
The child is hungry, make him a crispy duck, do not use the oven is so simple, crispy and not greasy full of flavor

author:Meimeijia's kitchenette

The temperature has dropped, and my vegetarian doll has recently fallen in love with eating meat! The other day I told me that I wanted to eat crispy roast duck, so I rushed to the supermarket to buy a plate, just a burrito, 30 yuan a plate of roast duck, the children actually got it alone! Children have never liked to eat meat, which makes the old mother overjoyed.

However, the roast duck in the supermarket is really expensive, these thirty dollars, I bought a duck to roast and eat is not more enjoyable! Say dry on the dry, do roast duck is really not a difficult thing, look, a little kung fu, the outside of the caramel tender roast duck on the table, deliberately do not cut open, the child just take it directly to nibble, super enjoyable!

The child is hungry, make him a crispy duck, do not use the oven is so simple, crispy and not greasy full of flavor

Friends themselves at home to make roast duck, the biggest problem is that the skin is not crisp enough, the duck meat is not tender enough, today Meimei taught everyone a new way to make roast duck,

The texture is crispy and crispy, the meat is delicious, the color is golden red, and it is really full of color and flavor! This crispy duck dish is cooked in the most traditional way, marinated and steamed, and finally fried, crispy but not oily. Look at this appearance, from time to time very tempting?

Friends who like it can try it, spend 5 minutes to read this article, you can also become a roast duck master!

The child is hungry, make him a crispy duck, do not use the oven is so simple, crispy and not greasy full of flavor

Ingredients: half a duck (the meat of the duck is slightly firmer, and the taste is better, it is not recommended to use the general meat duck)

Seasoning: green onion, ginger slices, peppercorns, five-spice powder, cooking wine, salt, etc


The child is hungry, make him a crispy duck, do not use the oven is so simple, crispy and not greasy full of flavor

Wash the duck and add spices such as five-spice powder, peppercorns, green onions and ginger, cooking wine, salt and other spices in a large basin.

The child is hungry, make him a crispy duck, do not use the oven is so simple, crispy and not greasy full of flavor

Spread the seasoning well by hand, cover with plastic wrap and marinate for more than 4 hours (if you can marinate overnight, it will be more flavorful)

The child is hungry, make him a crispy duck, do not use the oven is so simple, crispy and not greasy full of flavor

Remove the marinated duck and other spices such as green onions and ginger, and steam them in a steamer for 30 minutes. (If you want to save time, you can also use a pressure cooker to press, 10 minutes can be)

The child is hungry, make him a crispy duck, do not use the oven is so simple, crispy and not greasy full of flavor

After the duck is steamed, there will be a lot of soup, but don't waste it, it is delicious for cooking rice, or it is very good for cooking noodles. Remove the steamed rotten duck and control the moisture.

The child is hungry, make him a crispy duck, do not use the oven is so simple, crispy and not greasy full of flavor

Pour half a pot of oil into the pot, cook until it is 60% hot, carefully put the steamed duck into the oil pan, fry until golden brown and serve, directly nibble on it is very delicious Oh, sprinkle with pretzel or dip in sweet noodle sauce roll spring cake, it is even more flavorful!

The child is hungry, make him a crispy duck, do not use the oven is so simple, crispy and not greasy full of flavor

The method of crispy duck is particularly simple, as long as it is pickled in place, how to do it will be delicious, basically zero failure, it is much easier than stir-frying, almost New Year's Day, take it as a banquet dish absolutely has face!

If the family eats, after the pot is slightly chopped into pieces, I prefer to grasp the direct nibble with my hands, the caramelized skin, soft and tender duck meat, a bite down is really full of mouth, especially enjoyable, steamed duck meat is particularly tender, especially suitable for the elderly and children. Winter supplements, especially suitable for eating more duck meat. I am the kitchen of Meimeijia, love my dishes, welcome to pay attention to me. New recipes are pushed every day.

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