
A friend said: Tianjin's many early noodle teas are a magical existence...

author:Similar to Tianjin Wei

A friend said: Tianjin's many early noodle tea is a magical existence, people who are not tolerant to eat a bite are too confused, and people who are resistant to eating cannot be separated every day.

A friend said: Tianjin's many early noodle teas are a magical existence...

In fact, delicious noodle tea does not paste the mouth, and the reason for the paste may be two points:

1. The production of noodle tea is not authentic.

2. You eat noodle tea the wrong way.

How is noodle tea made?

1. Brew the millet noodles (to reach a state of semi-foaming expansion), grind and dilute.

2. Add water, ginger powder, salt, etc. to the pot and let the water boil.

3. Pour the mixed millet water into the boiling water, and stir the water in the pot continuously while pouring.

4. Over low heat, stir non-stop from thin to thick. Millet batter is done. The finished paste batter should be placed in a constant temperature container to ensure that it is always hot when sold.

5. Sauté the salt until browned.

6. Sauté the white sesame seeds and sauté for aroma.

7. Mix the salt with the white sesame seeds and crush them, and the sesame salt is ready.

8. Spread sesame paste in sesame oil. The sesame sauce is ready.

(The above is only a rough step)

Noodle tea is divided into "single ingredient" and "double ingredient":

"Single ingredient" noodle tea: Add millet batter to a bowl, sprinkle with sesame salt and drizzle with tahini.

A friend said: Tianjin's many early noodle teas are a magical existence...
A friend said: Tianjin's many early noodle teas are a magical existence...

"Double ingredient" noodle tea: Put a small amount of surimi batter in a bowl, sprinkle with sesame salt, drizzle with tahini, and then add minced batter, sprinkle with sesame salt, and drizzle with tahini.

A friend said: Tianjin's many early noodle teas are a magical existence...

Queuing up to buy noodle tea is a pleasure from smell to vision, you can smell the rich aroma of noodle tea in line, watching the production process of bowl after bowl of noodle tea flowing water, it is really a visual feast.

How to eat noodle tea:

Eating method 1: The traditional way to eat is not to use any tableware, hold up the noodle tea with one hand, inhale it into the mouth, slowly turn slowly, and eat slowly. Eat it with fruit (the fruit is fritters) or burnt bread. When eating, you can push the noodle tea with fruit or burnt cakes, and the bowl is clean after eating.

A friend said: Tianjin's many early noodle teas are a magical existence...

Eating method 2: Now more people eat with a spoon, spoon by spoon. Do not stir, stir the noodle tea and it will be poured.

I'm used to the second way of eating, because the first way of eating is hot and embarrassing.

A friend said: Tianjin's many early noodle teas are a magical existence...

Noodle tea not only smells fragrant, but also eats a mouthful of fragrant, salty and hot to eat, and there is sweetness in the back mouth.

The difference between noodle tea, tea soup and oil tea noodles:

1. Noodle tea tastes salty and fragrant, how to make it has been introduced above.

2. The taste of tea soup is sweet, that is, the dragon's mouth large copper pot. Rinse with boiling water and add green silk roses, Kyo cake strips, etc. Tianjin's traditional tea soup is rice noodles.

A friend said: Tianjin's many early noodle teas are a magical existence...

3. Oil tea noodles are sweet, that is, fried noodles, generally dim sum shop for sale, buy a bag, go home and want to eat when you want to eat, brew well and you can eat.

A friend said: Tianjin's many early noodle teas are a magical existence...

Let me share a few of my resistant noodle tea shops:

Shanggangzi noodle tea

A friend said: Tianjin's many early noodle teas are a magical existence...

Shanggangzi noodle tea is the noodle tea I have eaten the most times, and every time I go, it is basically a bowl of double noodle tea with a fruit or a burnt cake, and occasionally a tea egg.

A friend said: Tianjin's many early noodle teas are a magical existence...

Shanggangzi noodle tea has a hundred years of history, in the early years of Shanggangzi noodle tea in Chenjiagouzi Shanggangzi West Hutong, also named because of its hutong name: Shanggangzi noodle tea. Now Shanggangzi noodle tea is in a small alley, many diners think it is not easy to find, in fact, it is in the alley behind the Jiangdu Road Xiandu Road restaurant.

A friend said: Tianjin's many early noodle teas are a magical existence...
A friend said: Tianjin's many early noodle teas are a magical existence...
A friend said: Tianjin's many early noodle teas are a magical existence...

The paste batter of his noodle tea is thicker than that of other homes, the sesame sauce is rich and fragrant, the sesame salt is salty and fragrant, and the sweetness is very comfortable. I would probably go to his house for noodle tea every once in a while.

A friend said: Tianjin's many early noodle teas are a magical existence...

There is still air conditioning in the store, and it is very comfortable to eat noodle tea in the summer, which is great!

Jiangdu Road and Jingjiang Road have a lot of food, not far from Shanggangzi, there is also a very famous noodle tea shop in Tianjin, that is: Yinji noodle tea.

A friend said: Tianjin's many early noodle teas are a magical existence...
A friend said: Tianjin's many early noodle teas are a magical existence...

The location of Yin Ji noodle tea is very good, and the Happiness Garden Subway Exit A comes out and turns right for a while.

A friend said: Tianjin's many early noodle teas are a magical existence...

The degree of thickness of his noodle tea is relatively just right, the color of sesame salt is very good, the taste is relatively heavy than the other noodle tea I eat, the taste is more salty and fragrant in comparison, and friends who eat a single bite may feel a little salty and such a taste with his family's flower rolls and steamed cakes, great!

A friend said: Tianjin's many early noodle teas are a magical existence...

His steamed cake has bean paste and red fruit, the taste is quite resistant to eat, especially the red fruit steamed cake and the taste of childhood is very similar, sweet and sour, delicate filling.

A friend said: Tianjin's many early noodle teas are a magical existence...
A friend said: Tianjin's many early noodle teas are a magical existence...

At the recommendation of a friend, I learned of a morning shop located on the early street in the bridge garden: Wang Ji early breakfast.

A friend said: Tianjin's many early noodle teas are a magical existence...

My friend began to recommend to me his gaba cuisine, but I felt that his gaba cuisine was relatively average, and the noodle tea was quite distinctive.

A friend said: Tianjin's many early noodle teas are a magical existence...
A friend said: Tianjin's many early noodle teas are a magical existence...

The thickness of his noodle tea paste is probably between Shanggangzi and Yin Ji, and the combination of sesame salt and sesame sauce is not only salty but also slightly sweet, and it is even fresher to eat.

I still remember when I was a child, my grandmother took me to the morning shop on the edge of the market to eat noodle tea, and my grandmother asked for a bowl of single-ingredient noodle tea to eat with fruit, and I took the fried cake i bought from the fried cake stall at the door and ate it with pulp. After eating, my grandmother took me to the morning market to buy vegetables, and my grandmother carried a big basket, and I followed my grandmother in the back with the dishes that I couldn't put down.

Hello everyone, I'm Sukesuke!

Which noodle tea are you enduring?

A friend said: Tianjin's many early noodle teas are a magical existence...

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Great! Chubby!

What about a bite to eat next?

#吃在天津 #

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