
How do you usually fry shredded potatoes at home? 11 kinds of fried shredded potatoes, what do you think

author:Pony food diagram
How do you usually fry shredded potatoes at home? 11 kinds of fried shredded potatoes, what do you think

Sauté shredded potatoes

Ingredients: Shredded potatoes, salt, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, salad oil.

1. Put the pot on the high heat, pour in the appropriate amount of salad oil to 50% heat, add the potato shreds and stir-fry, stir-fry while sliding water to the side of the pot, fry until it is broken, add salt, chicken essence, MONOS glutamate and mix evenly out of the pot to plate.

How do you usually fry shredded potatoes at home? 11 kinds of fried shredded potatoes, what do you think

Stir-fried shredded potatoes

Ingredients: Shredded potatoes, salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, salad oil, dried chili peppers, soy sauce, salad oil.

1. Shredded potatoes can be blanched or fried directly.

2. Put the pot on the high heat, when the salad oil is boiled to 50% of the oil temperature, add the dried chili pepper, dried peppercorns, the pepper is brownish red, add the shredded potatoes and stir-fry, add soy sauce, salt, stir-fry until just broken, you can adjust the chicken essence, MSG and stir-fry evenly to get out of the pot and plate.

How do you usually fry shredded potatoes at home? 11 kinds of fried shredded potatoes, what do you think

Spicy and sour potatoes

Ingredients: Shredded potatoes, salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, soy sauce, dried chili peppers, dried peppercorns (optionally not added), rice vinegar or white vinegar, salad oil.

1. Put the pot on the fire, heat the pot with an appropriate amount of salad oil to 50%, add dried peppercorns and stir-fry until fragrant, you can add some vinegar to it, then add the shredded potatoes and stir-fry evenly until it is just broken, adjust the salt, soy sauce, pour vinegar on the edge of the pot, stir-fry evenly out of the pan.

How do you usually fry shredded potatoes at home? 11 kinds of fried shredded potatoes, what do you think

Vinegar slip potato shreds

Ingredients: shredded potatoes, salt, monosodium glutamate, vinegar (balsamic vinegar, rice vinegar, white vinegar, aged vinegar are available), soy sauce, green onion ginger, mixed oil.

1. Put the pot on the fire, pour in the appropriate amount of mixed oil and heat it until warm, add the green onion and ginger shreds and stir-fry, then add the potato shreds and stir-fry, season the soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, fry until just broken, and finally pour the balsamic vinegar on the side of the pot and stir-fry evenly, you can put it out of the pot and plate.

How do you usually fry shredded potatoes at home? 11 kinds of fried shredded potatoes, what do you think

Old dry mother potato shreds

Ingredients: shredded potatoes, old dry tempeh oil chili pepper, a little salt, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, lard.

1. Put the pot on the high heat, burn the lard to 40% heat, add the appropriate amount of old dry mother to fry the red oil, add the potato shreds and stir-fry to color, fry until it is broken, add salt, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate or chicken essence and stir-fry evenly, stir-fry until cooked to get out of the pot.

How do you usually fry shredded potatoes at home? 11 kinds of fried shredded potatoes, what do you think

Sauté shredded potatoes

Ingredients: shredded potatoes, salt, dried chili peppers, dried peppercorns, spicy fresh, ginger, onion and garlic, peppercorn powder, salad oil, dry starch.

1. After washing the shredded potatoes, drain the water, wrap in a little dry starch and mix well, then fry until golden brown in 60% hot oil temperature, and then remove and set aside.

2. Leave a little oil in the pot, add dried chili peppers, dried peppercorns, ginger slices, green onion slices, garlic slices, stir-fry until fragrant, add a little salt, peppercorn powder, spicy fresh stir-fry evenly and put on the plate.

How do you usually fry shredded potatoes at home? 11 kinds of fried shredded potatoes, what do you think

Spicy shredded potatoes

Ingredients: Shredded potatoes, shredded shallots, shredded ginger, dried chili peppers, dried peppercorns, salt, rapeseed oil, soy sauce, chicken powder.

1. Heat the pot, pour in the appropriate amount of rapeseed oil, heat it, add dried chili peppers and dried peppercorns and stir-fry until fragrant, put out, and then mash or crush them into spicy powder for later.

2. Pour the appropriate amount of rapeseed oil into the pot again, cook until 40% down into the green onion and ginger, stir-fry the spicy powder and stir-fry the red oil, add the shredded potatoes and stir-fry until cooked, add salt, soy sauce and chicken powder and stir-fry evenly to get out of the pot.

How do you usually fry shredded potatoes at home? 11 kinds of fried shredded potatoes, what do you think

Homemade shredded potatoes

Ingredients: shredded potatoes, soy sauce, soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, peppercorn powder, ginger powder, shredded green onion, rapeseed oil, can be mixed with green pepper shreds.

1. Place the pot on high heat. Pour in the appropriate amount of rapeseed oil to heat, add shredded green onion to fry, stir-fry shredded potatoes, add soy sauce to color, raw soy sauce to fresh, add ginger powder, pepper powder, salt and stir-fry evenly, pour in the appropriate amount of water, cook the potatoes, collect the juice and bright oil, adjust the MSG and fry evenly out of the pot to eat.

How do you usually fry shredded potatoes at home? 11 kinds of fried shredded potatoes, what do you think

Fishy shredded potatoes

Ingredients: Shredded potatoes, minced pickled peppers, fine bean paste, sugar, Boryeong vinegar, salt, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, water bean flour, ginger, minced garlic, minced green onion or green onion, salad oil, can also add fungus, green pepper and other side dishes.

1. Take a bowl, add sugar, Boryeong vinegar and stir well, vinegar slightly covered with sugar can be, add a little salt, a little soy sauce, a little MONOS glutamate, a little water bean powder and stir evenly into a sauce for later.

2. Heat the pot, burn the oil to 50% heat, add the watercress, pickled pepper and stir-fry the red oil, then add the onion, ginger and garlic and stir-fry, add the potato shreds and stir-fry evenly, fry well, pour in the mixed sauce, stir fry evenly to collect the thick juice, you can sprinkle the appropriate amount of green onions out of the pot and plate.

How do you usually fry shredded potatoes at home? 11 kinds of fried shredded potatoes, what do you think

Shredded potatoes with peppers

Ingredients: shredded potatoes, green and red pepper shreds, green onion and ginger shreds, salt, monosodium glutamate, spicy fresh sauce, poinsettia, oyster sauce, salad oil.

1. Put the pot on high heat, heat the salad oil, stir-fry the onion and ginger, stir-fry the shredded potatoes, stir-fry until slightly broken, add green and red pepper and stir-fry, add salt, a poinsettia, spicy fresh sauce, oyster sauce and stir-fry well.

How do you usually fry shredded potatoes at home? 11 kinds of fried shredded potatoes, what do you think

Shredded potatoes in tomato sauce

Ingredients: shredded potatoes, tomato sauce, green onion and ginger, a pinch of sugar, chicken essence, salt to taste, soy sauce, diced tomatoes, water, salad oil.

1. Heat the pot, add salad oil to 50% heat, add the onion and ginger to stir-fry, add tomato sauce and fry the red oil, add the potato shreds and stir-fry evenly, add the diced tomatoes, add soy sauce, salt, water and stir-fry again, add chicken essence and stir-fry evenly until the juice is slightly collected.

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