
Stir-fry shredded potatoes, do not soak or blanch, learn the correct method, shredded potatoes are crisp and delicious

author:Zou Bajie food

Introduction: Fried shredded potatoes, do not soak or blanch, learn the correct method, shredded potatoes are crisp and delicious

The weather is getting hotter and hotter, people's appetite will usually become not very good, in the face of such a situation, we must know how to change eating habits and cooking methods, do less meat every day, do more vegetarian dishes, use less stew, fry, more use fast frying, steaming, boiling, cold mixing, so that eating is comfortable, not afraid of greasy body discomfort. Stir-fried potato shreds a very refreshing stir-fry, very suitable for this time to eat, easy and fast to do, and very cooked, a dish suitable for all ages, my family will do it once in three days.

Stir-fry shredded potatoes, do not soak or blanch, learn the correct method, shredded potatoes are crisp and delicious

In the past, fried potato shreds always loved to put peppers, now there are children, rarely put peppers, but only put vinegar fried out is also very delicious, strong vinegar aroma, appetizing, children every time they see super like, eat fragrant.

It is very simple to fry shredded potatoes, but I found that some people in the body still do not do well, and the taste is not crisp enough after doing it, and the taste is not very good. To make this dish well, you need to master some skills so that you can make the best taste, a fried potato shredded is better than a plate of meat.

Stir-fry shredded potatoes, do not soak or blanch, learn the correct method, shredded potatoes are crisp and delicious

When making fried shredded potatoes, some people first put the shredded potatoes in water for a while, and some people blanch the shredded potatoes first, all in order to make it more delicious, but after I tried it, it was not right.

Fry shredded potatoes, do not soak or blanch, learn the correct method, shredded potatoes are crisp and delicious! Let me share with you the detailed method of fried shredded potatoes, if you want to eat crispy shredded potatoes, just do it, make sure you like it more, come and see.

Stir-fry shredded potatoes, do not soak or blanch, learn the correct method, shredded potatoes are crisp and delicious

Steps to fry shredded potatoes:

Peel and wash one or two potatoes, and then cut into thin wires, you can also use a wire wiper to rub out the filaments, if you want to taste good, cut by hand, a little thinner, a little symmetry; if you want to be fast or not cut well, then rub the silk, do not need to be so entangled. Usually I go to work at noon and come home in a tight time, so I directly rub the shredded fried potatoes, which is also very good; usually rest at home, I will manually cut the shredded.

Stir-fry shredded potatoes, do not soak or blanch, learn the correct method, shredded potatoes are crisp and delicious

Put the shredded potatoes into the basin, add enough water, grab and mix a few times, the water slowly becomes turbid, fish out the shredded potatoes and pour out the starchy water, and then add water to grab and mix a few times, so repeat twice, the water can become a clear state.

Shredded potatoes are fished out of a drainage basket and set aside. Peel and chop the garlic and chop the dried chili peppers into small pieces and set aside.

Pour a little more cooking oil into the wok and don't let the shredded potatoes fry out dry, that's not tasty. Add a little peppercorns, fry them over low heat to bring out the aroma, and remove the peppercorns and discard them.

Stir-fry shredded potatoes, do not soak or blanch, learn the correct method, shredded potatoes are crisp and delicious

Then pour the minced garlic and dried peppers into the pot to burst the aroma, and then immediately pour in the shredded potatoes and stir-fry.

After stir-frying a few times, pour vinegar on the side of the pot, use rice vinegar, aged vinegar, and come according to your preference. Pay attention to the fire at home is not high enough, so it is best to pour vinegar on the side of the pot, so that the aroma of vinegar can be stimulated, not only sour, but also the fried potato shreds are delicious.

Stir-fry until the shredded potatoes are broken and sprinkled with a little green onion, salt, chicken essence stir-fried, so that the fried potato shreds are ready, sour, spicy and crispy, especially delicious, the potatoes are clearly rooted, it looks very appetizing.

Stir-fry shredded potatoes, do not soak or blanch, learn the correct method, shredded potatoes are crisp and delicious

Stir-fry shredded potatoes, keeping a few points in mind:

(1) Fry the shredded potatoes, do not soak or blanch the water, but use water to repeatedly clean the shredded potatoes, as long as the starch is removed, the potato shreds are not easy to stick to the pan, nor will it gelatinize, and the taste will be crisp. Someone soaked after the stir-fry is not crisp, that may be the starch did not go clean, only understand that blindly soaking is not enough. There are also people who do not have a good time when boiling water, resulting in shredded potatoes being too cooked and not crisp, so the best thing to do is to wash them and fry them directly.

Stir-fry shredded potatoes, do not soak or blanch, learn the correct method, shredded potatoes are crisp and delicious

(2) The time to put vinegar in the fried potato shreds is very important, when the shredded potatoes are put into the pot immediately, this can make the potatoes more firm, eat crisp and refreshing.

(3) Fried potato shreds, only use a few simple ingredients, do not need soy sauce, oyster sauce, thirteen spices and other materials, use more but not delicious.

Do you understand? Master these, it is easier to make this dish well, the color and flavor are complete, you want to try it? Sharing is here, like me, please pay attention to me.

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