
Thinking Determines Destiny: 6 underlying thoughts that a person is getting stronger and stronger

author:Intensive reading
Thinking Determines Destiny: 6 underlying thoughts that a person is getting stronger and stronger

Teacher Liu Run shared a story.

When Liu Run worked at Microsoft, the company offered lunch and dinner.

Lunchtime is generally more frequent than dinner, and because not everyone works overtime at night, the supplier who makes lunch is more profitable.

It's just that sometimes, lunch is badly done...

Imagine if you were in charge, what would you do? Send someone to supervise? Change chefs every once in a while? Ask them to update their recipes?

Microsoft came up with a system:

(1) Select 2 suppliers, one for lunch and the other for dinner;

(2) Do a satisfaction survey every 3 months, do you prefer lunch or dinner?

(3) If you like dinner more, lunch and dinner suppliers exchange;

(4) If lunch wins for 6 consecutive months, change the dinner supplier.

After the implementation of this system, suppliers who said that they had done a good job and that the cost of changing tastes would be greatly increased will soon be able to provide much better services than before.

The same thing, people with different thinking habits do, the effect will be completely different.

In fact, many powerful people win in the way of thinking.

The reason why some people are limited in growth is not that they do not work hard enough, nor that they are unlucky, but they are more likely to be trapped by their own thinking mode.

Today, I would like to share with you 6 efficient ways of thinking, I hope to inspire you.


Grayscale thinking

In Fan Deng's study, I read a story of Xu Da and Zhu Yuanzhang playing chess.

After Zhu Yuanzhang was finished, the first thing that came to his mind was to kill those who had made great achievements one by one. He found all kinds of clever stubble and killed everyone, but Xu Da was the first hero of the Ming Dynasty, and he did not make any mistakes.

But Zhu Yuanzhang's goal was very firm, that is, to kill him, so he thought of a very damaged move, he let Xu Da play chess with him.

You can imagine Xu Da's situation: if you can't win, if you win, you will be guilty; if you can't deliberately lose, you obviously can play chess, and as a result, you can't pretend, which is called the crime of deception. Anyway, if you win, you will die, and if you lose, you will die.

Zhu Yuanzhang told him: "You have to play chess with me well, and if you deliberately lose, I will kill you immediately." ”

Xu Da obediently said, "Yes, Emperor," and then played chess with him.

The final result was that he won Zhu Yuanzhang, and Zhu Yuanzhang felt that he had finally found the opportunity.

But Xu Da said: "Emperor, you see, I have won, but you see if my chess pieces are two words?" ”

When Zhu Yuanzhang looked at it, it was indeed two words- long live.

This means that I am not playing chess with you, I am going to use my chess pieces to pose the word "long live".

This time, Xu Da escaped death.

This is grayscale thinking, that is, the world is full of complexity, and most people and things are not "black and white", but have different "gray levels".

For example, a child's thinking is typical of "black and white" thinking, with "either good people or bad people" in the eyes.

But the "grayscale" mindset tells us that good people do bad things, and bad people do good things. Everyone is not a purely good person, or a pure bad person.

One of the criteria for judging whether a person is mature or not is whether you can say goodbye to the simplified thinking of black and white when facing things, but think with grayscale thinking.

Thinking Determines Destiny: 6 underlying thoughts that a person is getting stronger and stronger


Win-win thinking

In 1950, two researchers from the RAND Corporation, an American think tank, modeled the "Prisoner's Dilemma" in order to simulate cooperation and competition between the United States and the former Soviet Union.

Two conspirators were imprisoned, each in solitary confinement, unable to communicate with each other.

If neither person denounces the other, then each person goes to jail for 1 year due to inconclusive evidence;

If one person exposes and the other person is silent, the whistleblower is immediately released for meritorious service, and the silent person is imprisoned for 5 years for non-cooperation;

If they were to expose each other, both men were sentenced to 2 years in prison because the evidence was conclusive.

Since the two prisoners could not trust each other, they tended to expose each other rather than keep silent together.

Win-win thinking is well understood, it's an ideal model, but it's not an instinctive habit of thinking for many people.

Compared to the win/win model, the losing/winning pattern is a more common way of thinking in life.

Because life is full of comparisons, most people are often more inclined to compete than to compete.

Therefore, in the eyes of a considerable number of people, life is a competitive game, only by defeating others and dividing the victory and defeat, can we achieve ourselves, which can easily lead to habitual self-interest.

But in fact, in the long run, the outcome of the lose/win model is often a lose-lose situation.

Only a win-win model is the only viable mode of interaction in a long-term interdependent environment.


The law of hurdles

Bruce Lee, a martial artist and founder of Boxing, was very thin and weak when he was young, and his innate qualities were not good. Even as an adult, he was only 173 centimeters tall.

In the martial arts world, such a figure is not dominant, but at a disadvantage. So why did Bruce Lee later become a martial arts master?

The reason is that this is the result of his hard training.

He studied Tai Chi at the age of seven and Wing Chun with the famous master Ip Man at the age of thirteen. In addition, he also practiced dozens of fists such as Hong Quan, White Crane Quan, Tan Leg, Shaolin Quan, Cai Li Fo Quan, etc., laying a solid foundation for the later self-creation of kung fu.

Not only that, in order to enhance his physique, he often mixed all foods with high protein and other nutrients, such as eggs, beef, milk, etc., into a blender and crushed, and drank in one breath.

Through improved nutrition, extensive practice, and even electric shock training, Bruce Lee developed strong muscles.

For example, his back muscles take on the contours of a Christmas tree. This requires fairly thick back muscles as well as very good muscle separation to do so, usually only on bodybuilders.

For example, his explosive power is very strong, a side kick can kick the four wooden planks that fall out of thin air and have no one to lean on, and the speed is so fast that when filming the movie "Dragon Fights tiger fight", he had to slow down the film speed to avoid the flying kick action becoming blurred.

This is the law of hurdles, which means that the higher the hurdle in front of you, the higher you jump.

In other words, the greater the difficulties a person encounters, the greater the achievements tend to be.

Just like Bruce Lee, judging by talent, he is thin and not tall.

Usually, it is difficult for him to become a healthy and strong person, and if he wants to become a fighter or a martial artist, there is no advantage, but the disadvantage is even greater.

But these difficulties and obstacles, erected as high as hurdles, pushed Bruce Lee's hard work, making Bruce Lee a world-renowned martial artist and a generation of masters who founded boxing.

In life, the reason why some accomplished professors embarked on the road of art was mostly affected by physical defects, which did not stop them, but on the contrary promoted them to embark on the road of art.

The law of hurdles reminds us that disadvantages are not terrible in themselves, and that as long as there is a breath, we have hope that we can make changes through action.

As the old British saying goes, "If this doesn't destroy you, it makes you stronger." ”

Thinking Determines Destiny: 6 underlying thoughts that a person is getting stronger and stronger


Occam Razor

When Edison was young, others thought he lacked scientific knowledge and did not look up to him very much.

Apra, a graduate of Princeton University's mathematics department, used to work with Edison and often flaunted his knowledge in front of Edison, who came from a newspaper.

In order to make Apra more modest, and in order to give Aplara a real understanding of science, Edison decided to come up with a problem to make him difficult.

One day, Edison handed Aplara a glass bulb and asked him to calculate how large the bulb was.

Mathematically, there are only a few regularly shaped objects whose volumes can be quickly calculated, like cubes, boxes, spheres, cones, etc., and their combinations. Although the volume of some objects can be calculated, it is very complex, and the volume of some irregularly shaped objects cannot be calculated mathematically.

Apra took a look at the glass bulb, which was pear-shaped, and thought, "Although it is not easy to calculate, it still can't help me!" ”

He took out a ruler and measured it up and down, sketched it according to the pattern of the bulb, and then listed the dense calculation formulas. He counted very carefully, and fine beads of sweat oozed from his face.

However, the volume of this bulb is too difficult to calculate. After more than an hour, he didn't figure it out.

After more than an hour, Edison came to see how he had calculated, only to see that Apra was still looking down at the equations, and there was no look of completion at all.

Edison was impatient, he took the glass bulb, sank in the water of the washbasin, filled the bulb with water, and then poured the water inside the bulb into the measuring cup, looked at the measuring cup reading, and said to Apra, it is so many milliliters, the problem is solved.

Apla then suddenly realized that Edison's method was very simple and accurate.

This is the Occam Razor principle, which states: do not add entities unless necessary.

Schopenhauer said: "A wise man is a man who is not deceived by superficial phenomena, and he even foresees in which direction things will change." ”

In life, only by seeing the essence of things and finding the root cause of problems can we solve problems thoroughly and effectively.


Luvis' theorem

The famous French painter Belloni in the 19th century, during his vacation in Switzerland, still carried his painting clip every day to sketch everywhere.

One day, he was painting on Lake Geneva.

The three British female tourists next to them began to comment, one said that it was not good here, and one said that it was not right there.

Belloni revised them one by one, and thanked them at the end.

The next day, Beroni was again by the lake and met the three female tourists from yesterday.

After a while, the three British female tourists came up to them and asked:

"Sir, we have heard that the great painter Belloni is on vacation here, so we have come to visit him. Do you know where he is now? ”

Beroni bent down slightly at them and replied, "Don't dare, I am Beroni." ”

Luvis's theorem refers to the fact that modesty is not about thinking of oneself badly, but of not thinking of oneself at all.

In life, many people will fall into the misunderstanding that modesty is to think that they think or say that they are very bad.

But this so-called modesty is not really modesty, at best it is a colorful lie, as a lubricant for social interaction in a particular environment.

True humility is not self-esteem, self-love, or inferiority, but deliberately forgetting who you are, your qualifications, and focusing on being a listener and analyst.

Lovis's theorem tells us to consciously switch perspectives, invoke our own metacognition, and see ourselves as a bystander, so that we are not too disturbed by our own instincts.

Thinking Determines Destiny: 6 underlying thoughts that a person is getting stronger and stronger


Recapital thinking

There is a piece of Go that many people may not know now. In the 1980s, China's national Go training team had an informal term called "Yuichi Yuantian".

Yuichi Yuantian is a famous nine-dan chess player of the Kansai Chess Academy in Japan, whose chess style attaches great importance to the central, bold and powerful, and is good at fighting, known as "Kansai Cosmic Stream" and "Gravity Cosmic Stream".

But the question is, how did a Japanese name become the term for the Chinese national Go training team?

It turned out that Yuan Tian Yongyi had visited China many times, and after playing chess, he always had to go deep with his opponents.

Each replay always takes a long time, and there is a great tendency to swing all the changes, and the replay does not say a word, just silently plays chess.

Thus, there is also the term "Yuichi Yuantian".

As long as the national team's chess players finish their moves and feel the need to thoroughly review and study it, one side will often say: "Yuichi Yuantian." The other party also understood, and the two began a thorough review study.

In this way, the national team will call the in-depth and meticulous research "Yuichi Yuantian", and everyone often jokes: "Are you yuantian today?" ”

This is back-up thinking. Review does not require us to really redo the past every time.

It is more of a kind of mental reproduction of events, through the past thinking and behavior of review, reflection, so as to find problems, learn experience, and ultimately achieve the improvement of ability.

Liu Chuanzhi founded Lenovo and achieved remarkable achievements. When he looks back on attribution, he feels that his advantage is review. Here's what he had to say:

"My assessment of myself is that I have a medium to high IQ, a high emotional intelligence, and a huge advantage over others. So what are my strengths? It is diligent in reviewing.

The so-called "sharpening knife does not mistakenly cut wood", the role of the replay is similar to that of the sharpening knife. Take enough time to sharpen the knife and sharpen the blade to really improve efficiency.



There is a hot question on Zhihu: Those who are strong, where is the way of thinking better than you?

110,000 people followed, thousands of answers, and many shared a variety of excellent ways of thinking.

In the answer, we see a sentence like this: a person can improve his thinking ability by accumulating fixed mental models.

Deeply. Our origins and IQ cannot be changed, and if we want to turn the tables against the wind, there is only one shortcut that can be taken, that is, to upgrade the level of thinking.

I hope that the 6 ways of thinking introduced today can inspire you and help you better improve your thinking level.

In addition, in the Dictionary of Lifelong Growth, Jing yanjun also introduced more related thinking: McKinsey method, cognitive three primary colors, creative thinking, critical thinking, reasoning, black box thinking, hierarchical thinking, Bayesian reasoning, group wisdom, failure review, crocodile law, NABC law, wheat ear theory...

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