
White fungus pear cold cake, made in autumn for family and children to moisten the lungs, tender and smooth and gumy good look good and delicious

author:Taste Dad

Pay attention to the [Taste Daddy] public account to make the baby fall in love with eating. Private message I number "01", send you a supplementary food feeding dry goods summary.

White fungus and sydney pear are good ingredients for moisturizing the lungs in autumn.

Especially in the season when the autumn and winter flu is prone to outbreaks, we must usually cook more white fungus and sydney pears for children and their families. If you can't finish eating once, you can also make a cool and delicious little dessert like this recipe shared with you today, QQ slippery is particularly delicious!

White fungus pear cold cake, made in autumn for family and children to moisten the lungs, tender and smooth and gumy good look good and delicious

Tender and creamy white ear sydney pear cake, good looking and delicious ~

White-eared sydney pear cold cake

Food / material

White fungus 4g

Sydney half a piece

Milk 300g

White cool powder 75g

Caster sugar 10g

Rock sugar 8g

Goji berries 5g

Shizu 700g

Tool: Soup pot

Proficiency time: 50mins

Reference month age: 2 years and above

Suitable for: Babies who are not allergic to the above ingredients

Do / Law

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White fungus pear cold cake, made in autumn for family and children to moisten the lungs, tender and smooth and gumy good look good and delicious

Break 4g of white fungus and add 700g of water to soak your hair.

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White fungus pear cold cake, made in autumn for family and children to moisten the lungs, tender and smooth and gumy good look good and delicious

Soak until the ear slides absorb enough water to expand and the color becomes white.

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White fungus pear cold cake, made in autumn for family and children to moisten the lungs, tender and smooth and gumy good look good and delicious

Pour it into the soup pot along with the soaked water, turn the water to a boil, turn to medium heat, and cook until the white fungus comes out of the gelatin.

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White fungus pear cold cake, made in autumn for family and children to moisten the lungs, tender and smooth and gumy good look good and delicious

Half a Sydney pear take the meat and cut it into small cubes.

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White fungus pear cold cake, made in autumn for family and children to moisten the lungs, tender and smooth and gumy good look good and delicious

Pour into the quickly cooked silver ear soup and continue to cook for 8 minutes on medium-low heat.

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White fungus pear cold cake, made in autumn for family and children to moisten the lungs, tender and smooth and gumy good look good and delicious

Add another 8 g of rock sugar and stir until the rock sugar is melted. Please adjust the amount of rock sugar according to your baby's age and taste.

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White fungus pear cold cake, made in autumn for family and children to moisten the lungs, tender and smooth and gumy good look good and delicious

Then pour in 50g of cold white powder and stir well. Both white cold powder and cold day powder can be boiled at high temperature without affecting the solidification effect.

If you use cold powder, you can convert it in equal amounts. The taste of cold powder and white cold powder will be a little Q, and the solidification effect is the best. This snack is not recommended to use gelatin, which is made with a different taste and a coagulation effect that is not so good.

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White fungus pear cold cake, made in autumn for family and children to moisten the lungs, tender and smooth and gumy good look good and delicious

Add 5 g of goji berries after turning off the heat. It can also be replaced with raisins, dried blueberries, etc.

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White fungus pear cold cake, made in autumn for family and children to moisten the lungs, tender and smooth and gumy good look good and delicious

Brush the bottom of the square mold with a thin layer of oil and spread the oil paper.

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White fungus pear cold cake, made in autumn for family and children to moisten the lungs, tender and smooth and gumy good look good and delicious

Pour in the silver ear soup and refrigerate for more than one hour for styling.

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White fungus pear cold cake, made in autumn for family and children to moisten the lungs, tender and smooth and gumy good look good and delicious

Pour 300g of milk into the soup pot. It can also be replaced with an equal amount of coconut milk.

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White fungus pear cold cake, made in autumn for family and children to moisten the lungs, tender and smooth and gumy good look good and delicious

Then pour in 25g of cold white powder and 10g of caster sugar.

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White fungus pear cold cake, made in autumn for family and children to moisten the lungs, tender and smooth and gumy good look good and delicious

Stir well and bring to a boil over medium heat, turn off the heat to cool and set aside.

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White fungus pear cold cake, made in autumn for family and children to moisten the lungs, tender and smooth and gumy good look good and delicious

Remove the refrigerated and set silver ear soup, spread a layer of milk, and continue to put it back in the refrigerator for refrigeration.

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White fungus pear cold cake, made in autumn for family and children to moisten the lungs, tender and smooth and gumy good look good and delicious

After setting the shape, the buckle is removed from the mold and the oil paper is removed.

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White fungus pear cold cake, made in autumn for family and children to moisten the lungs, tender and smooth and gumy good look good and delicious

Cut into small pieces and eat!

White fungus pear cold cake, made in autumn for family and children to moisten the lungs, tender and smooth and gumy good look good and delicious

It is recommended to eat it fresh, and the flavor is better after refrigeration.

White fungus pear cold cake, made in autumn for family and children to moisten the lungs, tender and smooth and gumy good look good and delicious

Author: Pick daddy, like to give children a pattern of science and engineering bao dad, pay attention to me and send the number "01", more than 1000 feeding recipes according to the age of the month free to give to you, scientific complementary food, so that the baby grows up healthily.

Taste Dad: Complementary food / baby meal / children's snack / parent-child food

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