
The 3 sons were all sent to Stanford University, and Chen Meiling's educational secrets are worth learning from her parents

author:Parenting is A
{"info":{"title":{"content":"3个儿子都送进斯坦福大学,陈美玲的教育秘诀,值得父母学习","en":"The 3 sons were all sent to Stanford University, and Chen Meiling's educational secrets are worth learning from her parents"},"description":{"content":"前几天我在刷视频的时候,看到了陈美玲育儿经验的一个采访,陈美玲本人是斯坦福大学的博士,在20世纪70年代她是著名的歌星,...","en":"When I was brushing the video the other day, I saw an interview with Chen Meiling's parenting experience, Chen Meiling herself was a Doctor of Stanford University, and she was a famous singer in the 1970s,..."}},"items":[]}

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