
A major general of Eastern Wu, Liu Bei, defeated Cao Pi, but was smeared by the Romance of the Three Kingdoms

author:Sentimental history

Zhu Ran (182–249), whose original name was Shi Ran (施然), was a native of Danyang (present-day Anji, Zhejiang). During the Three Kingdoms period, a famous general of the State of Wu, zhu Zhide,000 nephews of the Marquis of Biling. For Zhu Ran, a famous general, he made great achievements in the Three Kingdoms period at the end of the Han Dynasty, that is, he had very wonderful deeds. However, under Luo Guanzhong's pen, Zhu Ran became the background board of Zhao Yun, a famous general.

In Luo Guanzhong's Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Lü Meng crossed the river in white to take Jingzhou, and Zhu Ran assisted Pan Zhang in capturing Guan Yu. In the first year of Huang Wu, Liu Bei's army attacked Eastern Wu, and Zhu Ran and Sun Huan resisted Liu Bei's army. Later, he participated in the Battle of Yiling, pursued Liu Bei, and was stabbed to death by Zhao Yun, who came to meet him. Therefore, it is very obvious that because of the smear of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, we think that Zhu Ran is just an ordinary military general, and even a nameless person. After all, in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, there were too many martial generals who were eliminated by Zhao Yun.

A major general of Eastern Wu, Liu Bei, defeated Cao Pi, but was smeared by the Romance of the Three Kingdoms

However, in fact, in the canonical history such as the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Zhu Ran's achievements and abilities as a military general were not at all inferior to Zhao Yun.'s. For example, Chen Shou, the author of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", once commented: Zhu Ran and Zhu Huan are known for their bravery. And Lü Meng said: Zhu Ran has more than enough courage and foolishness to think that he can do it. All these are affirmations and praises to Zhu Ran. Below, let's take a look at Zhu Ran in the main history.


First of all, Zhu Ran's original name was Shi Ran. In the first year of Xingping (194), when Zhu Zhi had no heirs, he asked Sun Ce to make Shi Ran (then thirteen years old), the son of Zhu Zhi's sister, an heir. Under Sun Ce's arrangement, Shi Ran changed his surname to Zhu. In the fifth year of Jian'an (200), Zhu Ran once studied with Sun Quan, and his friendship was quite deep. Sun Quan succeeded Sun Ce in commanding Jiangdong and appointed Zhu Ran as the county commander of Yuyao. In the twenty-second year of Jian'an (217), Cao Cao sent troops to Shukou, and Zhu Ran prepared troops at Dawu and Sanguan tun and was worshipped as a partial general. In the Three Kingdoms period at the end of the Han Dynasty, the partial general can be said to be the threshold of the military general, such as Guan Yu, Zhang Liao and other famous generals, who once held the official position of partial general.

A major general of Eastern Wu, Liu Bei, defeated Cao Pi, but was smeared by the Romance of the Three Kingdoms

In August of the twenty-fourth year of Jian'an (219), in the Battle of Xiangfan, Guan Yu captured tens of thousands of yu ban troops. Therefore, Guan Yu took Xiangguan rice without grain. That is to say, because of the sudden increase of tens of thousands of troops, Guan Yu's grain and grass supply was relatively tight, so he took away the grain and grass of Eastern Wu without authorization. And this naturally gave Sun Quan a reason to sneak up on Jingzhou. In this context, Sun Quan sent Zhu Ran to follow Lü Meng in his crusade against Guan Yu. Zhu Ran and Pan Zhang intercept Guan Yu at Linfeng, capturing Guan Yu, Guan Ping, and Zhao Lei. General Qian Zhaowu,Marquis of Xi'an Township. After Lü Meng's death, Sun Quan pretended to be Zhu Ran with a rune and guarded Jiangling. For Lü Meng, Zhu Ran was recommended to Sun Quan on his deathbed. Although we often say that Lu Xun succeeded Lü Meng, in fact, after Lü Meng's death, Zhu Ran took on the heavy responsibility of guarding Jingzhou. At that time, Jingzhou not only had the problem of pacifying the forces under guan yu' command, but also needed to guard against the attacks of Shu Han and Cao Wei, that is, this was a difficult task.

A major general of Eastern Wu, Liu Bei, defeated Cao Pi, but was smeared by the Romance of the Three Kingdoms


In the first year of Huang Wu's reign (222), Liu Bei went on an eastern expedition and attacked Yidu, Zhu Ran led 5,000 men and Lu Xun to fight against Liu Bei, and together with Lu Xun and Han Dang broke Liu Bei in Zhuoxiang, Zhu Ran attacked Liu Bei's forwards and cut off Liu Bei's back road, so Liu Bei was defeated and returned to the White Emperor. General Bai Zhengbei and Marquis of Yong'an. For the famous Battle of Yiling during the Three Kingdoms period, let us remember Lu Xun, a famous general. However, as far as Zhu Ran was concerned, he also made great contributions in the Battle of Yiling and became an important help for Lu Xun to break Liu Bei. After the Battle of Yiling, Zhu Ran did not swell, but reminded Sun Quan that he needed to beware of Cao Pi. In Zhu Ran's view, Cao Pi's constant mobilization of soldiers and horses, ostensibly to help us fight against Liu Bei, was actually treacherous, and we should carefully decide on a plan and summon the army. Not long after, the Wei army did indeed attack, and Eastern Wu ushered in an even more difficult test.

A major general of Eastern Wu, Liu Bei, defeated Cao Pi, but was smeared by the Romance of the Three Kingdoms

In the second year of Huang Wu (223), the State of Wei sent Cao Zhen, Xiahou Shang, Zhang Guo, and other generals to attack Jiangling, and several military camps were built to besiege the city, and Cao Pi even personally stationed at Wancheng to help him. Sun Quan sent Sun Sheng to lead 10,000 people to the state to defend and establish a garrison as Zhu Ran's external rescue force. In this battle, although Zhu Ran was heavily surrounded, he was at an absolute disadvantage in terms of troop strength. However, Zhu Ran still succeeded in defending Jiangling, where soldiers had to fight, and Xiahou Shang and others failed to conquer Jiangling, so they withdrew their siege troops and retreated. Zhu Ran's reputation for this shocked Cao Wei, that is, Zhu Ran successfully repelled the large army sent by Cao Pi, and was renamed the Marquis of Dangyang.


In the sixth year of Huang Wu (227), Sun Quan sent Zhu Ran and other generals to lead 20,000 people to besiege Jiangxia County, repelling Hu Qian. In the same year, Sun Quan personally led an army to attack Shiyang, and when he retreated, Pan Zhang broke off. At night, the army was confused, and the enemy pursued Pan Zhang, who could not resist. Zhu Ran immediately returned to help Pan Zhang resist the enemy, causing the former warships to retreat far enough, and then lead the army to retreat. Although in this battle, the Eastern Wu army achieved almost nothing, and even lost soldiers. However, a year later at the Battle of Shiting, Eastern Wu achieved another major victory. In the seventh year of Huang Wu (228), Cao Xiu raised an army into Anhui, and Zhu Ran was upstream, pinning cao Xiu's rear, echoing Lu Xun's army, and Lu Xun was able to break Cao Xiu. In the view of many historians, the victory of this battle directly laid the foundation for Sun Quan to become emperor.

A major general of Eastern Wu, Liu Bei, defeated Cao Pi, but was smeared by the Romance of the Three Kingdoms

In 229 AD, Sun Quan officially ascended the throne as emperor, which meant that the monarchs of the three kingdoms of Wei Shu and Wu were all called emperors. When Sun Quan became emperor, he naturally rewarded the civilian generals who had followed him for many years. Among them, Zhu Ran was worshipped as a che riding general, a right protector, and led the Yanzhou Pastor. In the Three Kingdoms period at the end of the Han Dynasty, the Cheqi general was second only to the Great Sima (大司馬), the Great General (大將軍), and the Hun Cavalry General (骠骑軍), and was already a military general who had entered the peak. For example, when Liu Bei established the Shu Han Dynasty, he appointed Zhang Fei as a che riding general. In the fourth year of Chiwu (241), Zhu Ran and Sun Lun led 50,000 soldiers to besiege Fancheng, and Zhu Ran used Zhu Yi's strategy to attack the outskirts of Fancheng. Later, Sima Yi led an army to resist, and Zhu Ran finally retreated.


Finally, in the tenth year of Chiwu (247), Zhuge Jin and Bu Qi had both died, and although Zhuge Rong and Bu Xie had inherited their father's positions respectively, Sun Quan still appointed Zhu Ran as the governor. At this time, Lu Xun had also died, and the meritorious general was still alive and only Zhu Ran was left, so the treatment was extremely solemn. However, Zhu Ran began to sleep this year. In the twelfth year of Chiwu (249), Zhu Ran's illness became more and more serious, Sun Quan reduced his diet during the day, and insomnia at night, and the emissaries sent to zhu Ran with medicine and food looked at each other (the emissaries sent later could see the previous emissaries). In this regard, in the author's opinion, before Zhu Ran, When Lü Meng, a famous general, was seriously ill, he also had similar treatment.

A major general of Eastern Wu, Liu Bei, defeated Cao Pi, but was smeared by the Romance of the Three Kingdoms

For famous generals in ancient history, such treatment is undoubtedly an important embodiment of their own ability and status, that is, they can be called the pillars of the country. In March of the twelfth year of Chiwu (249), Zhu Ran died of illness at the age of sixty-eight. Sun Quan su served and mourned. Sons and daughters. In general, in the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the Eastern Wu general Zhu Ran is a character who "fights soy sauce", and in the Battle of Yiling, he leads his army to pursue Liu Bei, only to be stabbed to death by Zhao Yun, who rushed to meet him. In fact, the historical Zhu Ran was very powerful, a neglected Eastern Wu general, he once participated in the battle to capture Guan Yu, and later defeated the four famous generals of Cao Wei, which shocked the world, and was completely comparable to the Five Tiger Generals of shu Han and the Five Sons of Cao Wei.

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