
Europeans love to eat salami, have you ever eaten it?

author:Eat like a drunk

In daily life, we often see a variety of sausages, salami is also one of them, this sausage is a kind of pickled sausage that Europeans like to eat very much, its special feature is that it does not have to go through any cooking, just after fermentation and air drying can be eaten, in our era when we did not have a refrigerator, this sausage can be stored for a long time.

Europeans love to eat salami, have you ever eaten it?

Europeans love to eat salami, have you ever eaten it?

So at that time, European farmers were very fond of preserving their meat in this way, and the sausages made in this way have been passed down to this day. However, the current salami is a little different from the past, and now the salami needs to be stirred into minced meat, then stirred with a lot of spices and table salt, and finally poured into the casing for fermentation.

Salami has many flavors and the ingredients made in different countries vary, in Italy salami is made from pure pork, while other regions are mixed with pork and beef. In fact, this sausage is somewhat similar to our Cantonese sausage, that is, salty, so most of them are eaten with bread, side dishes, or made into pizza. Have you ever eaten salami pizza? What it looks like, are you satisfied with it, let's discuss it together with the comments below!

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