
Steamed dumplings with thin skin and large filling, no kneading noodles, no waking noodles, rich nutrition suitable for autumn and winter to eat [radish shredded pork steamed dumplings]

author:Xin Momo's small food light
Steamed dumplings with thin skin and large filling, no kneading noodles, no waking noodles, rich nutrition suitable for autumn and winter to eat [radish shredded pork steamed dumplings]

November is already winter in our northeast region, and the temperature is much lower than in October. At this time of year, everyone will store a variety of autumn vegetables, such as: Chinese cabbage, potatoes, radishes, etc., although these vegetables are very common and common, but the nutritional value is also very rich, and the bulk purchase is also very affordable in terms of price. Chinese cabbage is mostly used to pickle sauerkraut, but also for daily cooking, potatoes and radishes are easy to store vegetables, if placed properly for a month or two will not spoil.

Steamed dumplings with thin skin and large filling, no kneading noodles, no waking noodles, rich nutrition suitable for autumn and winter to eat [radish shredded pork steamed dumplings]

Folk sayings often say: "It is better to eat a hundred vegetables than to eat cabbage", "eat turnips in winter and eat ginger in summer, do not work for the doctor to prescribe medicine"! Therefore, these vegetables must be eaten often in autumn and winter, which is not why I also bought a few white radishes and came back, planning to take them to soup, stir-fry or mix to eat. You can also mix into the filling to make steamed dumplings, too troublesome can be bought dumpling skin operation, save time and effort can be a good pot, a thin skin filling, delicious taste, very suitable for the current season to eat Oh!

Steamed dumplings with thin skin and large filling, no kneading noodles, no waking noodles, rich nutrition suitable for autumn and winter to eat [radish shredded pork steamed dumplings]

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > 【Steamed dumplings with shredded radish pork"</h1>

Ingredients required: 500 grams of white radish 400 grams of pork About 30 grams of dumpling skin 1 teaspoon of salt 30 grams of onion 8 grams of ginger 1 spoon of soy sauce 2 spoons of light soy sauce 1 spoon of thirteen spices Appropriate amount of sesame oil 1 spoon of edible oil to taste

Cooking steps:

1. Wash and peel the white radish and rub into fine wires, add a teaspoon of salt and mix well and marinate for 10 minutes.

Steamed dumplings with thin skin and large filling, no kneading noodles, no waking noodles, rich nutrition suitable for autumn and winter to eat [radish shredded pork steamed dumplings]

2. Choose three fat and seven lean pork cut into small pieces, beat the meat filling with a blender, and add the chopped green onion and ginger.

Steamed dumplings with thin skin and large filling, no kneading noodles, no waking noodles, rich nutrition suitable for autumn and winter to eat [radish shredded pork steamed dumplings]

3. Add soy sauce, oyster sauce, dark soy sauce, thirteen spices, sesame oil and cooking oil, and stir in one direction clockwise.

Steamed dumplings with thin skin and large filling, no kneading noodles, no waking noodles, rich nutrition suitable for autumn and winter to eat [radish shredded pork steamed dumplings]

4. Squeeze out the excess water after marinating the shredded radish, add it to the minced meat and mix well.

Steamed dumplings with thin skin and large filling, no kneading noodles, no waking noodles, rich nutrition suitable for autumn and winter to eat [radish shredded pork steamed dumplings]

5. Buy ready-made dumpling skins, roll out thin and roll them out with a rolling pin.

Steamed dumplings with thin skin and large filling, no kneading noodles, no waking noodles, rich nutrition suitable for autumn and winter to eat [radish shredded pork steamed dumplings]

6. Put an appropriate amount of filling in the middle of the dumpling skin and wrap it into the shape of the dumpling according to your own customary method.

Steamed dumplings with thin skin and large filling, no kneading noodles, no waking noodles, rich nutrition suitable for autumn and winter to eat [radish shredded pork steamed dumplings]

7. Wrap all the dumplings in turn and drain them into the steamer basket, add water to the pot and boil until boiling, put the steamer basket on high heat and steam for 10 minutes to get out of the pot.

Steamed dumplings with thin skin and large filling, no kneading noodles, no waking noodles, rich nutrition suitable for autumn and winter to eat [radish shredded pork steamed dumplings]

8. Thin skin filling, delicious taste of radish steamed dumplings are ready, with the dumpling skin operation directly eliminate the steps of kneading and waking up the noodles, kitchen Xiaobai can also easily control yo!

Steamed dumplings with thin skin and large filling, no kneading noodles, no waking noodles, rich nutrition suitable for autumn and winter to eat [radish shredded pork steamed dumplings]


The shredded radish is salted in advance to produce excess water so that the filling does not come out of the water. Soy sauce, dark soy sauce and oyster sauce all contain salt, so there is no need to add additional salt. You can wrap about 30 steamed dumplings, so please add or subtract ingredients according to your personal needs.

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