
Pingwu Wang Lang in late autumn Wild rock sheep leisurely forage for food and joy

author:Sichuan Observation

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Recently, the rangers of WangLang National Nature Reserve observed a large group of wild rock sheep activities during the patrol and recorded the precious pictures with their mobile phones.

Pingwu Wang Lang in late autumn Wild rock sheep leisurely forage for food and joy

The ranger photographed more than a hundred wild rock sheep eating leisurely a few hundred meters away, and during the shooting, the alert rock sheep seemed to have noticed the existence of the camera, and invariably looked at the camera, as if asking the rangers whether they had taken a beautiful picture of them?

Pingwu Wang Lang in late autumn Wild rock sheep leisurely forage for food and joy

Previously, the rangers also used drones to record the picture of more than twenty rock sheep walking in the snow during the daily patrol, and the rock sheep first paced slowly in the snow, and after noticing that the drone overhead was flying closer and closer, they sprinted forward.

Pingwu Wang Lang in late autumn Wild rock sheep leisurely forage for food and joy

Rock sheep, also known as cliff sheep, stone sheep, green sheep, etc., the form is between wild goats and wild sheep, males and females have horns, inhabiting the alpine bare rock area between 2100-6300 meters above sea level. They can climb up the cliffs as long as they have a foot edge, and they are called "spirits on the rock walls".

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