
In winter, the lettuce stir-fried shredded meat is tender and crisp and nutritious, and the whole family likes it

author:Love to talk about life

In winter, the lettuce stir-fried shredded meat is tender and crisp and nutritious, and the whole family likes it.

In winter, the lettuce stir-fried shredded meat is tender and crisp and nutritious, and the whole family likes it

Entering the cold winter of the number nine, the temperature is getting lower and lower, a heavy snow in the past few days, but also let the temperature suddenly fall below the freezing point, people have closed the doors and windows, in the warm indoor cold, so that although people feel very comfortable, but staying at home for a long time is also inappropriate, digestive tract problems. It is recommended that you fry a plate of stir-fried shredded lettuce, enjoy a delicious lunch, savor the delicious food on the plate, and occasionally glance at the snow outside the window, so beautiful.

In winter, the lettuce stir-fried shredded meat is tender and crisp and nutritious, and the whole family likes it

Lettuce skin white green, crisp and tender meat, it is rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as a lot of plant fiber, regular food for the human body has a great help. Lettuce is a vegetable that we often eat, which can only be eaten in the spring and autumn in the past, but now with advanced technology, it can be eaten all year round. Lettuce can be eaten raw, can also be cold mixed, can also be fried, if you can't eat it, you can also pickle and dry, very delicious.

In winter, the lettuce stir-fried shredded meat is tender and crisp and nutritious, and the whole family likes it

Today I use lettuce and black fungus to fry shredded meat together to eat, black fungus is also a very high iron content of food, but also to remove gastrointestinal garbage, often eat on the human body has great benefits, share with everyone.

In winter, the lettuce stir-fried shredded meat is tender and crisp and nutritious, and the whole family likes it

Dish name:【Stir-fried shredded lettuce】

Main ingredients: 1 lettuce, 1 handful of black fungus, half a bowl of shredded meat.

Seasoning: 2 spoonfuls of cooking oil, 1 spoonful of salt, 2 chives, 2 slices of ginger, 2 spoons of cooking wine.

Duration: About 12 minutes.

【Operation steps】

The first step is to prepare before frying, a handful of black fungus is soaked in warm water, then the roots are removed and washed several times. Wash and shred the pork, add a little salt and marinate. Peel and shred the lettuce, not too finely cut, put on a plate and set aside. Cut the green onion and ginger and set aside.

In winter, the lettuce stir-fried shredded meat is tender and crisp and nutritious, and the whole family likes it

The second step is to blanch the water, boil the water in a pot, pour in the black fungus blanch the water for 2 minutes, and then fish out the cool water. The lettuce is also poured into the pot and blanched. This step should not be saved, and the black fungus after boiling water will not fry the pan.

In winter, the lettuce stir-fried shredded meat is tender and crisp and nutritious, and the whole family likes it

Step 3 Stir-frying, add 2 spoons of cooking oil to the pot, pour the oil into the shredded meat and stir-fry, fry until the shredded meat changes color, add green onion, ginger slices and stir-fry out the aroma, and then pour in 2 spoons of cooking wine to stir-fry.

In winter, the lettuce stir-fried shredded meat is tender and crisp and nutritious, and the whole family likes it

Step 4 Add the lettuce black fungus, then pour in the black fungus and stir-fry evenly, then add the lettuce and stir-fry, then pour half a bowl of boiling water along the edge of the pot and bring to a boil over high heat.

In winter, the lettuce stir-fried shredded meat is tender and crisp and nutritious, and the whole family likes it

Step 5 Out of the pot, because the ingredients are blanched, so after boiling, you can add 1 spoonful of salt to taste, and then stir-fry evenly to turn off the heat and get out of the pot. The lettuce fried in this way is crisp and tender, and the black fungus is soft and sticky.

In winter, the lettuce stir-fried shredded meat is tender and crisp and nutritious, and the whole family likes it

Step 6 Finished picture, winter, shredded meat and them are a perfect match, fried a plate of delicious to drooling, soft and crispy tender and young.

In winter, the lettuce stir-fried shredded meat is tender and crisp and nutritious, and the whole family likes it

#Food Review Panel ##吃在中国 #

---- "Warm Tips" ----

1 People with eye diseases, weak spleen and stomach are best not to eat lettuce, and women with menstrual periods or dysmenorrhea should not eat cold mixed lettuce, you can fry.

2 People who are allergic to lettuce should not be eaten, lettuce is an allergen, and people with allergies eat too much, which will cause skin redness, indigestion, dizziness and nausea.

3 Lettuce is rich in potassium and low in sodium, and is suitable for patients with high blood pressure and heart disease, which helps to reduce blood pressure. In addition, it is also beneficial for patients with nephritis and edema.

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