
How to do it: Casserole fish head

author:The night is 19417575 starry
How to do it: Casserole fish head

Name: Casserole fish head

Ingredients: silver carp head, gypsum tofu, cooked ham, golden hook (dried shrimp), winter shoots, cooked pork tongue, Chinese cabbage, cuttlefish

Seasoning: ginger, green onion, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, fresh soup, lard

Make 1: Wash the head of the silver carp, cut it into 2 halves, and taste it with salt and cooking wine. Cooked ham, pork tongue, winter shoots cut into thin slices. Cut the tofu into thick slices and blanch twice with boiling water. The Chinese cabbage is washed and torn into slices, and the golden hook is washed. The cuttlefish fillets are made into thick slices and repeatedly soaked in water to remove the alkali flavor.

2) Put lard in the pan and fry the fish head until it is slightly yellow on both sides, then leave 50 grams of oil, put in the beaten ginger, stir-fry the green onion to make the aroma, add the fresh soup, boil the fish head to beat the foam, pick up the ginger and shallots without use.

3) Take a casserole, add cabbage, winter shoots, ham, golden hook, pork tongue, tofu, pepper, pour the fish head soup into the casserole, put it on the fire to simmer the aroma, add MSG, salt to adjust the taste, add the cuttlefish and cook it slightly to make a dish.

Production essentials: when cutting the head of the fish, you should bring part of the fish, the golden hook should not be too much, and the side dishes can also be added to the mushroom, mushroom and other favorite vegetables.

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