
The two-sided mirror of human weakness

author:Hui Huizi's gossip

"The Weakness of Human Nature" is the "father of adult education" Dale. Carnegie's most representative work, and the best-selling success book of the 20th century, has been translated into dozens of languages and has been hailed as "a miracle in the history of human publishing."

The book says that there are very few rational people in the world, most people are full of prejudice, and no one wants to change their own views. What a person shows off shows off, it shows what is missing inside. The more a person cares, the more inferior it is.

This reminds me of a leader of my friend, and this phrase is vividly reflected in her leader.

Since she was a leader, her family was relatively cold, there were many brothers and sisters in the family, and she was in the countryside, and the elders inevitably had some patriarchal ideas. Fortunately, she studied hard since she was a child, and she swore to go out of the mountain village with a breath in her heart. Later, she was admitted to college as she wished, and after joining the work, she relied on her own efforts to seize some opportunities, and now she is living the life she wants.

Although she is now also the owner of a business, she always consciously or unconsciously shows off her family with her employees. Why she is already so rich, has achieved wealth freedom, is still working so hard, her children, she also sent them abroad to study, on the contrary, we employees, who have her so rich, can send their children abroad for further study;

And her family is so rich, his son works in the company, all the employees are resting on Saturdays, the whole company is working overtime in the company on her son, she is so distressed... The employees listened in the audience, and their hearts kept complaining: Isn't it natural for their own company to work hard? ......

Why would she make these pointless comparisons? It is because her family's economic conditions are not very good when she was young, and she has been discriminated against by others, so now that her living conditions are better, she must let everyone know that she is now rich.

Carnegie also tells us the best way to open for success: 1. 2. Man himself has a very strong desire to change; Take a closer look at yourself, understand your strengths, and work hard to tap into it.

Speaking of this leader, she herself studied finance, and later met her husband when she was working. At first, his husband's family used clothing to process, and by helping his husband deal with financial transactions, she found that she liked clothes so much. Later, she persuaded her husband to send her to study clothing. After returning from school, she set up her own clothing brand, and then she won the title of China's top ten designers, successfully realizing her life ideals.

Imagine if she hadn't discovered her strengths and worked hard for them, she might still be an ordinary accountant, and her husband's factory might have been just a garment processing factory.

Finally, to borrow Carnegie's words: The weakness of human nature is innate, and what we have to do is not to fight it, but to recognize it and take advantage of it.

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