
The head chef teaches you how to Chinese New Year's Eve rice braised fish nuggets, the steps are detailed, fresh and juicy rice and wine

author:Keep an eye out for food

Hello everyone, I am Liu Yi who pays attention to food, pay attention to me, and share the practice of home cooking with you every day.

Approaching the end of the year, I don't know if everyone is thinking about what kind of food should be made for Chinese New Year's Eve rice? Today I will share with you a very special hard dish, that is, roast fish, I don't know how everyone usually cooks fish, today I will make a braised fish piece to share with you, let's take a look at the specific operation together.

【Braised fish nuggets】

The head chef teaches you how to Chinese New Year's Eve rice braised fish nuggets, the steps are detailed, fresh and juicy rice and wine

【Basic Ingredients】Fresh grass carp, cooking wine, salt, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, pepper, corn starch or sweet potato starch, eggs, star anise, cooking oil.

【Basic steps】

1. First of all, we choose a fresh grass carp to slaughter, wash it, cut off the fish head, and use it to make fish head tofu soup. Then chop it off, the tail and fins do not. Then we cut into two slices from the middle along the belly of the fish, first cut the brisket, and then change the knife to cut into two finger-wide knife pieces, so that it is more flavorful and better when firing, if there are friends who can't cut it, you can look at the picture, and then we put the cut fish pieces into the basin. Start with a scoop of cooking wine and salt. Then use your hands to grab and mix the tea a few times, scratch and mix until the surface of the fish becomes very sticky, and then put in water to wash it twice. Wash until the water becomes particularly clear and no longer turbid, and then fish out the control of dry water, and squeeze the water of the fish pieces as dry as much as possible.

The head chef teaches you how to Chinese New Year's Eve rice braised fish nuggets, the steps are detailed, fresh and juicy rice and wine

2. Then we put the fish pieces back in a basin, then add salt, a little more cooking wine, a spoonful of pepper to remove the fishy taste, and then put in a little soy sauce to add color, and then mix well by hand. After stirring well, beat an egg, grasp and mix well with your hands, after the egg liquid and fish pieces are fused, we will put in the appropriate amount of corn starch or sweet potato starch, and continue to grasp and mix evenly.

The head chef teaches you how to Chinese New Year's Eve rice braised fish nuggets, the steps are detailed, fresh and juicy rice and wine

3. Next, we prepare small ingredients, and the ginger and garlic can be patted separately, so that they can be eaten more granular and more flavorful. Cut the green onion into small pieces in an appropriate amount, cut it and put it in a small bowl together with ginger and garlic. Then prepare two anti-peppers, cut into granules and put them together with parsley.

The head chef teaches you how to Chinese New Year's Eve rice braised fish nuggets, the steps are detailed, fresh and juicy rice and wine

4. Next, put the oil a little more, heat the oil to 60%, turn on medium-low heat, and add the fish pieces. If you fry more, it is best to fry in two pots, fish out a part first, wait until the oil temperature rises, we will cook the next pot, when cooking the next pot, we will just fish out of the fish and others are all fried in the pan. Keep on medium heat and fry for another two minutes, until the surface of the fish is slightly yellow and hard, and then the oil can be fished out.

The head chef teaches you how to Chinese New Year's Eve rice braised fish nuggets, the steps are detailed, fresh and juicy rice and wine

5. Then leave a little oil in the pan, then add the appropriate amount of lard, then add two star anise and crush, keep the low heat, and fry the star anise until it is slightly paste. Then pour in the green onion, ginger, garlic, sauté the aroma and then add the right amount of dried chili, pepper to remove the fishy flavor, then add the appropriate amount of soybean sauce, stir-fry the sauce flavor, then add seafood sauce, then add oyster sauce and a little sweet noodle sauce. Soy sauce to taste, flavor and color, a little more vinegar, and then put in the appropriate amount of sesame oil, and finally put in the cooking wine, the sauce must be repeatedly fried, fried until the oil sauce is separated.

The head chef teaches you how to Chinese New Year's Eve rice braised fish nuggets, the steps are detailed, fresh and juicy rice and wine

6. Then add the dried fish cubes, stir-fry a few times, and fry evenly. After stir-frying, pour in the right amount of boiling water, if there is a broth, you can put the broth, then put the coriander in a knot in the pot, and then add sugar and pepper. Heat for a minute and use a spoon to push the soup well. Then cover the pot and simmer on medium-low heat for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, open the lid of the pot and put the cut green pepper rings into the pot, at this time the taste of the coriander is also volatile, we will fish out the coriander and skim off, no, and finally open the fire and collect the soup. Once thickened, turn off the heat and place on a plate.

The head chef teaches you how to Chinese New Year's Eve rice braised fish nuggets, the steps are detailed, fresh and juicy rice and wine

Just such a delicious braised fish piece is prepared, it looks tender and delicious, it tastes more delicate and smooth than the meat, and the soup absorbed by the special knife edge at the beginning becomes very rich.

The head chef teaches you how to Chinese New Year's Eve rice braised fish nuggets, the steps are detailed, fresh and juicy rice and wine

Tips: 1. We must pay attention to the belly of the fish when killing the fish, and the black film on it must be scraped clean, otherwise the taste of the fish will be very fishy.

2. The best way to finally get fast is to marinate it in advance, so that it tastes better and goes fishy.

3. Here to tell you a little knowledge of cooking and making fish, that is, when we fry fish or when frying other delicacies, the oil temperature must be high, so that the molding is fast and not easy to break, and it can also reduce the absorption of more grease.

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