
He was the murderer of Zhu Laozong's wife, but later became a famous general in the War of Resistance and lived for 96 years

A few days ago, the history inn introduced Mr. Zhu's ex-wife, Wu Ruolan, who was both literate and martial, but unfortunately he was killed by reactionaries at the age of 23, which became a regret in Mr. Zhu's life.

Wu Ruolan's murderer, named Liu Shiyi, is also a pivotal figure in modern history.

He was the murderer of Zhu Laozong's wife, but later became a famous general in the War of Resistance and lived for 96 years

Liu Shiyi is a native of Duchang County, Jiangxi, born in 1886, and is still the same age as Mr. Zhu.

When Mr. Zhu was young, he was admitted to the Yunnan DaowuTang, and Liu Shiyi was also admitted to the Baoding Military Academy, participated in the Wuchang Uprising and the Northern Expedition, and was also a member of the revolutionary army.

In Liu Shiyi's life, Bai Chongxi can be called his nobleman, and he has also become inextricably linked with the Gui family.

In August 1927, chiang kai-shek's first dismissal, Bai Chongxi succeeded him as the principal of the Central Army Officer School, and specially hired Liu Shiyi as the chief education officer of the military academy, declaring: "Mr. Renfu has a full stomach and is both literate and martial. At present, I am already concurrently the principal of the Central Military Academy, and I am afraid that I will not be able to fulfill the post, so I am particularly taking advantage of my great talents and daring to annoy Mr. to serve as the chief education officer of the Central Military Academy, then I have received a powerful assistant, and I am relieved. Unknown Ren Fu Brother allowed to submit or not? ”

Later, when the financial revenues of the two Cantons were not good, and the number of military posts began to be reduced, Bai Chongxi, who had no good strategy, asked Liu Shiyi about his calculations, and Liu Shiyi replied: "At present, the situation between the two Guangzhous and Guangzhous is only solved by the 'three education policy'. ”

Bai Chongxi asked, "What is sanyu?" ”

Liu Shiyi said: "Soldiers are in agriculture, education is in recruitment, and education is in learning." ”

After Bai Chongxi listened, he suddenly realized, "Renfu's methods are all taken from the ancients!" After the implementation of this policy, the results were indeed remarkable, and from then on, Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi treated Liu Shiyi with the courtesy of a national soldier.

He was the murderer of Zhu Laozong's wife, but later became a famous general in the War of Resistance and lived for 96 years

After the outbreak of the All-out War of Resistance, Liu Shiyi was appointed commander of the 31st Army and went north to fight against the Japanese.

In the winter of 1937, Liu Shiyi led his troops from the area of Subeibei Prefecture and retreated to Xuzhou and Mingguang in the southern part of the Jinpu Line. At that time, the Japanese commander Hata Junroku had 8 divisions under his hands, directly approaching Mingguang, and before the war, Hata Junroku was full of ambition, thinking that the Chinese army would collapse as soon as it was hit, and it would be vulnerable.

Before the battle, Liu Shiyi said to the soldiers: "The four islands of Wokou and the barbarians of The Four Islands, this battle must not be ended by them in pain and happiness!" ”

Sure enough, after the two armies started the war, the Japanese army thought that it could easily take the 31st Army, but unexpectedly encountered fierce resistance, and finally fought a draw, and did not take a penny.

Hata Shunroku continued to send reinforcements, and as soon as the reinforcements arrived, he immediately launched a fierce attack on Mingguang City, and soon captured Mingguang City, but at this time Mingguang was already an empty city, and the Chinese army that had fought so hard to resist a few days ago had long disappeared, making the Japanese army puzzled.

Originally, Liu Shiyi was well aware of the huge disparity in strength between the two sides, and if he fought to the death, he was afraid that the entire army would be destroyed, so he simply came to an "empty city plan" and led his troops to withdraw from Mingguang City and garrison the west bank of the Huai River.

When Liu Shiyi heard the news of the Japanese army entering the city, he ordered: "The time has come to annihilate the Japanese Kou!" Then, the command troops moved to the left side of the Japanese army, and when they were not prepared, they suddenly launched an attack on the Japanese army.

He was the murderer of Zhu Laozong's wife, but later became a famous general in the War of Resistance and lived for 96 years

The Japanese army was suddenly overwhelmed, and the Japanese troops in the encirclement were either killed or scattered and defeated, and Liu Shiyi led his troops to retake Mingguang City.

After the battle, Li Zongren concluded: "The key to this battle is the thorough execution of the orders of the Thirty-first Army, always keeping an eye on the Jinpu Line, so that the enemy army cannot advance north. ”

Li Zongren also admired Liu Shiyi's ability, and later when he ran for vice president, he specially sent him as his assistant and canvassed votes everywhere, and the reason why Li Zongren was successfully elected vice president, Liu Shiyi can be said to be indispensable.

In January 1949, after Chiang Kai-shek's third resignation, Li Zongren served as acting president and specially appointed Liu Shiyi as the chief of staff of the general of the presidential office as his chief staff.

However, at that time, the overall situation of the world had been decided, far from being able to be recovered by Liu Shiyi, so he had to flee to Taiwan.

After arriving in Taiwan, because he was a member of Li Zongren's people, he naturally did not get the heavy use of Chiang Kai-shek and only held some idle posts.

However, because he was far away from the center of power, Liu Shiyi was able to enjoy his old age in peace, and he died in 1982, living for 96 years.

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