
The latest way to eat Hakka stuffed tofu, 2 traditional flavors together, the taste of real juice can not be eaten

author:Hakka iron head

Hakka people love to make stuffed dishes, the more famous is to brew three treasures, and in this brewed three treasures, the most eaten is stuffed tofu, it is not only delicious, but also low cost and nutritious and rich, adults and children are also very fond of eating, and sometimes directly take it as a meal to eat full.

The latest way to eat Hakka stuffed tofu, 2 traditional flavors together, the taste of real juice can not be eaten

This dish of stuffed tofu may be made by many people to eat, but today this collocation method does not know whether anyone has tried, this is the two traditional flavors together to make out, this collocation to eat the taste is more fragrant, but also more under the rice, you may wish to follow to try.

The latest way to eat Hakka stuffed tofu, 2 traditional flavors together, the taste of real juice can not be eaten

Ingredients: 6 pieces of tender tofu, 6 small eggplant, 1 piece of plum head meat, 1/2 bowl of old shallots, pepper, salt, oyster sauce, soy sauce, corn starch, oil, water, green onions, etc.

The detailed procedure steps are as follows:

Step 1: First prepare 6 pieces of tender tofu, if you are afraid of brewing badly, you may also use old tofu, but the taste is not good, eat no tender tofu is delicious, cut the tofu into long cubes, so it is easier to brew, cut well and put aside for later.

The latest way to eat Hakka stuffed tofu, 2 traditional flavors together, the taste of real juice can not be eaten

Step 2: Prepare a piece of three fat and seven lean plum head meat first cut into small pieces, cut the meat into the meat grinder for later, then prepare a small handful of old shallots chopped, chopped together into the meat, and then added to the pepper, the right amount of salt, oyster sauce, soy sauce, and then a spoonful of corn starch, and then beat the pork into a meat paste, free friends can also be hand chopped, chopped out of the meat stuffing taste good, eat more fragrant.

The latest way to eat Hakka stuffed tofu, 2 traditional flavors together, the taste of real juice can not be eaten

Step three: after the meat filling is ready, you can start to brew tofu, take a piece of tofu with chopsticks from the middle of the tofu to clip it, pay attention not to make it burst, and then put the meat stuffing into it a little bit, slowly stuff it, try to stuff a little more, this step requires a little patience, because it is tender tofu, it is easy to crack, brew more than a few times to master the skill, you can also stuff more meat filling.

The latest way to eat Hakka stuffed tofu, 2 traditional flavors together, the taste of real juice can not be eaten

Step 4: Prepare a pan, pour some oil into the pan, and then put the tofu we brewed, the meat is placed in the pot face down, adjust the medium heat and slowly fry, the tofu wants to fry well, the heart can not be anxious, the fire must not be too big, slowly fry, one side of the fried golden brown is almost, and then turn over the noodles to continue frying.

The latest way to eat Hakka stuffed tofu, 2 traditional flavors together, the taste of real juice can not be eaten

Step 5: Fry both sides of the stuffed tofu until golden brown, don't fry too old, if you use old tofu, just need to fry until slightly yellow on the line, fried stuffed tofu out of the reserve.

The latest way to eat Hakka stuffed tofu, 2 traditional flavors together, the taste of real juice can not be eaten

Step 6: Prepare 6 small eggplants grown by the mother, wash them and remove the head and tail, and then cut into eggplant strips, these eggplants are picked to the back, so they are relatively small, and a little old, but it is still delicious.

The latest way to eat Hakka stuffed tofu, 2 traditional flavors together, the taste of real juice can not be eaten

Step seven: just fried tofu oil left in the pot, after heating again, the remaining meat filling just brewed in the tofu into the stir-frying, if there is no meat filling left, you can get some minced meat, meat stuffing stir-fried, pour eggplant to fry it soft, fry almost, add some salt to it, stir-fry it evenly.

The latest way to eat Hakka stuffed tofu, 2 traditional flavors together, the taste of real juice can not be eaten

Step 8: Turn off the heat after stir-frying evenly, turn the eggplant into the casserole dish, spread it flat on the bottom of the casserole, then put our fried stuffed tofu into it, and finally add half a bowl of water to it, cover the pot, bring it to a boil on high heat, turn the heat down and cook for 5 minutes.

The latest way to eat Hakka stuffed tofu, 2 traditional flavors together, the taste of real juice can not be eaten

Step 9: Good time, you can turn off the fire, and finally sprinkle a little green onion on the table to eat, but be careful to burn Oh, I smell the fragrance, can't help it, burn the skin to eat, haha.

The latest way to eat Hakka stuffed tofu, 2 traditional flavors together, the taste of real juice can not be eaten

This dish of stuffed tofu eggplant pot is ready, the aroma is overflowing with tofu tender and smooth, eggplant into the flavor of the rice, and the method is simple, the ingredients are also very simple, but the ordinary ingredients are not the same taste, like friends can try Oh.

The latest way to eat Hakka stuffed tofu, 2 traditional flavors together, the taste of real juice can not be eaten

The original author of this picture: Hakka Iron Head

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Only food and love in the world can not be disappointed; eating is a kind of happiness, taste is a kind of fun, cooking is a kind of happiness!

Hello everyone, I am Iron Head, a Hakka man who loves to cook and cook!

There is no flowery language, no palatial environment, some are just iron heads that cook for the family with heart; share detailed home-cooked recipes, Hakka cuisine, home-cooked snacks, etc. With you, there are deficiencies that welcome more advice! In the world of food, let's progress together and make more and more delicious food for our families.

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