
The shrimp balls are so fragrant that they take two simple steps, the outside is scorched and tender, and the table is instantly swept away

author:Hunan cuisine

Happy New Year to all fans! Although the greeting is a little late, but there is really no way, everyone more inclusive, because from the years ago home until today to come to work, the mountains have always been a state of road closure, no signal, a stay is a month, this year I believe that everyone is the same as me, or not in their own home is in the mother's house, relatives and friends have not met, I heard that the epidemic originated from eating bats, but the truth is not so I am not sure, say what is bad to eat in the heart, I have to eat those things, as the saying goes, the words come out of the mouth, Illness from the mouth, if you are not cautious when eating, it is easy to get sick, all kinds of additives, all kinds of unhygienic food, these eating will be harmful to the body, I have been stressing to my friends, eating does not care how expensive and good, as long as it is worth their stomach, not big fish and meat and mountain treasures and seafood, even if you eat radish cabbage every day must be in good health, mainly the essence of the ingredients, the cooking process, as everyone said, why do you put some oil and salt in your own home is very delicious? Actually, it is a truth

The shrimp balls are so fragrant that they take two simple steps, the outside is scorched and tender, and the table is instantly swept away

Today we are going to learn a crispy shrimp ball, the method is very simple, suitable for most families to learn

Method: 1, first of all, the purchased shrimp rinsed with water, and then drained, put into the meat grinder, add onion and ginger to remove the fish, put in an egg white (according to the number of shrimp) quickly stir into shrimp puree for later

The shrimp balls are so fragrant that they take two simple steps, the outside is scorched and tender, and the table is instantly swept away

2, put in the appropriate amount of edible salt, add corn starch to increase the toughness and viscosity of shrimp puree (stir well with chopsticks, the ratio of shrimp puree and corn starch is generally 1:0.2) as long as it can be squeezed into balls

The shrimp balls are so fragrant that they take two simple steps, the outside is scorched and tender, and the table is instantly swept away

3, then prepare a steamed bun cut into small cubes, the need for cold steamed buns, it is best to put it in the refrigerator slightly ice, so that it will be better to cut a little

The shrimp balls are so fragrant that they take two simple steps, the outside is scorched and tender, and the table is instantly swept away

4, squeeze the shrimp puree into a uniform size of my balls on top of the steamed buns, evenly wrapped in a layer of diced steamed buns

The shrimp balls are so fragrant that they take two simple steps, the outside is scorched and tender, and the table is instantly swept away

5, slightly pinch tightly, so that it will not fall when fried

The shrimp balls are so fragrant that they take two simple steps, the outside is scorched and tender, and the table is instantly swept away

6, all done like this

The shrimp balls are so fragrant that they take two simple steps, the outside is scorched and tender, and the table is instantly swept away

7: Heat 50% of the net pot and turn off the heat, add shrimp balls and slowly fry until the surface is golden brown

The shrimp balls are so fragrant that they take two simple steps, the outside is scorched and tender, and the table is instantly swept away

8, just like this on it, the outside is crispy, the inside is still very tender (remember that the shrimp puree should not put too much in the time of mixing corn starch)

The shrimp balls are so fragrant that they take two simple steps, the outside is scorched and tender, and the table is instantly swept away

Tips: The oil temperature does not need to be too high, control at 50% heat can be, try to use transparent salad oil, many people may not know what is called salad oil, in fact, this is just a noun, is what our chef often says, because there is peanut oil, soybean oil, blended oil, etc., but the general situation will not use genetically modified oil, so it is convenient to say that health is convenient, we must remember that the body is their own, do not covet cheap to forget the health!

The shrimp balls are so fragrant that they take two simple steps, the outside is scorched and tender, and the table is instantly swept away

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