
He was the director of the political department of the Red Fourth Front, and left a will before his death, and did not enter the Babao Mountain after his death

Among the founding generals, there were 10 people from the Red Fourth Front, including: Zhou Chunquan, Fu Zhong, Wang Hongkun, Xu Shiyou, Wang Jian'an, Xie Fuzhi, Hong Xuezhi, Chen Xilian, Chen Zaidao, and Wang Xinting.

Among them, who is the highest rank in the Red Fourth Front? It should be several weeks before Chunquan served as director of the political department of the Red Fourth Front.

He was the director of the political department of the Red Fourth Front, and left a will before his death, and did not enter the Babao Mountain after his death

Zhou Chunquan is a native of Hong'an, Hubei Province, and has had a nickname since he was a child, called "Zhou Bold".

Zhou Chunquan worked in a textile factory in Wuhan at the age of 16 because of his poor family, often leading everyone to fight against capitalists.

Once, when Zhou Chunquan took the lead in a strike, the capitalists sent a few people to arrest him. The workers advised Zhou Chunquan to run quickly, but instead of running, Zhou Chunquan moved a chair and sat in the doorway, saying, "Let them come, Lao Tzu is not afraid!" ”

After those few people came, they took out a rope to tie Zhou Chunquan, but zhou Chunquan kicked him to the ground with a few kicks, scolding while hitting: "You dog legs are really blind!" Lao Tzu has practiced boxing, and you deserve to take Lao Tzu? ”

Later, the capitalists invited a group of policemen, and Zhou Chunquan was holding a large knife, which was so powerful that no one dared to go up. In the end, the capitalists had to give in and agreed to raise the wages of the workers.

In November 1927, Zhou Chunquan participated in the famous jute uprising, and after the failure of the uprising, the reactionaries offered rewards everywhere for the arrest of Zhou Chunquan. Zhou Chunquan wanted to go to Xinyang, Henan to continue to participate in the revolution, but how to get out of the city gate? Zhou Chunquan thought of a way.

He deliberately did not shave, let his beard grow wildly, and his hair grew very long, and he swung toward the city gate. The officers and men guarding the city took the portrait to see Zhou Chunquan, a bit like, but not very similar, just about to search, Zhou Chunquan undressed himself, suddenly the smell was so bad, the officers and men covered their noses and quickly let him go.

He was the director of the political department of the Red Fourth Front, and left a will before his death, and did not enter the Babao Mountain after his death

After arriving in Xinyang, because there was no money to buy weapons, everyone was a little discouraged, and Zhou Chunquan took the case and said, "We have no money, but at least we still have the guts!" ”

There is a warehouse in Xinyang, which is the place where the landlord's old wealth is stored, and the guards are naturally very tight, but Zhou Chunquan is not afraid, and when he reaches the door, he raises his grenade and says to the doorman: "Give me the money, otherwise it will all end!" ”

Although the doorman was usually very fierce, he could not afford to lose his life, and they all bluffed from a distance, allowing Zhou Chunquan to enter the warehouse and carry a large box of silver dollars.

Some people may ask: Zhou Chunquan is not unarmed, where are the grenades? In fact, it was a brick, which was polished by Zhou Chunquan and looked like a grenade.

Zhou Chunquan used this money to buy weapons, but how did they get to the revolutionary base areas? As if it was difficult for Zhou Chunquan, he put his weapon in a coffin and let everyone carry the coffin away, and Zhou Chunquan also walked in front with a big rooster.

When facing the interrogation, Zhou Chunquan cried loudly, saying that the old man was happy and mournful, and if he moved the coffin, there would be no peace after death. Of course, Zhou Chunquan did not forget to secretly stuff a silver dollar into the chief, and the chief naturally turned a blind eye.

Later, some people praised Zhou Chunquan for being so bold, changing to someone else, and his legs had long been frightened. Zhou Chunquan laughed and said, "If I don't have the courage, would I dare to come out and do the revolution?" ”

He was the director of the political department of the Red Fourth Front, and left a will before his death, and did not enter the Babao Mountain after his death

Zhou Chunquan also has a nickname, called "One-Eyed Tiger General", during the Long March of the Red Army, Zhou Chunquan's right eye was injured by enemy bullets, and everyone wanted to send him to the field hospital, but Zhou Chunquan endured severe pain and said: "I can't die!" I also have one eye and can command battles! ”

It was not until the end of the battle that Zhou Chunquan went to the hospital, but because of the delay for too long, coupled with the lack of medical treatment, Zhou Chunquan's right eye was not saved in the end, and he became a "one-eyed tiger general".

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhou Chunquan served as the political commissar of the Logistics Department of the Chinese Volunteer Army, the first deputy director and deputy political commissar of the General Logistics Department of the People's Liberation Army, and the first vice minister of the Ministry of Supervision of the Armed Forces, and was awarded the founding general in 1955.

On July 28, 1985, General Zhou Chunquan died of illness at the age of 80.

Before his death, Zhou Chunquan left a will: no memorial service was held, no babaoshan mountain was held, and the ashes were divided into two parts, one part was scattered in the Yangtze River and the other was scattered in his hometown.

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