
The "hero village" in the gansu mountain marathon rescue: more than 30 runners were rescued here, and the shepherds who saved 6 people also crossed the Gobi Desert 30 kilometers in it Zhu Keming alone saved 6 young men all on the mountain and cold and slippery village committee into a restaurant More than 30 people were rescued

author:Jinyun Fengsheng

For two days, The Changsheng Village of Zhongquan Township, Zhongquan County, Baiyin City, has been bustling, with dozens of outsiders coming one after another every day, some of them coming to thank the benefactors, some of them to explore its appearance, and the small village by the Yellow River is so lively for the first time in more than 20 years.

On May 22, the Yellow River Stone Forest Mountain Marathon encountered extreme weather, many runners were in distress, and the villagers of Changsheng Village participated in the rescue, opening a 24-hour "life channel" for the participants.

The "hero village" in the gansu mountain marathon rescue: more than 30 runners were rescued here, and the shepherds who saved 6 people also crossed the Gobi Desert 30 kilometers in it Zhu Keming alone saved 6 young men all on the mountain and cold and slippery village committee into a restaurant More than 30 people were rescued

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="119" > across the 30 km Gobi Desert</h1>

The reporter and driver Xu Gang (pseudonym) asked for a car to go to Changsheng Village, but xu Gang took his wife Liu Hong (pseudonym) to pick up the station. Liu Hong, a local in Baiyin City, had heard her father mention Changsheng Village, but had never been there.

From Baiyin City to Changsheng Village, the map navigation shows that the distance is only about 50 kilometers, but to cross more than 30 kilometers of the Gobi Desert, Liu Hong does not know whether the road conditions are easy to walk, so she wants to make Xu Gang a "navigation assistant", another reason is that she also wants to see the "Hero Village" that saved many participants.

Xu Gang's car passed through Baiyin City and traveled along the 217 Provincial Road, many sections of the road were being repaired in the middle, the speed was not fast, but the car was almost all the way uphill. About halfway through the journey, the mobile phone navigation signal weakened, the voice broadcast intermittently, Liu Hong's "navigation assistant" began to play a role, she observed the road signs, the names of villages along the way and other information for Xu Gang to guide the direction.

After the mobile phone resumed the navigation function, but suddenly prompted to turn around, Xu Gang suddenly kicked the brakes, Liu Hong suggested that he continue to move forward, Xu Gang looked around at the roadside without any road signs, there was no fork, half-convinced to step on the accelerator, the car went forward at a low speed of about 500 meters, Liu Hong pointed to a fork in the road and said: "It should be this intersection down." But the intersection does not have the sign of "Changsheng Village", and the fork road is also a rugged dirt road.

Xu Gang did not dare to move forward, but Liu Hong insisted on his own judgment, the car entered the dirt road and went forward for about 1 kilometer, the mobile phone navigation restored the function, Liu Hong's judgment was right. It didn't take long for the dirt road to turn into a concrete road, and the speed of the car accelerated.

This is a road through the Gobi Desert, and from time to time there are rubble blocks in the middle of the road, Xu Gang said that it is the broken stones washed down from the mountain by the rain, the left side of the road is the ravine washed by the flash flood, and on the opposite bank is a Yadan mountain.

The mobile phone entered the blind zone again, the road conditions also became rugged, and there were more hills to climb in the middle, Xu Gang hesitated again, this time even Liu Hong was not sure. The couple hesitated and saw a scattered flock of sheep not far away. "There must be a shepherd on the side of the road, ask him for directions." Liu Hong searched for the shepherd's figure, and sure enough, not far from the car, she saw an old man eating lunch.

The old man told Liu Hong that going down the cement road and walking to the Yellow River was Changsheng Village. "You came to look for Zhu Keming, right?" He's a good guy. The old man said. On that day, there were already seven or eight groups of outsiders asking for directions, and they all went to Changsheng Village.

Xu Gang no longer hesitated, running all the way to the Yellow River, the scenery of the Gobi Desert was left behind one by one, and there was only a bare and extended black water pipe that proved the existence of people.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="118" > Zhu Keming saved 6</h1>

More than 20 villagers gathered in front of the village committee, and when they saw strangers coming, an uncle asked, "Are you looking for Zhu Keming?" He went up the hill. ”

From the villager, it was learned that Zhu Keming was 49 years old, his family lived on the ping across from the village committee, and he often went up the mountain to herd sheep. Zhu Keming is thick and honest, and has a good reputation in the village.

The reporter tried to call Zhu Keming's phone, but the other party was in a blind spot and could not be connected.

A few hours later, the reporter finally dialed Zhu Keming's phone, and he told the process of rescue that day.

"On that day, I was originally herding sheep at the top of the mountain. It started to rain at noon, and the temperature was getting colder, so I went to a nearby cave to avoid the rain. Zhu Keming said. The cave was left behind forty or fifty years ago, and is now long abandoned, and since he used to herd sheep in this area, he reused the old cave, and previously put clothes, bedding and dry food in the cave.

Zhu Keming, who was resting, heard the shouts of a person outside the cave, and it was a contestant who passed near the cave. Zhu Keming, who heard the sound, came out of the cave and found that there was a person lying about 20 meters away from the cave. "There was a man dressed in green, with his hands on his chest, lying there." Zhu Keming said. The other party's legs were straight and straight, looking like cramps, and Zhu Keming carried the other party into the cave.

Zhu Keming judged that the contestant was frozen, so he wanted to make a fire to keep warm, but he did not have a lighter on him, and suddenly remembered that he had once put a box of matches in the cave, and he looked around to finally find matches. Zhu Keming tore off a few pages of the book and began to light a fire for warmth.

While Zhu Keming was busy lighting the fire, several more contestants passed through the cave, and Zhu Keming quickly let the other party come in for warmth. Several players wrapped in quilts for warmth, Zhu Keming heard that many players were still outside, freezing badly.

After hearing about it, Zhu Keming ran out of the cave and ran about 2 kilometers before finding a runner lying on the ground again. The other person fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth. I asked him if he was okay, and the other person said that his whole body was out of temperature and he was about to die. Zhu Keming recalled.

After Zhu Keming walked with this player on his back for a while, he was physically weak, so he ran back to the cave and called out to another runner who was on the fire, and pulled the other party back into the cave together.

After arranging all 6 contestants to warm up in the cave, Zhu Keming called the village and the organizing committee to report the situation, but due to the unstable signal on the mountain, he could only run to the place where there was a signal and call the rescue hotline. "It's just a very common thing, and other people will come to the rescue when they encounter this situation." Zhu Keming said.

Zhu Keming did not expect that a thing that he thought was very ordinary made him famous. For several days, he received dozens of phone calls every day, someone thanked him, and someone asked him to go back to the rescue road.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="117" > young lads all up the hill</h1>

After Zhu Keming sent a message of help to the outside world, the news quickly reached the local town government and the scenic spot management committee, and was conveyed to Wang Zhong, secretary of the party branch and director of the village committee of Changsheng Village.

After receiving the news, Wang Zhong immediately ran out of the gate of the village committee to gather the villagers, at this time there was a cold wind blowing in Changsheng Village, and the dark clouds in the opposite mountain had not completely dissipated.

It was too slow to find someone with his mouth shouting and telephone, and Wang Zhong summoned the villagers to the village committee to participate in the rescue through the loudspeaker.

Wang Zhong later heard that the track planned for the mountain cross-country race was often born in the village, but it was not the village, but the mountain outside the village, and the place of the road was about 20 miles away from the village.

An old man at the entrance of the village committee pointed to the mountain opposite the village and told reporters: "The place of the accident is on that mountain, don't look at the road is not far, it takes more than 4 hours from the village." ”

The "hero village" in the gansu mountain marathon rescue: more than 30 runners were rescued here, and the shepherds who saved 6 people also crossed the Gobi Desert 30 kilometers in it Zhu Keming alone saved 6 young men all on the mountain and cold and slippery village committee into a restaurant More than 30 people were rescued

The area where the incident occurred

The loudspeaker quickly summoned the men, women and children of the whole village to the gate of the village committee, and many villagers had their own dry food, ropes, cotton clothes, quilts, electric three-wheelers, tractors, and private cars. Wang Zhong decided to let the young lads in the village go up the mountain, and the women stayed behind to cook on the fire at the village committee, so after a short arrangement, about 100 villagers in the village ran to the mountain, and the rescue lasted for 24 hours.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="34" > the mountain is cold and slippery</h1>

Shang Lishan was one of the villagers involved in the rescue, and on that day he served as a guide for a rescue team composed of armed police and fire brigades.

At the repeated requests of the reporter's party, Shang Lishan decided to take the reporter to re-walk the "life channel", but he did not guarantee that he would be able to go up, because the time was late that day, and it was also necessary to judge whether to continue to go up the mountain according to the weather in the mountain.

The "hero village" in the gansu mountain marathon rescue: more than 30 runners were rescued here, and the shepherds who saved 6 people also crossed the Gobi Desert 30 kilometers in it Zhu Keming alone saved 6 young men all on the mountain and cold and slippery village committee into a restaurant More than 30 people were rescued

Shang LiShan is preparing to go up the mountain

After Shanglishan's pickup trucks passed out of the village, the road became rough and narrow, and although the chassis of the car was higher, it was still supported several times, and the soil on both sides of the road looked very new. Shang Lishan said that this was a newly opened road for bulldozers on the day of the rescue, and the original road was very narrow and rescue vehicles could not drive in.

The "hero village" in the gansu mountain marathon rescue: more than 30 runners were rescued here, and the shepherds who saved 6 people also crossed the Gobi Desert 30 kilometers in it Zhu Keming alone saved 6 young men all on the mountain and cold and slippery village committee into a restaurant More than 30 people were rescued

Forklifts open up new rescue roads

Along the way, you can see the road signs left by the organizing committee, some of which are hung on trees or some tied to stones.

After driving along the banks of the Yellow River for about half an hour, we came to a pumping station, and the car could not continue on foot. It was the makeshift base camp for the day's rescue team, and mineral water bottles and food boxes were still scattered on the ground.

Shang Lishan said that the incident occurred at an altitude of about 2200 meters, the temperature would drop below zero in bad weather, and it was still raining lightly when they went up the mountain that day, the wind was particularly strong, and he still felt cold in a down jacket. The road up the mountain was slippery and slippery, holding a quilt and rescue tools in hand, it was very inconvenient to go up the mountain, and they usually walked for about two hours in an hour and a half.

Before going up the mountain, Shang Lishan carried two down jackets and 5 bottles of mineral water, and the first section of the sheep intestine path up the mountain sloped by more than 60 °, and the body needed to lean forward and occasionally use both hands and feet.

About half an hour up, the wind on the mountain suddenly increased, the reporter's hat was blown over, and the station was unstable, and for the sake of safety, Shang Lishan suggested that the reporter retreat down to the bottom of the mountain. Despite the short climb, the reporter had already experienced the difficulty of going up the mountain, and in the weather conditions of the day, the climb was even more difficult.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="120" > village committee into a restaurant More than 30 people were rescued</h1>

Just when Wang Zhong led the villagers to the mountain to rescue, more than 20 women in the village were not idle, they set up two large pots in the village committee, brought cheeks, radishes and leeks from their homes, and made a fire to cook to provide logistical support for the rescue team and the contestants.

When Wei Yuqin brought white noodles from home, when she arrived at the village committee, several women had already turned on two blowers to make a fire, some people cut vegetables, some people made noodles, and even the children in the village went to help hold wood and transport coal.

The women in the village know that once they enter the mountain, they enter the signal blind zone, they cannot know the progress of the rescue, and can only rely on experience to estimate the rescue round-trip time. In just a few hours, they had to cook at least hundreds of people, and the workload was very large.

But saving people is more important than anything else, Wei Yuqin and others have been busy for more than 3 hours in a row, providing hot cheeks for the rescue team and the contestants.

The "hero village" in the gansu mountain marathon rescue: more than 30 runners were rescued here, and the shepherds who saved 6 people also crossed the Gobi Desert 30 kilometers in it Zhu Keming alone saved 6 young men all on the mountain and cold and slippery village committee into a restaurant More than 30 people were rescued

The women of Changsheng Village cook for the contestants

About 30 contestants were rescued to the Changsheng Village Committee, and the injured were transferred from the village committee to the hospital for treatment, and those who were not injured were warmed up and recuperated.

In an interview with the media, Zhang Xiaotao, a runner from Henan, mentioned that his benefactor Zhu Keming was moved to tears. Xiao Lu, a runner who came to Changsheng Village afterwards, told reporters that all the villagers in Changsheng Village are heroes, and he hopes that the runners in the circle will remember the name of this small village.

Jinyun news reporter Wang Zeng Guo Qiang sent from Gansu Baiyin

【Copyright Notice】The copyright of this article belongs to [Jinyun Fengsheng], today's headlines have obtained the exclusive authorization of the information network dissemination right, and any third party shall not be reproduced without authorization.

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