
Tianjin Old Man | Sell large fruit hot noodle tea

author:Two or three miles of information Tianjin
Tianjin Old Man | Sell large fruit hot noodle tea

In the past, there were many early snacks sold in the hutongs, such as "big fruit hot noodle tea".

The food that Tianjin people call "fruit" is actually what outsiders call fritters, and Tianjin people call it "fruit", which is really a bit of language habits in it. Tianjin was the garrison of the Hui Army in ancient times, and many words originated from the southern accent, such as the snacks are called "guo'er", what nuts, large kernels, preserved fruits. "Fruit heads", "fruit cakes", and "candy seeds" related to breakfast are also called "sugar peels". There is also the "fruit grate" that Beijingers call "thin and crisp", in fact, "fruit grate" originally means "fruit cake". It means a cake-shaped fruit, but it is very thin, and it has many small eyes like a sieve, like a grate.

Tianjin Old Man | Sell large fruit hot noodle tea

Regarding the ingredients of the fruit, the old man in Tianjin opened his mouth to "one alum, two alkali, three salts", that is to say, in a certain amount of flour, add the above proportion of additives, the fried fruit is the most crispy, of course, there is a mastery of the heat, it depends on the craftsmanship of the operator.

Let's talk about noodle tea. Tianjin sells noodle tea, the late Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the People's Republic of China to Xiaoguan's shanggangzi is the most famous, mainly millet noodles, pure materials, after a number of production and sale, almost became a local specialty in the cross street area of Hebei. In the 1940s and 1950s, the Yang clan of Bird City was the most famous. Yang's name is Yang Yukun, and every day his son starts to carry his burden to a small alley on the east side of the south end of Bird Market Street. Yang San sells noodle tea material fine and fine, is it called fine material? Because the noodle tea needs to be drunk on the side of the bowl, without a spoon, the vendor can not hold the noodle tea with a large spoon; you have to use a shallow betel nut spoon, floating skin, and then scoop it in the middle; the middle is hot, a spoon is cold, a spoon is hot, and it is delicious when eating.

Tianjin Old Man | Sell large fruit hot noodle tea

When we were young, we used to go to Nanshi for noodle tea. Drink noodle tea never use chopsticks without a spoon, just hold the bowl to drink along the side, after the end of the bowl clean, noodle tea does not stick to the bowl, as for the vendor to sell the fruit and noodle tea together, in order to let the early dry and thin collocation, children are also happy to use large fruits dipped in sesame sauce, sesame salt to taste together, that taste, beauty ~ ~ still remembered.

Planner & Producer: Myrtle

Author: Wang Heping

Editing & Typography: Ma Cheng

Jin yun. Memory Tianjin Studio

Source: Northern Network

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