
How to make mapo tofu more delicious? The chef shares a few tips, explains them in detail, and will learn them as soon as they are learned

author:First Chef

Hello everyone, I am Zhang Dalei, the first chef, pay attention to us, there will be more gourmet recipes for your reference, so that your life is more delicious.

Mapo tofu is a local classic dish, spicy and fragrant, soft and tender into the taste, especially suitable for friends with bad teeth, today I will share a mapo tofu method, learn these few small skills, serve on the table everyone rush to eat.

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1. Prepare a small piece of tender tofu first cut into thin slices, then cut into small pieces, cut well and put into a basin.

How to make mapo tofu more delicious? The chef shares a few tips, explains them in detail, and will learn them as soon as they are learned

2. Next cut a little ingredient, pat the ginger flat, cut into ginger, 3 garlic pat flat, chop into minced garlic, and put together with ginger.

How to make mapo tofu more delicious? The chef shares a few tips, explains them in detail, and will learn them as soon as they are learned

3. A green garlic seedling, pat the root, draw a knife from the middle, cut into garlic seedlings, and put it into a pot.

How to make mapo tofu more delicious? The chef shares a few tips, explains them in detail, and will learn them as soon as they are learned

4. Prepare a dollar of beef, first cut into thin slices, then chop into minced meat, chop well and put it in the basin.

How to make mapo tofu more delicious? The chef shares a few tips, explains them in detail, and will learn them as soon as they are learned

When all the ingredients are ready, we blanch the tofu in water.

How to make mapo tofu more delicious? The chef shares a few tips, explains them in detail, and will learn them as soon as they are learned

5. Start boiling water in the pot, add a spoonful of salt, stir it with chopsticks, add salt to increase the bottom taste of tofu, and also make the tofu not easy to break.

How to make mapo tofu more delicious? The chef shares a few tips, explains them in detail, and will learn them as soon as they are learned

6. After the water is boiled, pour in the tofu, push it a few times with a spoon, and add 3 grams of old soy sauce to the background color.

How to make mapo tofu more delicious? The chef shares a few tips, explains them in detail, and will learn them as soon as they are learned

7. After the water boils, cook for one minute, and after one minute, pour the tofu into a colander to control the water.

How to make mapo tofu more delicious? The chef shares a few tips, explains them in detail, and will learn them as soon as they are learned

8. Restart the pot, add cooking oil, then heat the pot and pour the oil out when it smokes slightly.

How to make mapo tofu more delicious? The chef shares a few tips, explains them in detail, and will learn them as soon as they are learned

9. Add a little cool oil and add the minced beef.

How to make mapo tofu more delicious? The chef shares a few tips, explains them in detail, and will learn them as soon as they are learned

10. After sautéing the meat until fragrant, pour in the minced ginger and garlic and sauté until fragrant.

How to make mapo tofu more delicious? The chef shares a few tips, explains them in detail, and will learn them as soon as they are learned

11. After stir-frying, add a large spoonful of watercress sauce, stir-fry and stir-fry, and fry out the red oil.

How to make mapo tofu more delicious? The chef shares a few tips, explains them in detail, and will learn them as soon as they are learned

12. Add a few more drops of dried tempeh, sauté quickly until fragrant, then add a spoonful of chili noodles and continue stir-frying.

How to make mapo tofu more delicious? The chef shares a few tips, explains them in detail, and will learn them as soon as they are learned

13. Stir-fry the aroma and add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat.

How to make mapo tofu more delicious? The chef shares a few tips, explains them in detail, and will learn them as soon as they are learned

14. After the water is boiled, add the tofu, push it a few times with a spoon, and then start seasoning.

How to make mapo tofu more delicious? The chef shares a few tips, explains them in detail, and will learn them as soon as they are learned

15. Add a little salt, a little sugar, add a spoonful of white pepper, and then add a large spoonful of pepper powder to increase the hemp flavor of the tofu, and then push the seasoning.

How to make mapo tofu more delicious? The chef shares a few tips, explains them in detail, and will learn them as soon as they are learned

16. After boiling the seasoning, change to medium heat and cook for three minutes, so that the tofu slowly into the flavor, after three minutes hook into the appropriate amount of water starch, water starch is generally divided into three times.

How to make mapo tofu more delicious? The chef shares a few tips, explains them in detail, and will learn them as soon as they are learned

17. After tightening the soup, turn off the heat, put it on the plate, and finally sprinkle with garlic seedlings.

How to make mapo tofu more delicious? The chef shares a few tips, explains them in detail, and will learn them as soon as they are learned

18. Well, this appetizing dish of mapo tofu has been prepared, and simple ingredients can also make a very good taste, so try it at home if you like it.

How to make mapo tofu more delicious? The chef shares a few tips, explains them in detail, and will learn them as soon as they are learned

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