
How much is the recipe worth? The soup is expensive is the process, not the recipe! Attached is a family recipe for beef bone broth

author:Imperial soup master

To be honest, many friends on the Internet want to buy my beef bone broth, beef brisket, beef offal recipe, if it is purely for the sake of making money, I can write it out and sell it casually, and after reading these formulas, I am guaranteed to make you suddenly enlightened and open. But just because I still have a little bit of damn responsibility, I have not been able to sell it once! It's useless!

I want to ask you, do you know how to use fish sauce in the recipe? How to use southern milk and curd milk? How to use fish tail? How to use soy sauce? What is the difference between fresh sand ginger and Sannai? How to use shrimp head? Adjust the butter twice, how to adjust it? Can you answer that? If not, what do you want this recipe for? Have money and nowhere to spend, want to give it to me?

Beef bone broth, beef brisket, beef offal, with the formula does not understand the processing is useless, just like there is a gun, no bullets, just as far as the brisket 38 kinds of squares are concerned, there are nearly 30 kinds of processing, frying, frying, roasting, simmering, each method is different, I do not write out how can you understand?

How much is the recipe worth? The soup is expensive is the process, not the recipe! Attached is a family recipe for beef bone broth

The brisket ingredients at home are seriously uneven and will be just a look at it.

Rich people want to earn, but whether to earn peace of mind is a problem, I have been doing beef brisket for 18 years, I would rather earn less than cut corners, insist on using fresh goods, never put additives, even MSG will not put, for what? I want to present a bowl of beef brisket noodles with real materials to customers at the same time, get his approval, I don't want him to praise anything, as long as he has no regrets about my production.

I hope that everyone can follow the steps to learn step by step, if you send everything to you at once, you can't learn, because the clear soup is not like other catering production, it involves very subtle things, as if the heat is slightly larger, the soup will turn white, the ingredients will become flavored for 3 hours, this kind of detail If I don't say step by step, systematically teach, you will take a lot of detours.

How much is the recipe worth? The soup is expensive is the process, not the recipe! Attached is a family recipe for beef bone broth

The ingredients at home are uneven, but the taste is still firm

I am responsible for everyone at the same time, but also a kind of responsibility for themselves, I do not want to hear who learned my technology, the things made are not delicious, I hope that one day you open a shop to make money, always remember the clear soup brisket technology is taught by Master Tang.

The basis of clear soup beef brisket, beef offal is beef bone soup, that is, the first step in learning the clear soup series, I have been bitter in a month to highlight the importance of beef bone soup, many friends are ready to start hanging soup, so the detailed beef bone soup commercial recipe and process flow I am also writing, but unlike this article is nonsense, writing so easy, because it involves a very accurate formula and processing details, there are a lot of things to write, so it is estimated that two or three days, will be sent up.

How much is the recipe worth? The soup is expensive is the process, not the recipe! Attached is a family recipe for beef bone broth

Beef brisket made in clear soup by the most traditional process

When writing beef bone soup today, in order to take a video of the hanging soup for everyone's reference, I specially made a soup back, think of the family has not eaten beef brisket for a long time, simply do it together, kill two birds with one stone, but do not write beef brisket method here, because the ingredients are lacking a lot at home, write soup on the line.

It is impossible to use dozens of ingredients at home, there is no need to do the taste to the extreme like commercial, just try the taste at home, and see if the soup master has been making it up for so long.

Household beef bone broth preparation

Ingredients: two pounds of beef bones (I chose to go to the meat ribs, the weather is hot, afraid of greasy, you don't need the barrel bones), 6 pounds of water.

Ingredients: 20 grams of sand ginger, 20 grams of ginger, 1 small onion, two star anise, half a ground fish, 5 dried fish (no use, this fish is not easy to buy), 5 red dates, 10 pieces of fragrant leaves, 1 gram of cumin, a handful of soybeans, 5 grams of party ginseng, 5 grams of rock sugar.

Step 1: Blanch the beef bone in cold water, boil the water for two minutes and then remove it, wash it and set aside.

Step 2: Crush the ginger, sand ginger and small onion, fry in a low-heat dry pan until fragrant, then add star anise, dried fish, fragrant leaves, cumin, and then fry until the aroma is overflowing. The earth fish is placed on the gas stove and burned directly until it has an aroma.

Step 3: Pack all the ingredients into a soup bag and put the beef bones together in cold water, and the minimum heat can be hoisted for 4 hours.

How much is the recipe worth? The soup is expensive is the process, not the recipe! Attached is a family recipe for beef bone broth

This pot can hold 30 pounds of water, both for household use and practice

How much is the recipe worth? The soup is expensive is the process, not the recipe! Attached is a family recipe for beef bone broth

Crush old ginger, sand ginger, and small onions

How much is the recipe worth? The soup is expensive is the process, not the recipe! Attached is a family recipe for beef bone broth

Stir-fry all spices until fragrant

How much is the recipe worth? The soup is expensive is the process, not the recipe! Attached is a family recipe for beef bone broth

Put it in a soup bag

How much is the recipe worth? The soup is expensive is the process, not the recipe! Attached is a family recipe for beef bone broth

Low heat for 4 hours

Finally, let's say that all the clear soup brisket techniques I have been practicing for 18 years are only taught because I am not in business, if I am open, I cannot write it, I hope to help friends in need!

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