
Liu Shiyi: What is the end of the capture of Wu Ruolan and the fact that Chairman Mao personally raised his gun to fight him?


In 1962, Zhu De, the 76-year-old founding marshal, accompanied by his wife Kang Keqing, revisited jinggangshan, a holy place of revolution, and on the way to visit, Mr. Zhu suddenly saw several blooming orchids in the stone crevices on the side of the mountain, and despite the persuasion of everyone, he personally went up to pick them and brought them home.

Liu Shiyi: What is the end of the capture of Wu Ruolan and the fact that Chairman Mao personally raised his gun to fight him?

  Mr. Zhu joined the army at the age of 23, and most of his life has come from blood and fire, so why would he like orchids? Not only because the orchid represents high purity and elegance, but also because his former beloved wife Wu Ruolan carries a "Lan" character in her name.

  Mr. Zhu's wife only accompanied him for about 1 year, she was heroic and righteous, only 26 years old, before the sacrifice, Wu Ruolan was pregnant, but unfortunately only 4 months old, she unfortunately died, and the culprit who caused all this was the protagonist of today's story - Liu Shiyi.

A student of the "Agriculture and Forestry Department" who wants to be a general

  Liu Shiyi, a native of Duchang County, Jiangxi, lost his father at an early age and was raised by his widowed mother.

  The young Liu Shiyi, is a leather monkey, provoking trouble, making the neighbors are chickens and dogs restless, after entering nankang middle school in his teens, Liu Shiyi, who has no adult restraints, is even more liberating nature, drinking and making trouble, repeatedly violating school rules, and the final result is to be expelled from school.

  Later, Liu Shiyi ran to Nanchang again, applied for the Jiangxi Higher Industrial School, and entered the Agricultural and Forestry Department, but Liu Shiyi's mind was not on how to plant good land, but on how to become a general and lead the soldiers to fight, so he bought a copy of "Sun Tzu's Art of War" and studied it himself, not to mention, and really let Liu Shiyi figure out the doorway.

Liu Shiyi: What is the end of the capture of Wu Ruolan and the fact that Chairman Mao personally raised his gun to fight him?

  After the establishment of the Baoding Accelerated Officer School, Liu Shiyi applied for this military school again, and after graduation, he entered the Jiangxi New Army Mixed Formation Association fifty-three standards as a platoon leader, because he was full of energy and trained troops, he was very appreciated by his superiors, and was praised as "a model for platoon leaders", and was soon promoted to company commander.

  After the Wuchang Uprising, Liu Shiyi was also influenced by the revolutionary ideas of the League and began to oppose the Qing, and under the impetus of Liu Shiyi and others, Jiujiang became independent, Liu Shiyi served as a staff officer of the Jiujiang Governor's Office, and the chief of the general staff was Li Liejun, an elder of the Kuomintang.

  In 1912, Li Liejun was elected as the governor of Jiangxi, because of his talent, Liu Shiyi, who was only 26 years old, became the governor of Linchuan Province, and Liu Shiyi, who was a teenager, acted very rashly, in order to let others know that he had a career, he held a birthday banquet for his grandfather in his hometown, and the officials and gentry from all over the world came to congratulate him, and the scene was extremely lively.

  However, in 1913, Liu Shiyi, as the chief of staff of the division, followed Li Liejun to beg Yuan, and as a result, because of the traitor, the court failed, Liu Shiyi became a wanted criminal from an official and fled to Japan, until 1916, Yuan Shikai returned to heaven, Li Yuanhong took office, and only returned to China.

  A few days after returning to China, Liu Shiyi again crossed east to Japan as an official student and studied at the Japanese Non-Commissioned Officer Military School, and in 1919, Liu Shiyi graduated and returned to China, returned to Jiangxi, and served as chief of staff under his classmate Fang Benren.

  During the First Northern Expedition, Liu Shiyi was inclined to the revolutionary army, but unfortunately his superior Fang Benren was undecided and eventually failed, after this incident, Liu Shiyi left Fang Benren and transferred Lai Shihuan, commander of the Second Brigade of the Gan Army, and persuaded Lai Shihuang to march to Zhangzhou, Fujian Province, so that Lai Shihuang controlled more than 20 counties in Zhangzhou and Tingzhou, and his power was greatly developed.

Liu Shiyi: What is the end of the capture of Wu Ruolan and the fact that Chairman Mao personally raised his gun to fight him?

  After the Northern Expedition began, Lai Shihuang and Liu Shiyi became the internal responses of the Northern Expeditionary Army in Jiangxi, and jointly sent a telegram to Chiang Kai-shek to recruit them, and immediately Lai Shihuang's troops were reorganized into the Fourteenth Army of the National Revolutionary Army, with Lai Shihuang as the commander and Liu Shiyi as the chief of staff.

  In 1927, Lai Shihuan was brutally killed because of factional struggles, and the troops were absorbed by Bai Chongxi, and in order to win the hearts and minds of the people, Liu Shiyi was promoted to the commander of the Fourteenth Army.

  At this time, Liu Shiyi was 41 years old, compared to the beginning, he was countless times calmer, as the commander of the Fourteenth Army, his heart was unstable, afraid of the tree's big wind and incur disasters, and Bai Chongxi, also worried that Liu Shiyi would grow bigger and would germinate different aspirations.

  Therefore, after Chiang Kai-shek stepped down, Bai Chongxi, who was the principal of the Central Army Officer School, approached Liu Shiyi and hoped that he would be the chief education officer of the Central Military Academy.

Liu Shiyi: What is the end of the capture of Wu Ruolan and the fact that Chairman Mao personally raised his gun to fight him?

  Originally, Bai Chongxi's move was to change the fa'er to remove Liu Shiyi's military power, but he did not expect it, but it was right in liu Shiyi's arms, and the two hit it off, and Liu Shiyi gladly took the order.

  In 1928, Chiang Kai-shek made a comeback, re-served as the principal, and directly killed Liu Shiyi, because of this, Liu Shiyi hated Chiang Kai-shek.

  After being swept away, Liu Shiyi moved closer to the Gui clan, and with the help of Bai Chongxi, he served as the commander of the independent Seventh Division, stationed in the Gannan area, and after taking office, Liu Shiyi recruited troops to buy horses and cultivate his own forces.

  At this time, Zhu Mao had already met at Jinggangshan, and the local Red Army had also formed a large force, because it was close to the Red Army, and Liu Shiyi inevitably began to encircle and suppress the Red Army.

Capturing Zhu De's beloved wife Wu Ruolan, Mao Zedong personally took up a gun and went into battle

  Because he was not welcomed by Chiang Kai-shek, Liu Shiyi was sent to a remote place in Gannan Province, which made Liu Shiyi feel very unhappy, and it was not easy to save money, and Liu Shiyi was not willing to meet with the Red Army soldiers, and wasted his combat strength, especially after the Twenty-seventh Division was annihilated by the Red Army, he was even more afraid of his hands and feet, and did not start a war with the Red Army.

  However, in July 1928, the 28th regiment and 29th regiment of the Red Fourth Army were defeated in Chenzhou, Hunan, and the 29th regiment was almost completely destroyed.

  This fiasco made many people's revolutionary determination waver, and Yuan Chongquan, commander of the 28th Regiment and the 2nd Battalion, was like this, on the way back, Yuan Chongquan had a different heart, suddenly changed the route of the march, and wanted to go to Liu Shiyi.

  Sensing that something was wrong, Zhu De, Chen Yi, and others immediately discussed countermeasures, and Wang Erzhuo, a classmate of Yuan Chongquan's Huangpu, took the initiative to ask for help and recover the troops.

Liu Shiyi: What is the end of the capture of Wu Ruolan and the fact that Chairman Mao personally raised his gun to fight him?

  After arriving at Yuan Chongquan's camp, Wang Erzhu immediately shouted and explained the reason to the soldiers, and the soldiers were willing to follow Wang Erzhu back, but this move annoyed Yuan Chongquan, and he who was hiding in the shadows actually fired several shots at Wang Erzhuan, and Wang Erzhuo was heroically sacrificed, only 25 years old.

  Wang Erzhuo's death completely angered the generals and opened fire on Yuan Chongquan, but unfortunately he escaped.

  Yuan Chongquan, who defected to Liu Shiyi, told all the information of the Red Army that he knew, and Liu Shiyi's general Liu Man thought that he could take the opportunity to attack the Red Army, but as a result, he was fiercely counterattacked by the Red Army at Huang'ao, and was beaten all the way to the headquarters, almost the whole army was destroyed, and Liu Man fled back to Ganzhou under the escort of dozens of guards.

  After this battle, Liu Shiyi led an army to garrison Huichang and Xunwu.

  In January 1929, the Red Fourth Army went to Changting, Fujian Province, to open up a new base area, and when passing through Touwu, Liu Shiyi was in desperate pursuit, chasing and blocking along the way, because the terrain was unfamiliar and there was not much of a mass base, and the Red Army suffered great losses.

  In the tense march, Wu Ruolan's 4-month-old fetus was miscarried, and on February 1, 1929, in the town of Xunwu Jitan, the Red Army and Liu Shiyi's troops fought fiercely, and then moved to Zhenxia Village for repairs.

  Unexpectedly, Liu Shiyi made meritorious contributions, and before dawn the next day, he surrounded the village, and at the moment of crisis, in order to cover Zhu Mao and other leaders, Wu Ruolan, who was known as a two-gun female general, led some fighters to attack the enemy in another direction, in an attempt to confuse the enemy's public opinion.

  With the efforts of Wu Ruolan and others, Zhu Mao and others successfully broke through before dawn, but unfortunately, in this battle, Wu Ruolan was seriously wounded and captured.

Liu Shiyi: What is the end of the capture of Wu Ruolan and the fact that Chairman Mao personally raised his gun to fight him?

  Liu Shiyi, who had captured Zhu De's wife alive, immediately called Chiang Kai-shek to ask for merit and rewards, and at the same time tortured Wu Ruolan in an attempt to obtain more military intelligence from the Red Army, and asked her to publish a report to disassociate herself from the Red Army.

  In the end, Wu Ruolan was brutally killed, and after his sacrifice, his head was hung on the head of Ganzhou City for public display...

  After the battle, the Red Army continued to move in the direction of Ruijin, passing through Wuyang in Ruijin territory, capturing a young man, and after asking about it, it was learned that he was Xie Renpeng, the younger brother of Xie Renhe, an early member of the organization.

  Under the leadership of Xie Renpeng, the Red Army crossed the mountains and mountains to the territory of Yunshi Mountain, and then to ShazhouBa.

  When he reached Shazhouba, Mao Zedong sent a small detachment into Ruijin City to check the situation, and He Zizhen also joined this detachment, only to find that the Ruijin defenders had fled, and seeing the newspapers searched from the post office, Mao Zedong knew that it was Liu Shiyi's troops who were chasing him these days.

  After leaving Shazhouba, the Red Army went to the territory of Dabaidi again, and as a result, Liu Shiyi's troops caught up again.

Liu Shiyi: What is the end of the capture of Wu Ruolan and the fact that Chairman Mao personally raised his gun to fight him?

  At that time, it was Chinese New Year's Eve, and the soldiers could not even eat a stable Chinese New Year's Eve, and they were angry, so a group of soldiers found Luo Ronghuan, who was then the party representative of the third battalion of the 31st Regiment, and asked him to reflect to his superiors that he would fight a war and destroy the arrogance of the enemy, so Luo Ronghuan asked his superiors for instructions.

  After the study of Zhu, Mao and others, the ambush site was finally set at Xingkeng.

  On February 10, the two armies exchanged fire, luring the enemy troops to fight and retreat for a while, but unfortunately, the enemy seemed to see through the Red Army's plan, pursued a certain distance, and then retreated, gradually showing a stalemate.

  The weapons of the Red Army were much worse than those of Liu Shiyi's troops, and over time, they gradually showed disadvantages.

  If this battle could not be won and continued to be entangled with Liu Shiyi, it would be difficult for the Red Army to gain a chance to breathe, and it could be overthrown at any time, because those who pursued the Red Army did not know Liu Shiyi's team.

Liu Shiyi: What is the end of the capture of Wu Ruolan and the fact that Chairman Mao personally raised his gun to fight him?

  At the critical moment, Zhu De commanded the independent battalion and direct subordinate units of the General Reserve To rush down the mountain, and Chairman Mao, who rarely touched his gun in ordinary times, also took a gun and personally charged the battle with the guard platoon, even if the guard platoon leader around him was injured, Mao Zedong still went forward.

  With Zhu Mao as an example, the morale of the Red Army soldiers was high, and they turned defeat into victory, and liu Shiyi's two regiments of the Red Army were completely annihilated, and even the regimental commander became prisoners.

  In this battle, the Red Army captured more than 800 enemy soldiers and surrendered more than 800 guns, winning a complete victory, and thus leaving them to die and live later.

  After the great victory, the organization distributed a silver dollar to each of the Soldiers of the Red Army, and had a good year with happiness, while Liu Shiyi's year was very painful.

  Because of the defeat of the army and the loss of soldiers, he was "consulted" in front of Chiang Kai-shek by Xiong Shihui, who could not be dealt with, and the remnants were reorganized into the 15th Brigade, which was transferred to the defense of Songjiang in Shanghai, which was regarded as leaving the front line of suppression of the Communists.

After encircling and suppressing the Red Army

  In 1930, under the instigation of the Kuomintang elder Ju Zheng, Liu Shiyi, who had long seen Chiang Kai-shek's displeasure, led his troops to mutiny and overthrow Chiang Kai-shek, but unfortunately there were traitors, and the matter was exposed.

  In Japan, Liu Shiyi met his Japanese classmate Tian Zhi Ai ichiro, who had a good relationship with He Yingqin, so with the help of Tian Zhi Ai ichiro, He Yingqin promised to let Liu Shiyi serve in the Nanchang camp.

  However, after returning to China, Liu Shiyi received a letter from Bai Chongxi and immediately defected to his old boss and served as vice principal and chief education officer at the military and political school set up by Bai Chongxi in Guangxi.

Liu Shiyi: What is the end of the capture of Wu Ruolan and the fact that Chairman Mao personally raised his gun to fight him?

  In 1937, after the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Liu Shiyi served as the commander of the Thirty-first Army and was stationed in Beihai Prefecture.

  In the winter of that year, Liu Shiyi led his troops and eight divisions of the invading Japanese army to engage in a bloody battle in the Mingguang area, fiercely fighting for more than a month, and the two sides fought a draw, which surprised the Japanese commander Yan Junliu.

  Later, the Japanese army increased its troops, Liu Shiyi adopted a policy of avoiding the real and making a false one, and set up an empty city plan, and after the Japanese army marched to Mingguang City, Liu Shiyi suddenly led his troops to appear on the left side of the enemy army, cut the enemy into several sections, and surrounded and annihilated the isolated enemy.

  Although Mingguang City was eventually lost, Liu Shiyi's troops remained active on Jinpu Road, posing a serious threat to the enemy and preventing them from advancing north.

Liu Shiyi: What is the end of the capture of Wu Ruolan and the fact that Chairman Mao personally raised his gun to fight him?

  In 1938, Liu Shiyi led his troops to participate in the Battle of Taierzhuang, fought fiercely with the Japanese army for four days and four nights, and won valuable time for the fifth theater, but unfortunately, after this battle, the Thirty-first Army led by Liu Shiyi suffered heavy casualties and was transferred to Bengbu for recuperation.

  After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Liu Shiyi served as the vice minister of national defense and participated in the planning of the civil war, and in 1947, when Li Zongren participated in the election of vice president, Liu Shiyi, who was a member of the Gui clan, tried his best to win votes for him.

  After Li Zongren became acting president, Liu Shiyi was promoted to chief of staff of the general of the presidential palace and became Li Zongren's chief aide.

  In 1949, the Kuomintang retreated to Taiwan, and Liu Shiyi also went with him, at this time Liu Shiyi, who was already 63 years old, did not make much achievements after arriving in Taiwan.

Liu Shiyi: What is the end of the capture of Wu Ruolan and the fact that Chairman Mao personally raised his gun to fight him?

  In 1982, Liu Shiyi died in Taiwan at the age of 96...