
Daughter recalls her father Fang Zhimin: during the sacrifice, she stuffed a towel in her mouth and was shot in the back of her head, and her will affected my life's great "communist martyr" Fang Mei: My father influenced my life to pursue my father's fearless sacrifice in the memories of others

author:No two histories

On August 1, 1999, the complete biography of Fang Zhimin was published and distributed. This is the best gift that Fang Mei gave to her father Fang Zhimin as a daughter, and it is also a full connection with her father. On August 20 of the same year, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a grand commemorative event for Fang Zhimin.

Like Fang Mei, the party, the state, and the people have not forgotten Fang Zhimin.

Daughter recalls her father Fang Zhimin: during the sacrifice, she stuffed a towel in her mouth and was shot in the back of her head, and her will affected my life's great "communist martyr" Fang Mei: My father influenced my life to pursue my father's fearless sacrifice in the memories of others

Figure Fang Zhimin

Fang Zhimin and Fang Mei are a special father and daughter. Because of the special nature of Fang Zhimin's work, he and his daughter have neither the harmony of the happy harmony between ordinary father and daughter, nor the warmth under the knees of Huan Huan, nor the warmth of intimacy.

In Fang Mei's memories, there are very few things related to her father, almost nothing, only through a pen and a notebook to cross the hundred years of pursuit of her father.

But Fang Mei will never forget her father, because he is Fang Zhimin.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="7" > great "martyr of communism."</h1>

"The enemy can only cut off our heads, and must not shake our faith!" For our "doctrine of faith is the truth of the universe!" Sacrificing for communism, shedding blood for the Soviets, we were very willing at that time! ”

These are the words of "Lovely China" written by Fang Zhimin in prison before the heroic righteousness.

On August 21, 1899, Fang Zhimin was born in Yiyang County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province. During the New Culture Movement, he was deeply influenced. He joined the Communist Youth League in August 1922 and transferred to the Communist Party of China in March of the following year.

Daughter recalls her father Fang Zhimin: during the sacrifice, she stuffed a towel in her mouth and was shot in the back of her head, and her will affected my life's great "communist martyr" Fang Mei: My father influenced my life to pursue my father's fearless sacrifice in the memories of others

After joining the party, he actively spread Marxism and created a whole set of experiences in establishing a red regime in the northeastern region of Jiangxi in five years. But this relatively stable day did not last long.

In early November 1934, Fang Zhimin, then chairman of the Military and Political Committee of the Red 10Th Army, was ordered to lead the Red Army north to resist the Japanese, but on the way, he was surrounded and blocked by the Kuomintang troops. After more than two months of arduous struggle and resistance, the troops led by Fang Zhimin have successfully escaped from danger.

In order to cover the transfer of the Central Red Army, he ignored the persuasion of the people around him and re-entered the siege without hesitation. After seven days and nights of bitter fighting, the enemy, who was several times larger than himself, was finally outnumbered and arrested on January 29, 1935, in Huaiyushan, Jiangxi.

Daughter recalls her father Fang Zhimin: during the sacrifice, she stuffed a towel in her mouth and was shot in the back of her head, and her will affected my life's great "communist martyr" Fang Mei: My father influenced my life to pursue my father's fearless sacrifice in the memories of others

Figure Fang Zhimin was arrested

During his imprisonment, in order to restrict Fang Zhimin's activities, the enemy put on more than a dozen pounds of shackles, which was a physical shackle, but he could never imprison his hot heart, fiery soul and strong fighting spirit.

But Fang Zhimin was not depressed by this, and when he could not use a gun as a weapon, he picked up a pen and continued to fight.

He believed that as long as he was "fighting for the liberation of the class and the nation, for the success of the party's cause," he would rather abandon any flamboyant material pursuit.

This is Fang Zhimin's supreme love for the party and the people, which is better than all vulgar material enjoyment.

In prison, he wrote "Lovely China", "Qing Poverty", "Record of Prison", "Outline of My Revolutionary Struggle" and other works.

Daughter recalls her father Fang Zhimin: during the sacrifice, she stuffed a towel in her mouth and was shot in the back of her head, and her will affected my life's great "communist martyr" Fang Mei: My father influenced my life to pursue my father's fearless sacrifice in the memories of others

Figure Manuscript of "Poverty"

On this road of unremitting struggle for communism, Fang Zhimin did not fight alone, and his wife Miao Min shared his lofty ideals and long-cherished wishes.

On April 12, 1927, Chiang Kai-shek launched a counter-revolutionary coup d'état, and political turmoil swept through Jiangxi. During this period, Miao Min served as Fang Zhimin's traffic officer, and the two had close communication at work. Thus, the ideal soil cultivates the buds of love.

After marriage, the couple jointly conceived five children, of which Fang Mei was the fourth child and only daughter. Fang Mei was born in Yiyang, Jiangxi in 1932, and In 1935, Fang Zhimin and his wife were arrested one after another. On August 6 of the same year, Fang Zhimin was killed.

Her biological parents were absent from Fang Mei's entire childhood, and even so, when Fang Mei talked about Fang Zhimin, she still felt that her father had influenced her life.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="23" > Fangmei: My father influenced my life</h1>

Fang Mei, who fell to the ground, did not receive the careful care of her parents like other babies, but was fostered in the home of Wu Xihe, a Red Army platoon leader in the Soviet district of northeastern Jiangxi.

Daughter recalls her father Fang Zhimin: during the sacrifice, she stuffed a towel in her mouth and was shot in the back of her head, and her will affected my life's great "communist martyr" Fang Mei: My father influenced my life to pursue my father's fearless sacrifice in the memories of others

Figure Fang Zhimin and his wife Miao Min

Because of this winter, the Kuomintang used nearly 400,000 people to start the fourth campaign against bandits. The situation was urgent, and Fang Zhimin and Miao Min decided to rush to the battlefield immediately after learning the news.

Miao Min,000, who had just given birth, was still very weak, and before leaving, she carefully picked up the soft baby and kissed the swaddling baby with her lips. The war is merciless, and this distinction will not be eternal.

Fang Zhimin looked at his hesitant wife and said softly, "Let's go...". Miao Mindou's tears fell instantly and smashed on the child's childish face. Fang Zhimin slowly walked over and tightly wrapped his arms around his wife's shoulders, looking at his daughter with wet eyes.

The feet that stepped out of the door were as heavy as lead, and the husband and wife were like knives cutting their hearts when they heard the cries of the children behind them.

When the war subsided slightly, they rushed home to see the little man who was thinking about the twilight.

The young Fang Mei was weak and her crying was weak. Miao Min looked at the child's life like a candle flickering in the wind, and the tears could not stop flowing. She threw a pleading look at her husband, hoping that he would do something to save the poor child's life.

Fang Zhimin looked at his wife with a firm gaze, because he always believed that this child had a tenacious vitality. She will stand proudly like a plum blossom in the cold wind, survive all hardships and grow tenaciously.

Daughter recalls her father Fang Zhimin: during the sacrifice, she stuffed a towel in her mouth and was shot in the back of her head, and her will affected my life's great "communist martyr" Fang Mei: My father influenced my life to pursue my father's fearless sacrifice in the memories of others

Figure Fang Mei

Fang Zhimin once drew up a couplet: "The heart has three loves, the strange book Junma Jia landscape; the garden planted five things, pine cypress bamboo white meilan", so except for Fang Mei, the names of her other brothers and sisters are taken from "pine cypress bamboo orchid".

These names all pin fang zhimin's infinite expectations and expectations for children, expecting them to have the strength of mei, the tenacity of pine, the firmness of bai, the humility of bamboo, and the purity of Lan.

Just as her father hoped, Fang Mei survived, but the test given to her by fate did not stop. Due to the poor health environment in the countryside, Fang Mei had a disease similar to pressure sores at that time, and after opening the diaper, along with the diaper, there was a piece of flesh and blood on her ass.

When Fang Zhimin saw this scene, he twisted his head to the side to silently shed tears. At this moment, his heart was full of guilt for his children. He devoted himself to the Liberation War, seeing that his bloodline was suffering from illness but unable to do anything about it, let alone take good care of it.

This is the second meeting between Fang Zhimin and his daughter Fang Mei.

These are the few intersections between Fang Mei and her father. Even so, Fang Mei said of her father:

"Poverty, great love, dedication, sacrifice, this is the most precious legacy left to me by my father Fang Zhimin."

"For many years, I read my father's will, and in every word, I could read his great love, his love for the motherland, and his love for the people. His body epitomizes the excellent traditions of the Chinese nation. He not only belongs to our children, he belongs to China. ”

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="41" > to pursue fathers in other people's memories</h1>

Daughter recalls her father Fang Zhimin: during the sacrifice, she stuffed a towel in her mouth and was shot in the back of her head, and her will affected my life's great "communist martyr" Fang Mei: My father influenced my life to pursue my father's fearless sacrifice in the memories of others

Fang Mei devoted her life to the cause of "writing fathers". In fact, Fang Mei did not really have a memory with her father, so how could she establish a vivid father image?

Fang Mei once mentioned in the interview that the most precious thing left to her by her father is "Lovely Motherland", which is the first book in her life, in which she "saw" her father.

From the age of seventeen, Fang Mei slowly read and read, and the process of learning was not easy. Shortly after Fang Mei returned to her biological mother, Miao Min decided to send her daughter to the school for the children of martyrs.

Fang Mei, who has lived in the countryside for a long time, has not received a systematic and good education. In addition, life in the countryside is mostly based on farming.

Fang Mei's literacy is difficult, and reading is even more difficult. Miao Min found that her daughter had no intention of studying, and she strictly forced Fang Mei. After repeated education, Fang Mei finally had some strengths.

At first, she did not understand why her mother, Miao Min, was so strict about her own reading. Other people's books can have Yan Ruyu, or there can be a golden house, but Fang Mei seems to have "seen" her father- Fang Zhimin in her father's last works.

Daughter recalls her father Fang Zhimin: during the sacrifice, she stuffed a towel in her mouth and was shot in the back of her head, and her will affected my life's great "communist martyr" Fang Mei: My father influenced my life to pursue my father's fearless sacrifice in the memories of others

Through these words, Fang Mei seems to have traveled through time and space to feel her father's sincere teachings, her father's ardent expectations, and Fang Mei studied harder and harder.

In this book that carries the imprint of his father's life and blood, Fang Mei reads it over and over again, and the vague figure of his father gradually becomes clearer and more magnificent.

Fang Mei spent ten years searching for her father in the memories of others.

She measured every inch of land where her father lived and fought with her own feet; she stared with her eyes at the heroes of the Red Army who had fought with her father; she listened with her ears to Fang's touching deeds about her father.

In their story, the father is poor and loving, determined and soft, brave and fearless. The glorious image of his father became more and more dazzling in Fang Mei's heart.

After the data collection was completed, Fang Mei spent another ten years writing about her father. Even when she wrote about the deformation of the joints of her hands, she had no regrets, because she said that she could not care about anything in her life, only her respectable father.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="54" > fearless sacrifice</h1>

On the eve of dawn on August 6, 1935, Fang Zhimin was secretly taken by the Kuomintang to Xiashawo in Nanchang City and killed. Before Fang Zhimin was executed, a towel was stuffed in his mouth because the Kuomintang feared that his slogans would cause unnecessary trouble.

Bullets roared and mercilessly through the back of the hero's head.

This is a detailed description of Fang Zhimin's execution scene in "The Complete Biography of Fang Zhimin". Many people are skeptical about this. Fang Mei didn't see it with her own eyes, how did she know?

Daughter recalls her father Fang Zhimin: during the sacrifice, she stuffed a towel in her mouth and was shot in the back of her head, and her will affected my life's great "communist martyr" Fang Mei: My father influenced my life to pursue my father's fearless sacrifice in the memories of others

Pictured fang zhimin (center) in prison

Fang Mei said that this was a real scene. On the day of his father's heroic righteousness, the Kuomintang went to a photographer in a photo studio in the county town in advance to take pictures. The photographer witnessed the entire execution as a witness, and the photographs were physical evidence.

It freezes Fang Zhimin's life forever at the age of 36. We don't know what Fang Zhimin's demeanor and mental activity are like when he really faces death. However, it can be seen from the self-statement book he wrote under the persecution of the Kuomintang during his lifetime.

"Chinese New Year's Eve six years old, I am willing to sacrifice everything to contribute to the Soviets and the revolution, just as above."

The whole self-description book is only twenty-five words, and each stroke reveals his perseverance and fearlessness. How can a man who can write such firm language show cowardice and retreat in the face of persecution by the enemy?

Although Fang Zhimin's life came to an end at the age of 36. In the material space, his life is certainly limited. But in the spiritual space, his righteous awe, uprightness, fearlessness and fearlessness permanently affected his daughter Fang Mei and many others.

The names of the martyrs will forever reside on the five-star red flag with their blood and spirit, and will be passed on and carried forward from generation to generation.

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