
After entering the autumn, when you encounter this ingredient, it is only 5 yuan and 1 kilogram, which is extremely nutritious, and it is delicious to eat with cucumbers

author:Shukuri Musume

Hello everyone, I am a show kitchen lady, a girl who likes to stay in the kitchen to study food, every day to share with you a nutritious and delicious home cooking method, if you also like to make food, welcome to pay attention, we can share with each other in the experience of making food, learn from each other, for family and friends to make more nutritious and healthy food!

Introduction: After entering the autumn, when you encounter this ingredient, don't be soft, only 5 yuan 1 pound, the nutrition is extremely high, mixed with cucumbers to eat really delicious!

After the autumn, the weather is getting cooler and cooler every day, and the hot summer is gradually leaving us. At the same time, as the precipitation decreases, the air becomes drier and drier! Every time at this time, our body is susceptible to the influence of "autumn dryness", and there are symptoms of dry qi, such as dry cough and less phlegm, dry nasopharynx, dry skin, dry and evil lungs, and so on. Therefore, in the dry autumn, we should eat more foods that nourish the yin and moisturize the lungs.

After entering the autumn, when you encounter this ingredient, it is only 5 yuan and 1 kilogram, which is extremely nutritious, and it is delicious to eat with cucumbers

As the saying goes: "Relying on the mountain to eat the mountain, relying on the sea to eat the sea". The happiest thing about living in a coastal city is that you can eat a variety of fresh seafood products! Friends who like to eat seafood know that eating seafood is seasonal. So, in early autumn, which seafood is the most delicious? The chef recommended to everyone that it was a "jellyfish".

After entering the autumn, when you encounter this ingredient, it is only 5 yuan and 1 kilogram, which is extremely nutritious, and it is delicious to eat with cucumbers

Jellyfish is a seafood product with high nutritional value and one of the "Eight Treasures of Seafood". Every year from August to September, it is the season when fresh jellyfish are on the market in large numbers! Jellyfish are rich in protein, vitamin A, vitamin B, inorganic salts, and trace elements such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, and iodine. Eat jellyfish often has the effect of clearing heat and removing fire, moisturizing the lungs and clearing the intestines, nourishing the yin and dissolving phlegm, quenching thirst and sobering wine, softening blood vessels, preventing goiter and so on!

After entering the autumn, when you encounter this ingredient, it is only 5 yuan and 1 kilogram, which is extremely nutritious, and it is delicious to eat with cucumbers

After entering the autumn, I bought this ingredient when I came across it, only 5 yuan and 1 catty, delicious and nutritious, stronger than eating chicken, duck and fish meat! Jellyfish head is the tentacle part of jellyfish, but also a fine product in jellyfish, the meat is thick, delicious, the taste and nutritional value is higher! Using jellyfish head and cucumber to make a cold dish, it is called "the delicacy of the world"! Below, the chef will share with you the method of cold mix jellyfish!

【Cold Jellyfish Head】

Ingredients: jellyfish head, cucumber, garlic, coriander, salt, soy sauce, oyster sauce, vinegar, sesame oil.

Here's how:

After entering the autumn, when you encounter this ingredient, it is only 5 yuan and 1 kilogram, which is extremely nutritious, and it is delicious to eat with cucumbers

Step 1: Put the jellyfish head in the basin, add the appropriate amount of water, wash it, remove the black substance on the jellyfish head, wash it, put it in pure water, soak it for 2 hours, remove the salty and fishy taste of the jellyfish.

After entering the autumn, when you encounter this ingredient, it is only 5 yuan and 1 kilogram, which is extremely nutritious, and it is delicious to eat with cucumbers

Step 2: After the cucumber is cleaned, cut into thin strips, put the soaked jellyfish on the board, cut into thin slices, put into a dish, add an appropriate amount of boiling water, blanch the jellyfish, drain and set aside.

After entering the autumn, when you encounter this ingredient, it is only 5 yuan and 1 kilogram, which is extremely nutritious, and it is delicious to eat with cucumbers

Step 3: Take a bowl, add the appropriate amount of garlic and coriander, add the appropriate amount of soy sauce, oyster sauce, vinegar, salt, sesame oil, stir well, pour the sauce into the plate containing jellyfish, and mix well.

After entering the autumn, when you encounter this ingredient, it is only 5 yuan and 1 kilogram, which is extremely nutritious, and it is delicious to eat with cucumbers

Step 4: Spread the cucumber shreds on the bottom of the plate, pour in the mixed jellyfish head, a nutritious and delicious appetizer, and the cold mix jellyfish head is ready! Refreshing appetizers, drinking and eating! Now is the best time to eat fresh jellyfish! In coastal cities, fresh jellyfish heads on the market only sell for 5 yuan and 1 catty, especially cheap! If you encounter it in the market, don't miss it!

Have you ever eaten jellyfish heads? What's your favorite? If you have other delicious jellyfish head recipes, feel free to share them in the comments section! Share it here today, happy to share to make our lives colorful. If you like the sharing of the kitchen lady, just forward + favorite + like to support it! Every one of your likes is the motivation for the kitchen lady to continue to work hard, thanks for the support, grateful for the company!

This article was originally created by Xiu Kitchen Lady, and plagiarism must be investigated! Welcome to follow and take you along with long knowledge!

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