
When frying shredded potatoes, it is a big mistake to fry directly under the pan! The hotel chef teaches you a trick, crisp non-stick pan

author:Xiaoxiong cuisine
Hello friends, today I want to share with you the correct way to fry shredded potatoes. Many friends will do fried shredded potatoes, but if you want to fry the shredded potatoes crisp and delicious, many friends will not do it. If you want to make this dish, you are very skilled.
When frying shredded potatoes, it is a big mistake to fry directly under the pan! The hotel chef teaches you a trick, crisp non-stick pan

If you also like to eat fried shredded potatoes, let me tell you today how we have to stir-fry this dish to make it tasteful and delicious. It is good to fry directly under the pan, no wonder the shredded potatoes are not crisp and sticky.

Today's method of sautéing shredded potatoes is a hotel chef I know who has shared with me the preparation techniques before. When frying shredded potatoes, we only need to master a key step, that is, a small trick, to make this dish. Without further ado, let's learn to see how the chefs of the restaurants make this dish.

When frying shredded potatoes, it is a big mistake to fry directly under the pan! The hotel chef teaches you a trick, crisp non-stick pan

【Ingredients】: potatoes, green onions, garlic, dried chili peppers, cooking oil, green and red peppers, white vinegar, soy sauce


1, first of all, we have to prepare two white-skinned potatoes, because the white-skinned potatoes have less internal starch, which is more suitable for stir-frying.

2. Compared with yellow-skinned potatoes, yellow-skinned potatoes have more internal starch, which is more suitable for stewing soup and boiling to eat, and is not suitable for stir-frying.

3, prepared potatoes, we have to peel off its skin, and then wash the potatoes, and then cut it into thin slices. When cutting potato chips, try to cut them as thin as possible, so that the potato shreds will be particularly thin.

4, cut a thin and thick potato chip, we have to give it a yard flat, and then cut the potato chips into shredded potatoes for later.

When frying shredded potatoes, it is a big mistake to fry directly under the pan! The hotel chef teaches you a trick, crisp non-stick pan

5, after the potato shredded is cut, we must prepare an appropriate amount of water, wash it, and wash off the excess starch on its surface. In this way, when the potato shreds are fried, there will be no sticky pan and sticky.

6, next we have to prepare the head, first prepare a section of green onion, cut the green onion and set aside, then prepare a few garlic, cut into minced and set aside, and finally prepare the appropriate amount of green and red peppers, cut into strips and set aside.

7: Drain the shredded potatoes and set aside. Then heat the oil, add an appropriate amount of cooking oil to the pot, and first use the cooking oil to moisten the iron pot.

8, heat the hot oil until it smokes, pour it out of the pot, and add the appropriate amount of cool oil again, heat the oil temperature to 30% heat, and then add the head of the material to fry the aroma.

When frying shredded potatoes, it is a big mistake to fry directly under the pan! The hotel chef teaches you a trick, crisp non-stick pan

9: Add the green and red peppers to the pot first, stir-fry on high heat for half a minute, wait until they are fried until they are broken, then add the shredded potatoes directly to the pot, and quickly sauté them over high heat.

10, when frying shredded potatoes, it is not possible to blanch water with hot water, hot water blanching water will destroy the taste of shredded potatoes, but also lead to its loss of nutrients.

11: After the shredded potatoes are put into the pot, fry them on high heat for one minute. then. To pour an appropriate amount of white vinegar on the side of the pot, the addition of white vinegar can make the taste of the potatoes more crisp.

12, finally we have to go to the pot, add salt, sugar, soy sauce, stir-fry it evenly to taste, fry the potato shreds to do a good job, have you learned? Isn't it simple?

When frying shredded potatoes, it is a big mistake to fry directly under the pan! The hotel chef teaches you a trick, crisp non-stick pan

1, when frying shredded potatoes, be sure to use white potatoes to fry, the taste will be better, the taste will be more crisp.

2, many people like to blanch the potato shreds with hot water, in fact, this method is not correct, just use water to simply wash it.

3, when the potato shreds are stir-fried at high temperature, the condiment of white vinegar must not be less.

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