
"Sichuan Flavor" (Season 1) Episode 1, Mapo Tofu

author:Documentary on Chinese cuisine

The food documentary "Sichuan Taste" is a food documentary that explores the relationship between Chinese and food with the theme of Sichuan famous dishes, and records many delicious dishes in Sichuan. The film aims to bring seductive food images to people who love Sichuan cuisine. There are fifteen episodes, each about 15 minutes long. The documentary is directed by Pange.

"Sichuan Flavor" (Season 1) Episode 1, Mapo Tofu

This episode begins with a poem by the Tang Dynasty female poet Zheng Yunrui: Grinding Stones Flowing Jade Milk, Spring Boiling Knot Spring. The color is crisp and pure, and the fragrance is stronger than the chalcedony. The origin of tofu is introduced, and for more than 2,000 years, tofu has become a food that has been passed down through the ages. And tofu uses her ever-changing posture to impress our taste buds, and it also achieves an incomparably stunning temptation on the table.

"Sichuan Flavor" (Season 1) Episode 1, Mapo Tofu

The ancient town of Qinglinkou in Mianyang, Sichuan, is famous for its bile water tofu. Li Shouzhong took over the tofu stall from his father's hand for more than 30 years, upgraded it to Li's Tofu Village, and now passed on the tofu farm to his son. He was going to make a Lee's home-cooked tofu feast for his grandson's birthday. Bile water tofu is made of well water and small soybeans, which has a fragrant and tender taste. The tofu is pressed into a puree, then fresh minced meat is added and then egg is added to form a paste, and the radish can be used to make a shape that children such as dragon and phoenix like.

"Sichuan Flavor" (Season 1) Episode 1, Mapo Tofu

Pregnant tofu is to cut the tofu into pieces and shape it with a knife, then sandwich it into the meat filling, wrap it in egg white powder, fry it in a frying pan until it is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, then steam it on the pot, and then pour out the sauce of various flavors after ten minutes. Bear paw tofu and sauerkraut bean blossom are the two usual dishes that Li Shouzhong's mother loves the most. An ordinary but warm tofu feast forms a family-only joy.

"Sichuan Flavor" (Season 1) Episode 1, Mapo Tofu

Pregnant tofu

"Sichuan Flavor" (Season 1) Episode 1, Mapo Tofu

Tofu feast

Leshan Xiba is the origin of Sichuan-style tofu feasts. At Sanba Hotel, a group of modern tofu Xishi use their magic to squeeze stone ground tofu into a puree and cook it with broth seasoning, adding cream made from pure egg whites to get snowflake tofu with an ice cream-like taste.

"Sichuan Flavor" (Season 1) Episode 1, Mapo Tofu

Snowflake tofu

Firecracker tofu is a very creative tofu type firecracker shape, fried after taking out the tofu and then put in the delicious meat filling, fried again until the skin is crispy meat, poured with salty and slightly spicy sauce, each piece of tofu is delicious and crispy.

"Sichuan Flavor" (Season 1) Episode 1, Mapo Tofu

Firecracker tofu

"Sichuan Flavor" (Season 1) Episode 1, Mapo Tofu

Fish heart stuffed tofu is also known as pocket tofu, tofu slices with minced meat stuffing and then wrapped in protein tofu puree, fried in a high-heat oil pan until fluffy and crispy, quickly drizzled with sweet and sour sauce, dried up tofu balls after sucking through the sauce, smooth and full, sweet and sour.

"Sichuan Flavor" (Season 1) Episode 1, Mapo Tofu

Fish hearts stuffed tofu

"Sichuan Flavor" (Season 1) Episode 1, Mapo Tofu

Xiba tofu is mainly tender, with 108 dishes, including 70 red flavors and 28 white flavors. A table of tofu feasts reveals the Xiba people's love for tofu.

"Sichuan Flavor" (Season 1) Episode 1, Mapo Tofu

During the Tongzhi period of the Qing Dynasty, Chen Xingsheng Restaurant in Wanfuqiao, Chengdu, because the man died young and was forced to make a living, his wife Chen Liu had to continue to operate. Most of the guests who patronize the restaurant are porters who stop at their feet. These neighbors and repeat customers who sell meat and tofu help Chen Liushi take tofu, beef, etc. and ask her to process it into dishes on her behalf by paying for it. In the long-term cooking, Chen Liu has mastered a unique set of cooking techniques, and the tofu cooked has a unique flavor. In order to distinguish it from other roasted tofu, because of the numb marks on her beautiful face, it was called mapo tofu. The restaurant was therefore named Chen Ma Po Tofu Shop.

"Sichuan Flavor" (Season 1) Episode 1, Mapo Tofu

Chen Ma Po Tofu Shop

Huang Chengjun's obsession with traditional Sichuan flavors led him to start the business of a Mapo tofu shop. And he wants to excavate and sort out the traditional old Sichuan cuisine so that more people can taste the taste of those memories. Mapo tofu is one of the world-famous Sichuan dishes.

"Sichuan Flavor" (Season 1) Episode 1, Mapo Tofu

Mapo tofu

Mapo tofu seems simple, but it is not easy to be traditional and authentic. It is most important to choose tender and fragrant gypsum tofu. Change the whole square of tofu into a four-sided square. Add salt to the soup to simmer and preserve the freshness and then remove it for later. The authentic spicy seasoning requires chili powder made from Chengdu Erjing strips, minced peppercorns from Hanyuan Qingxi, and finely chopped pure lean yellow beef after de-ribbing. Tofu is seasoned in a thick oil soup made from watercress, paprika, tempeh and garlic. The characteristics of Mapo tofu are only eight words: hemp, spicy, hot, bundled, crisp, tender, fresh, fragrant.

"Sichuan Flavor" (Season 1) Episode 1, Mapo Tofu
"Sichuan Flavor" (Season 1) Episode 1, Mapo Tofu

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