
It's cold, whether you have money or not, drink more beef bone soup, more nourishing than mutton and goose meat, don't know how to eat

author:Shukuri Musume

Introduction: It's cold, no matter if you have money or not, you have to eat more of this meat, more nourishing than mutton and goose meat, don't know how to eat!

After the frost falls, the weather changes from cool to slightly cold, and the pace of winter is getting closer and closer! As the saying goes: "It is better to make up for winter than to make up for frost". Late autumn is a good time to replenish! In our daily diet, we should eat more warm and moist foods, healthy spleen and stomach, especially to drink more soup! In this way, it can not only supplement nutrition and enhance physical fitness, but also have the effect of moisturizing and drying, replenishing the lungs and moisturizing qi, strengthening the spleen and nourishing the stomach! So, what is the best soup to drink in autumn? The cook recommended to everyone is "beef scorpion soup".

It's cold, whether you have money or not, drink more beef bone soup, more nourishing than mutton and goose meat, don't know how to eat

Maybe a friend wants to ask, what is "cow scorpion"? In fact, the "cow scorpion" is the backbone of the cow, which is an ingredient with high nutritional value! Beef backbone is rich in protein, fat, phospholipids, bone collagen, calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate, unsaturated fatty acids, a variety of amino acids, vitamins and potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, zinc and other trace elements, is a kind of health care ingredients for all ages! Autumn, eating lamb is not as good as eating it, extremely high nutrition, eat once a week, the child's physique is smarter!

It's cold, whether you have money or not, drink more beef bone soup, more nourishing than mutton and goose meat, don't know how to eat

In autumn and winter, often drink beef backbone soup, which can not only drive away the cold and warm the body, replenish qi and activate blood, supplement calcium and strengthen bones, enhance physical fitness, but also beauty and beauty, spleen and stomach, prevention of osteoporosis and other effects! For teenagers and middle-aged and elderly people, beef chirop bone broth is an idealized calcium and zinc supplement. Moreover, the price of beef backbone is particularly cheap, generally as long as a dozen dollars a pound, and the price of pork is similar, can be regarded as the cheapest part of the cow! The tenderloin on the beef backbone is also particularly tender! Whether it is slippery stir-fry or soft frying, it is particularly delicious! Below, the chef will share with you the delicious recipe of "beef scorpion soup"!

It's cold, whether you have money or not, drink more beef bone soup, more nourishing than mutton and goose meat, don't know how to eat

【Beef scorpion soup】

Ingredients: beef backbone, shallot, ginger, garlic, coriander, salt, sesame oil, pepper, white sesame seeds.

Here's how:

1. Chop the beef backbone into large pieces, simply rinse it, put it in the basin, add the right amount of water, soak for 60 minutes, soak the blood and dirty things in the beef backbone, and then put the beef backbone into a boiling water pot, blanch the water for 1 minute, and use a spoon to skim off the surface foam.

2. Fish out the blanched beef backbone, put it in a basin filled with warm water, wash it, put it back into the pot, add the right amount of water, add the appropriate amount of green onion, ginger slices and garlic cloves, bring it to a boil on high heat, remove the grease and foam with a spoon, turn to medium heat and cook for 30 minutes, then turn to simmer for 3 hours.

3. After the meat on the beef backbone is cooked, fish out the bones, scrape the meat off the bones, cut into thin slices, put them on the plate, put the bones back into the pot, continue to cook until the soup turns into a milky white broth, then turn off the heat.

4. Take an appropriate amount of meat slices into a bowl, pour the milky white stock, add the right amount of salt, pepper, sprinkle with the right amount of green onion, coriander and white sesame seeds, and then drop two drops of sesame oil, you can eat.

It's cold, whether you have money or not, drink more beef bone soup, more nourishing than mutton and goose meat, don't know how to eat

Cooking Tips:

1. When stewing beef backbone broth, you can drop a few drops of sesame oil, which can accelerate the dissolution of bone calcium, so that bone broth can be stewed faster to a thick white.

2. When boiling water, if there is more foam and the soup is relatively turbid, you can rinse and change a pot of water to boil.

It's cold, whether you have money or not, drink more beef bone soup, more nourishing than mutton and goose meat, don't know how to eat

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