
Tomato beef soup

author:Today is the flat top of the mountain


Ingredients: Beef, tomatoes, beef broth

Ingredients: tomato sauce salt, sesame oil, parsley


First make beef with sauce~

1. Remove the excess mesh on the surface of the whole beef button meat, wash and cut into large pieces.

2. Put an appropriate amount of soy sauce, sweet noodle sauce (coloring), cooking wine, five-spice powder, green onion, ginger slices (fishy) in the beef buttons, and marinate in advance for 7-8 hours.

3. Put an appropriate amount of cold water in the pressure cooker, put the marinated beef into the pot together with the soup, add the large ingredients, peppercorns, cumin, and boil the skimming foam on high heat

4. Seal the pressure cooker, after opening the pot, simmer for about 1 hour on low heat.

5. Put the cooked beef in a pot and cool completely.

6. After completely cooling, slice into a dish.

To prepare the tomato beef soup:

1: 3-4 tomatoes, wash and cut into small pieces for later.

2: Prepare the beef broth to taste.

3: Put the cut tomatoes into the pot and pour in the beef broth and soak the tomato surface.

4: Bring to a boil over high heat and heat over medium-low heat to make the tomatoes soft and rotten.

5: Cut the beef with sauce into 2-3 cm chunks.

6: Add salt to the pot, stir the tomato sauce well, add the beef pieces when the soup is slightly thick, heat for 2-3 minutes to turn off the heat. Sprinkle with sesame oil and coriander.

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