, more people can survive.

In this Long March, there were only five or six short days, but the Red Army was very difficult to cross the grassland, the Red Army not only had no food to eat, but also had very difficult to move, under the water and grass of the steppe, thousands of Red Army corpses were left, and many of the Red Army were starved to death, enough to see the danger of the environment of the Long March.

Despite this, the "Zhang Hai" still maintains an optimistic and positive spirit, with lofty beliefs and ideals, not afraid of difficulties, and bravely moving forward.

Zhang Guotao's guard Zhang Hai: The guard who was praised by Mao Zedong and later became the deputy commander of the "hero of the expansion of red" Zhang Hai picked up the life and remained optimistic in the predicament and could not leave

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > guards who cannot be taken away</h1>

In 1937, Zhang Hai came to Zhang Guotao's side and became Zhang Guotao's personal guard.

But in 1938, Zhang Guotao wrote a letter to Zhang Hai, wanting to take Zhang Hai with him.

After Zhang Hai learned of this matter, he made a decision without thinking, and immediately ran to Zhou En: "I am a Communist Party member, am he not revolutionary and I am not revolutionary?"

In this way, Zhang Hai returned to the "eight and a half" and continued to work for the party.

After Mao Zedong learned of this incident, he highly praised Zhang Hai and spoke highly of Zhang Hai, believing that he had a firm stand, and Zhang Hai was affirmed and praised by the Party Central Committee.

Zhang Guotao's guard Zhang Hai: The guard who was praised by Mao Zedong and later became the deputy commander of the "hero of the expansion of red" Zhang Hai picked up the life and remained optimistic in the predicament and could not leave

After this, Zhang Hai won the trust of the Party Central Committee, and Zhang Hai did not live up to the party's trust and actively contributed to the party.

Later, during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Zhang Hai participated in the Yan'an Defense War and the battle to prevent the Japanese from crossing the Yellow River, contributing to the consolidation of the anti-Japanese base areas of the Communist Party.

During the Liberation War, Zhang Hai was ordered to serve as an operational staff officer of the headquarters of the Songjiang Military Region in northeast China, participated in the suppression of bandits in northeast Kazakhstan, and completed his tasks brilliantly. In 1946, he was sent to the northeast to participate in the "four wars and four peaces" battle, and because of his excellent performance, he was praised by the Yoshihei Military Region.

After the founding of New China, Zhang Hai continued to work for the party, and although he was no longer as young as when he first joined the Communist Party, he threw himself into his work with high revolutionary enthusiasm.

Zhang Hai was assigned to work at the Central South Military and Political University, the Wuhan Military Region, and the Hubei Provincial Military Region; after the founding of New China, Zhang Hai did not go to the battlefield anymore, and he was assigned to positions such as management and consultants, and continued to shine in his posts.

He actively participated in the work, and also received great recognition from the Party Central Committee, and was promoted all the way from the captain of the brigade to the deputy commander of the Hubei Provincial Military Region. He has received many meritorious awards and won the Order of August 1 of the Third Class, the Order of Independence and Freedom of the Second Class, and the Liberation Medal of the Third Class.

On September 9, 2006, Zhang Hai died in Wuhan at the age of 91.

Zhang Guotao's guard Zhang Hai: The guard who was praised by Mao Zedong and later became the deputy commander of the "hero of the expansion of red" Zhang Hai picked up the life and remained optimistic in the predicament and could not leave

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > summary</h1>

Zhang Hai's life was unfortunate in his early years, but he still did not give up his desire for knowledge, grasped all learning, and actively participated in new things.

For Zhang Hai, the Communist Party is his second home, he has been appreciated by the leadership, when his life is in danger, it is his comrades-in-arms who give him another life, he also gave these backs to the comrades who crossed the grass together, he refused to be with Zhang Guotao with his inner principles, and won a lot of trust in the party.

Despite this, he kept his heart in his later work and completed his work diligently.

Zhang Hai's experience seems incredible to many people, from a guard to a deputy commander, but after we explored his story, we realized that this was what he deserved. No one can have it all for no reason!

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