
Braised fish how to make delicious, teach everyone how to cook braised carp this dish Braised fish how to make delicious, teach everyone how to make braised carp this dish

author:Scallion pancakes without green onions

There are many types of fish, and there are many practices. Today teach you how to make braised carp, speaking of braised carp is also one of the classic dishes, but also in line with the taste of the public. Different fish are also made with different tastes, and braised carp is still very simple to make overall. Mainly first marinated, and then fried in the pot, and finally cooked soup fish into the pot to burn into the flavor, the overall is still very good to operate. Let's tell you how to cook braised carp!

Braised fish how to make delicious, teach everyone how to cook braised carp this dish Braised fish how to make delicious, teach everyone how to make braised carp this dish

Braised carp

Ingredients: 1 carp, Pixian bean paste, chopped chives, green onion, shredded onion, garlic, carrot, parsley, coriander, ginger, soy sauce, corn starch

Directions Step 1: First cut the green onion, garlic, carrots, parsley into small pieces, and then cut the other ingredients.

Step 2: Descale the carp and wash it. Change the carp into a flower knife and add a little chicken essence, MONOS glutamate, salt, and marinate for a while.

Step 3: After the fish is marinated for a while, you can fry the carp in the pot, and the carp is fried and then out of the pan for later. I'm not sure if you're cooked or not, you can try it with chopsticks!

Step 4: Heat the pot with the right amount of oil, first add the appropriate amount of garlic, ginger, green onion grains, Pixian bean paste in the pot and stir, then add the right amount of water and stir. Wait for the soup to heat up, add the fried carp, and then add the appropriate amount of soy sauce. Heat on for about three minutes!

Step 5: After the carp is cooked for about three minutes, add the appropriate amount of parsley grains, carrot grains, onion shreds, chopped chives, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, and cook for about a minute. Add cornstarch and a little green onion and coriander to the pan. A delicious braised carp is ready!

Braised fish how to make delicious, teach everyone how to cook braised carp this dish Braised fish how to make delicious, teach everyone how to make braised carp this dish

When the family is reunited during the festive season, it is always indispensable to fish dishes, as a very classic dish, braised carp is also very suitable for a family to eat together. At the same time, the method of braised carp is also very simple, and everyone may wish to do it again if time permits.

【Cooking Tips】

If you like to eat spicy, you can put a moderate amount of millet spicy

Other fish can also be used to make braised fish, such as crucian carp or sea bass.

Braised fish how to make delicious, teach everyone how to cook braised carp this dish Braised fish how to make delicious, teach everyone how to make braised carp this dish

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