
In winter, I will eat this casserole fish head, the fish meat is tender and fragrant, and I want to eat it when I smell it

author:Ashan Miki

The weather is cold, if you can eat a warm meal when you come home from work and drive away the cold on your body, how comfortable it should be!

In winter, I will eat this casserole fish head, the fish meat is tender and fragrant, and I want to eat it when I smell it

Today I recommend this casserole fish head, we have eaten fish head pot in the restaurant outside, and we often make it at home, the taste is actually better than the restaurant, I make my own side dishes, and the ingredients are fresh. Fish head and tofu are the best match, tofu absorbs the soup of fish, one bite to eat is really delicious.

Here's a home-cooked recipe for casserole fish heads!

In winter, I will eat this casserole fish head, the fish meat is tender and fragrant, and I want to eat it when I smell it

【 Casserole fish head 】

Ingredients: 1 silver carp head (fat fish head) or white lotus fish head, 1 piece of tofu, 1 tomato

Side dishes are selected according to their own taste preferences, cooked pork belly, cooked pork hearts, cooked pork tongue slices, shiitake mushrooms, enoki mushrooms, black fungus, green vegetables, etc., what you want to eat.

In winter, I will eat this casserole fish head, the fish meat is tender and fragrant, and I want to eat it when I smell it

50 g lard, ginger, green onion, garlic, peppercorns, white pepper, soy sauce, oyster sauce, corn starch, salt


1, the fish head to remove the gills, wash with water, control the dry water. Add salt, oyster sauce, soy sauce, pepper and cornstarch and marinate well.

In winter, I will eat this casserole fish head, the fish meat is tender and fragrant, and I want to eat it when I smell it

In addition, use a bowl with flower carving wine, soy sauce, sugar, dark soy sauce, corn starch, water and stir well, set aside.

2, heat the pot, cut the ginger in half, and rub the bottom of the pot with ginger again, so as to prevent the fish skin from sticking to the pan when frying the fish head.

In winter, I will eat this casserole fish head, the fish meat is tender and fragrant, and I want to eat it when I smell it

3, put lard in the pot, heat up and choke on the peppercorns, and fish out the peppercorns without use. On medium heat, fry the marinated fish head on both sides until slightly yellow, and the fish head can also be fried in oil.

In winter, I will eat this casserole fish head, the fish meat is tender and fragrant, and I want to eat it when I smell it

4. Stir-fry the ginger, green onion and minced garlic until fragrant, pour in the mixed sauce. Pour the fish head into a casserole dish, add boiling water and use the broth to make it more fragrant. Put the tofu, pork belly, pork heart, shiitake mushrooms, fungus, etc. you want to eat into a casserole dish, reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes, add salt to taste, do not add MSG, so as not to affect the umami taste of the fish.

In winter, I will eat this casserole fish head, the fish meat is tender and fragrant, and I want to eat it when I smell it

Finally, sprinkle with green onions, and a casserole fish head tofu with full color and flavor is ready. The soup is pure and fragrant, and the fish head is fat and tender, which makes people's appetite increase!

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