
Tiger Running Vegetarian Ham [Zhejiang Cuisine]

author:Good recipes

Categories: Zhejiang cuisine production ingredients: skin, red yeast powder, soy sauce, juice, shao wine, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, oil.

Production method: Cut off the edge tendons after the skin is wet, stack them together, and use a knife to cut into squares according to the "ten" shape, shake and scatter. Add water to a pan, add red yeast powder, fry over low heat for 3 minutes, strain into a red yeast liquid and pour into a basin, add soy sauce and juice. Put the skin into the red yeast liquid and then fish out (the red yeast liquid should not be too much, to penetrate the skin and squeeze out the liquid as a degree), cut into large particles with a knife, put them into a basin, add sugar, wine, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, oil, and stir well. Put the soaked skin in the model, solidify, cover, use hemp thread to solidify, steam for 20 minutes on high heat to get out of the cage, cool and then remove the twine, take it out, and repair both ends.

Features of the dish: red color sauce, shape, soft and tough, fragrant and slightly sweet.

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