
Wang Lang, who was scolded to death by Zhuge Liang: He was not afraid that Sun Ce Tai Shi Ci could win the five sons of liang generals, and his master was even more powerful

author:Half a pot of old wine and half a cigarette

During the Three Kingdoms period of the Later Han Dynasty, when it came to verbal kung fu, Zhuge Liang called it the second, and no one dared to call it the first: Jiangdong Qunru was dumbfounded by him, and Cao Wei's Great Situ and Wang Lang, the Marquis of Leping, were scolded to death by him in front of the two armies.

When Zhuge Liang scolded Wang Lang to death, many people pinched a cold sweat for him: Wang Lang was highly skilled in martial arts, and he had the strength to win the five sons and win the five tiger generals, if he was angry and angry and slapped the horse and slashed the knife to kill the general, would Zhuge Liang, who was sitting on a small cart, still have a chance to escape?

Saying that Wang Lang can win the battle against the Five Tiger Generals, many people may have to laugh: Wang Lang is a civilian official, it is estimated that even Chen Shi, Lei Tong, and Wu Lan can't beat him, and Zhao Yun can stretch out a finger to kill him!

Wang Lang, who was scolded to death by Zhuge Liang: He was not afraid that Sun Ce Tai Shi Ci could win the five sons of liang generals, and his master was even more powerful

Of course, some readers will put forward a rebuttal: before the Song Dynasty, wen and wu did not separate families, if they could not dance swords and swords and bend bows, they were not really a great Confucian at all, Wang Lang not only had both literature and martial arts, but also worshiped the commander-in-chief of the three armies of the Han Dynasty as a teacher, and his martial arts were naturally much stronger than those of the farmers in Wollongong.

Who Zhuge Liang's master was, neither the Romance of the Three Kingdoms nor the Romance of the Three Kingdoms says, only that he "cultivated in Nanyang and studied with Yingchuan Shi Guangyuan, Xu Yuanzhi, and Runan meng gongwei." ”

Zhuge Liang's teacher is unknown, it is estimated that it is the origin of family learning, and Wang Lang's master is clearly recorded in the Book of Later Han and the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms: "Wang Lang character Jingxing, Donghai Tan (Tancheng County, Linyi City, Shandong Province) also people." In order to pass the scriptures, worship langzhong, except for the long hill. Shi Tai Lieutenant Yang Zhi gave it to Xue, and abandoned the official service. ”

Wang Lang, who was scolded to death by Zhuge Liang: He was not afraid that Sun Ce Tai Shi Ci could win the five sons of liang generals, and his master was even more powerful

The master died, Wang Lang abandoned the official shou filial piety, this character, can be ashamed of half of the cross-talk. His first official position is also promising: as long as he is not hammered by fans, and do not help his brother Yuan Shao to draft the draft, he may be ranked as the third duke (in fact, Wang Lang did it).

Langzhong of the Han Dynasty was not a doctor, not until the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty, but there was a difference between Langzhong of the Han Dynasty and Langzhong of the Ming Dynasty: Fang Shilanglang, the military commander who helped Qi Jiguang to arrange the Mandarin Duck Array, was equivalent to the chief of staff of the Ming Dynasty; Li Wei, a famous minister during the Yongzheng Dynasty, also served as a Transferist Langzhong, which was a Zhengwupin official position, equivalent to the current bureau chief.

In the Han Dynasty, when Langzhong was like the Qing Dynasty entering Hanlin, the difference is that Hanlin was a scholar of literature, while Langzhong was a scholar of literature and martial arts: standing under the emperor's eaves (it is said that the name of Langzhong comes from), both as a guard and learning the strategy of governing the country - "Langzhong, for Langzhong, is the center of Lang, then the person around the king is also." He is in charge of portals, chariots, etc., and is filled with guards on the inside and combated from the outside. ”

Wang Lang, who was scolded to death by Zhuge Liang: He was not afraid that Sun Ce Tai Shi Ci could win the five sons of liang generals, and his master was even more powerful

From this point of view, Wang Lang's first occupation was that of the Great Inner Guard, which was basically equivalent to The Dianwei Weiyan beside Cao Cao and the Zhao Yun Weiyan beside Liu Bei.

Wang Lang's martial arts are specifically described in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and this old gentleman who was scolded to death by Zhuge Liang also had a heroic life when he was young, and in front of Sun Ce, the little overlord of Jiangdong, he did not show weakness at all: "Sun Ce came out of the horse, and Wang Lang said: 'The soldiers of Wuxing Benevolence and Righteousness, come to Zhejiang, why did Ru help the thief?'" Lang scolded: 'Ru is greedy enough! Wu County, but also strong and my boundary. Revenge with Yan Shi today! ’”

Sun Ce was scolded by Wang Lang and became angry, and he was about to play with his life when he slapped his horse and gun, but he was preempted by Tai Shi Ci: "Sun Ce is furious, waiting for a battle, Tai Shi Ci came out early." Wang Lang slapped the horse dance knife, and the battle was not counted, and Lang killed Zhou Xin to help the battle. In Sun Ce's formation, Huang Gai Pegasus caught Zhou Xin's confrontation. The two drums shook violently, fighting each other. ”

Wang Lang, who was scolded to death by Zhuge Liang: He was not afraid that Sun Ce Tai Shi Ci could win the five sons of liang generals, and his master was even more powerful

Being able to fight with Tai Shi Ci shows that Wang Lang's martial arts are enough to rank among the world's first-class masters, if it were not for the fact that Eastern Wu did not talk about martial virtue, it was really difficult to predict who would win or lose wang Lang and Tai Shi Ci: "Zhou Yu and Cheng Pu led the army to stab and kill. Attacking back and forth, Wang Lang was outnumbered, and killed a bloody road with White Tiger and Zhou Xin and walked into the city. ”

Wang Lang's defeat was a bit of a sense that Lü Bu was beaten away by Liu Guanzhang before the Tiger Prison Pass, so he did not accept defeat and wanted to duel with Sun Ce: "Wang Lang saw Sun Ce in the city attacking the city very urgently, and wanted to send another army to fight to the death. ”

Readers all know how powerful Tai Shi Ci, Zhou Yu, and Cheng Pu are, under the siege of the three of them, that is, Guan Yu Zhang Pegasus Chao Zhao Yun has the possibility of breaking through, Huang Zhong may not be able to run away, as for the five sons of liang generals, it is not to mention - their martial arts should be the same level as Cheng Pu Huang Gai Zhou Tai, fighting alone, no one is Sun Ce's opponent.

Wang Lang and Tai Shi Ci single-handedly did not lose momentum, and then broke through when the top three generals in Eastern Wu attacked, no wonder he was full of confidence to fight sun Ce to death.

Wang Lang, who was scolded to death by Zhuge Liang: He was not afraid that Sun Ce Tai Shi Ci could win the five sons of liang generals, and his master was even more powerful

This record of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms can really be verified in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, but in those two battles, Wang Lang lost: "Sun Ce crossed the river slightly." Lang (Wang Lang was a huijian taishou) Gong Cao Yu (later surrendered to Sun Ce, also scolded by Zhuge Liang) thought that the force could not be rejected, it was better to avoid it. Lang thought that he was a Han official, and it was advisable to protect the city, so he raised troops and planned battles, lost, and floated to Dongye. The strategy was pursued again, and the big break was broken. ”

Although Wang Lang was defeated by Sun Ce, he never gave in: "Although he was poor and poor, he did not seek the night, but he received sympathy for the old, divided the more and cut the less, and did a lot of righteousness." ”

As we said earlier, before the Song Dynasty, there was no separation of literature and martial arts, from the Spring and Autumn Warring States to the Qin and Han Dynasties, Confucian students learned fencing, shooting, driving and playing musical instruments at the same time, and the six arts (etiquette, music, archery, imperial, books, and mathematics) lacked one, which was not a qualified graduate.

The reason why Wang Lang dared to single out with Sun Ce Tai Shi Ci and other fierce generals in the Zhengshi and Yanyi showed that his master did not teach in vain, judging from the fact that his master Xue died and Wang Lang resigned from the official system, Wang Lang should be Yang Ci's proud protégé disciple, and Yang Ci, the Great Han Lieutenant, passed on to Wang Lang the ability to press the bottom of the box.

Wang Lang, who was scolded to death by Zhuge Liang: He was not afraid that Sun Ce Tai Shi Ci could win the five sons of liang generals, and his master was even more powerful

Wang Lang's division was very powerful, and his family was so powerful that it even surpassed Yuan Shao Yuan Shu of the Fourth Dynasty and the Third Duke: "The Yang clan and the Yuan clan in Tokyo, the prime minister of the successive generations, are Han ming clans." However, Yuan's carriage and horse clothes are extremely extravagant; they can keep the family style and are precious to the world, not as good as the Yang family. Yang Shi Zaide, still the pillar of the country. Zhen (Yang Zhen, Emperor Liu Hu of Han'an during the reign of Situ and Taiwei) feared the four knowledge (heaven knows you know what I know), Bing (Yang Bing, Emperor Huan of Han during the Liu Zhi period) went to san confused (wine, color, cai). Shi (Wang Lang's master Yang Ci) was also unabashed, Biao (Yang Biao, Cao Pi made him a lieutenant, and was rejected) Cheng Bandit (not bad at all). Xiu (Yang Xiu, no need to introduce) although talented, Yu I Chun ze. ”

The Third Duke of the Fourth Dynasty of the Yuan Family, the Fourth Generation of the Yang Family Taiwei - Taiwei was the only military position of the three dukes of the Han Dynasty (Situ in charge of civil affairs, Sikong pipe engineering, respectively open the government to govern affairs): "Tai Wei, Jin Yin Zi Shuo, in charge of martial affairs. Book of Han, Volume XIX, Table of Hundred Officials and Secretaries of State, Seventh, "Tai Wei, Gong Yi. He is in charge of the four-way military work, and when he is finished, he will play the most reward and punishment in his temple. Book of the Later Han Dynasty, Zhi 24, Hundred Officials I"

Yang Ci's literary talents and martial arts are all handed down from his family: "Less family learning, Du Zhi is knowledgeable." Often retreated to the vague, taught disciples, did not answer the orders of the state and county, the bus requisition could not arrive, and even resigned the orders of the three dukes. Later, he was promoted to Sikong Gaodi, and then moved to serve as a lieutenant and a lieutenant of the Yue Cavalry. ”

Wang Lang, who was scolded to death by Zhuge Liang: He was not afraid that Sun Ce Tai Shi Ci could win the five sons of liang generals, and his master was even more powerful

Many people think that the "Yue Riding Lieutenant" is the middle-level military attaché in charge of the "Inner Yue People", but looking up historical materials, we know that before the appearance of the Yue people and after their disappearance, there has always been the "Yue Riding Lieutenant" system: "Palm Yue Riding, rank is more than two thousand stones." The more the rider, the more courageous he says, he can surpass it. ”

From being a hermit to a general, Yang Ci directly became the military commander of the elite troops of the Janissaries, and later in the fifth year of Guanghe (182, the Hanling Emperor Liu Hongnian), he was promoted to Taiwei - in the later Han Dynasty, there were no two brushes, let alone as a lieutenant, that is, as a lieutenant of the West Garden, he may also be killed (Jian Shuo, Yuan Shao, Chun Yu Qiong), while Yang Ci lived to the second year of Zhongping (185), after the death of the Han Ling Emperor Liu Hong (also counted as Yang Zhi's disciple, Wang Lang's brother) wore mourning clothes and did not go to the court for three days.

Yang Zhiwen and Wuquan, Wang Lang is his disciple, Wencai martial arts naturally not far behind, so we have reason to worry for Zhuge Liang, who broke his mouth: Although Wang Lang is old, he can ride out on horseback, and there should still be the strength of a battle, if he engages in a decapitation operation like Ma Chao in that year, zhuge Liang will not be sacrificed when he first left Qishan?

Wang Lang, who was scolded to death by Zhuge Liang: He was not afraid that Sun Ce Tai Shi Ci could win the five sons of liang generals, and his master was even more powerful

Of course, some people say that Zhuge Liang, who is eight feet long and has also been a general in the military division and a general of the military division, is not easy to provoke, he is a handsome man in a four-wheeled vehicle, if Wang Lang dares to rush over, Zhuge Liang has a row of handrails, and the hidden Zhuge Lian crossbow will shoot him into a hedgehog - this is to treat Zhuge Liang as the boss of the four famous catches.

Saying that Zhuge Liang knows martial arts is not without basis, Mr. Yi Zhongtian said that Zhuge Liang's "morning and night are calm, often holding his knees and shouting", in fact, it is a kind of Tuna kung fu, if you fight, Zhuge Liang, who will "roar the lion", may not lose to Wang Lang...

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