
This is the most authentic way to make sour and mellow little stir-fried steamed buns, delicious to burst

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
This is the most authentic way to make sour and mellow little stir-fried steamed buns, delicious to burst

Stew a pot of delicious soup, cook a few pieces of fat and lean meat, fry a bowl of fragrant small stir-fried steamed steamed buns, accompanied by sugar garlic, steamed buns are smooth and fragrant, both the rich and thick of the steamed buns, as well as the unique taste of sour and spicy refreshing, tempting appetite.

By and Moon Fragrance


Beef Beef

Lamb 1000 g

Flour 500 g

Fan 1 handful

2 slices of dried tofu

3 fungus

1 handful of yellow flowers

1 tomato

3 coriander

1 green onion

Ginger 1 piece

2 cloves of garlic

Shanghai green 3 trees

Sugar garlic 2 heads

Paprika, 2 scoops

1 scoop of ground white pepper

1 scoop of salt

1 scoop of Verdami Oyster Sauce

Verdantamaxx Premium Premium Light Soy Sauce 2 scoops

3 scoops of vantame melano vinegar

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

This is the most authentic way to make sour and mellow little stir-fried steamed buns, delicious to burst

1. Protagonists: steamed buns, mutton soup, mutton, vermicelli.

This is the most authentic way to make sour and mellow little stir-fried steamed buns, delicious to burst

2, stew: beef and mutton are available, I used yokoyama goat, rinsed the meat with water, put it in a casserole, added green onions and ginger, added enough water, boiled on high heat, skimmed off the foam, changed to medium-low heat and stewed for an hour and a half to two hours. After cooking the lamb, remove the lamb and let it cool and cut into pieces. High-variety lamb stew is as simple as that.

This is the most authentic way to make sour and mellow little stir-fried steamed buns, delicious to burst

3: Prepare the steamed buns: add half the amount of water to the flour, knead and let it sit for 20 minutes.

This is the most authentic way to make sour and mellow little stir-fried steamed buns, delicious to burst

4. Wake up the noodles and roll out into the thickness of two coins. 500 g flour flared 2 pcs. The pan does not put oil, and the pan is burned to maturity over medium-low heat.

This is the most authentic way to make sour and mellow little stir-fried steamed buns, delicious to burst

5: Let it cool and break into soybean kernel size. This step is a test of perseverance and patience, and the nails hurt.

This is the most authentic way to make sour and mellow little stir-fried steamed buns, delicious to burst

6. After the vermicelli warm water is soaked, the water is controlled for later use.

This is the most authentic way to make sour and mellow little stir-fried steamed buns, delicious to burst

7. Supporting roles: dried tofu sliced, tomatoes cut into pieces, yellow flowers, fungus warm water foam hair cut into sections, green vegetables washed.

This is the most authentic way to make sour and mellow little stir-fried steamed buns, delicious to burst

8、 Ingredients: finely chopped shallots, ginger and garlic.

This is the most authentic way to make sour and mellow little stir-fried steamed buns, delicious to burst

9, soul mate: parsley washed and chopped, sugar garlic peeled off the skin and broken into independent individuals

This is the most authentic way to make sour and mellow little stir-fried steamed buns, delicious to burst

10, hot pot cold oil, it is best to add a piece of sheep fat, no use the usual oil. Heat the oil with green onions, ginger, garlic, coriander and sauté until fragrant.

This is the most authentic way to make sour and mellow little stir-fried steamed buns, delicious to burst

11: Add paprika and sauté in red oil. The paprika I use is ground from Qin peppers. Qin pepper, is a good product in the pepper, known as the "king of peppers", the color is bright red, spicy and strong, especially the dried pepper is the most famous, spicy appetizer.

This is the most authentic way to make sour and mellow little stir-fried steamed buns, delicious to burst

12: Add dried tofu and yellow fungus and sauté for 2 or 3 minutes.

This is the most authentic way to make sour and mellow little stir-fried steamed buns, delicious to burst

13: Add tomatoes.

This is the most authentic way to make sour and mellow little stir-fried steamed buns, delicious to burst

14: Add 1 spoonful of salt, 1 spoonful of pepper, 1 spoonful of oyster sauce, 2 spoons of soy sauce, 3 spoons of vinegar, add the appropriate amount of heavy seasoning, and fry until the tomatoes are juiced.

This is the most authentic way to make sour and mellow little stir-fried steamed buns, delicious to burst

15: Add broth and bring to a boil.

This is the most authentic way to make sour and mellow little stir-fried steamed buns, delicious to burst

16: Pour in the cracked bun and bring to a boil. The amount of one person, bowl by bowl, is delicious.

This is the most authentic way to make sour and mellow little stir-fried steamed buns, delicious to burst

17: Put the meat and vermicelli and cook for 5 minutes.

This is the most authentic way to make sour and mellow little stir-fried steamed buns, delicious to burst

18: Put the green vegetables and cook to change color.

This is the most authentic way to make sour and mellow little stir-fried steamed buns, delicious to burst

19: Drizzle with egg mixture, stir slowly, solidify and cook, turn off the heat and remove from the pot.

This is the most authentic way to make sour and mellow little stir-fried steamed buns, delicious to burst

20, the hot air wrapped in the flesh, spicy mixed with vinegar incense, people can't help but call "Te".

This is the most authentic way to make sour and mellow little stir-fried steamed buns, delicious to burst

21, full of an old bowl, sprinkled with coriander, a mouthful of steamed bread, a clove of garlic, chatting.

This is the most authentic way to make sour and mellow little stir-fried steamed buns, delicious to burst

22, steamed buns are smooth, the material is heavy and pure, sour and spicy appetizers, it is worth a try for people who love steamed buns.


The meal is too complicated, prepare more at a time, freeze the refrigerator, and take it out for processing when you want to eat on weekdays, which is very convenient.

<h2>Nutritional benefits of beef</h2>

1. Grow muscle

It is particularly effective for building muscle and strengthening. During the first few seconds of training, sarcosine is the source of muscle fuel, which is an effective supplement to adenosine triphosphate, allowing training to last longer. Among them, carnitine is mainly used to support fat metabolism, produce branched-chain amino acids, and is an amino acid that plays an important role in building muscle in bodybuilders.

2. Increase immunity

It helps you strengthen your immunity and promote protein metabolism and synthesis, thus contributing to the recovery of your body after intense training.

3. Promote rehabilitation

It can improve the body's disease resistance, and is suitable for growth and development, post-surgery and post-illness nursing in terms of blood loss and tissue repair.

4. Iron and blood replenishment

Iron is an essential element for hematopoiesis, and beef is rich in a lot of iron, and eating beef more helps in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia.

5. Anti-aging

The zinc contained in beef is an antioxidant that helps synthesize protein and promote muscle growth, which has a positive effect on anti-aging and anti-cancer; potassium contained in beef has a disease-proof effect on the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular system and urinary system; the magnesium contained can improve the efficiency of insulin anabolism and help the treatment of diabetes.

Nutritional value of beef

<h2>Dietary contraindications for beef</h2>

Beef + chestnuts cause vomiting

Beef + brown sugar swells to death

Beef + salt vegetables can be poisoned

Beef + catfish can be poisoned

Beef + snails can be poisoned

Beef + liquor will cause teeth to become inflamed

Eating beef + olives together can cause physical discomfort

In addition, there are taboos against beef

(1) It is not advisable to eat beef food that is repeatedly left hot or refrigerated and warmed

(2) It is contraindicated for those who are hot inside

(3) It is not advisable to eat smoked, roasted and pickled products

(4) It is not advisable to cook and eat with inappropriate cooking methods

(5) It is not advisable to eat beef that has not been removed from the thyroid gland

(6) It is not advisable to use a wok that has not been cleaned after frying other meats to stir-fry beef

(7) Eating with pork, white wine, leeks, herbs (garlic) and ginger is easy to cause gum inflammation

(8) It should not be used with ox knee and fairy grass

(9) It is contraindicated when taking aminophylline

PS: Contraindications to beef liver

(1) Avoid abalone and catfish

(2) It is not advisable to eat with foods rich in vitamin C

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