
French dessert strawberry mousse, high appearance and praise, the operation is very simple, make it with me

author:The small nest of the Four Mao family

Tanabata has just passed, but people who love desserts, do not need the festival can find a dessert from the head, there are many types of desserts, I feel that mousse is very simple to do, and the molding is beautiful, the taste is delicate and soft, and it is also very suitable for family production, so today to share with you a, heart-shaped strawberry mousse production method, I hope that everyone can make a successful production, whether it is their own afternoon tea to eat, or send girlfriends, send family, are a gift to take out!

French dessert strawberry mousse, high appearance and praise, the operation is very simple, make it with me

【Heart-shaped strawberry mousse】

raw material:

Some ingredients of chiffon cake:

5 eggs (about 50 g/pc).

45 g of milk

Corn oil 45 g

Low gluten flour 70 g

Cornstarch 15 g

White Sugar 70

Some ingredients of chocolate mousse:

Light cream 100 g

100 grams of white chocolate

100 g of milk

Sugar 30 g

Gilliptin tablets 5 g

Some raw materials of strawberry mousse:

Strawberries 200 g

Cream 100 g

Strawberry jelly mirror part of the raw materials:

100 g strawberries

Syrup 20 g

Gelatin tablets 2.5 g

Preparation Method:

First, let's make a chiffon cake base

1, put the egg yolk protein in different basins, add milk to the egg yolk, beat evenly with a manual whisk, add corn oil to the egg yolk liquid, and continue to beat evenly with a manual whisk

French dessert strawberry mousse, high appearance and praise, the operation is very simple, make it with me

2: Add sifted low gluten flour and corn starch to the egg yolk liquid, and stir the J word until there are no flour particles

French dessert strawberry mousse, high appearance and praise, the operation is very simple, make it with me
French dessert strawberry mousse, high appearance and praise, the operation is very simple, make it with me

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Arowana pastry wheat flour 500g*2 low gluten cake cookies Cantonese mooncake flour roll roll the same style ¥12 purchase

3: Put the white sugar into three times of egg white, and beat at low speed with an electric whisk until it is hard and foamy (lift the whisk to form a small sharp angle)

French dessert strawberry mousse, high appearance and praise, the operation is very simple, make it with me

4: Add the meringue to the egg yolk paste in 3 times, mix it with a rubber spatula J, mix evenly each time and add the next meringue

French dessert strawberry mousse, high appearance and praise, the operation is very simple, make it with me

5. Pour the whipping batter into the 8-inch live bottom mold, gently vibrate the mold twice to discharge the bubbles in the cake paste, and the bubbles on the surface can be scratched with a toothpick

French dessert strawberry mousse, high appearance and praise, the operation is very simple, make it with me

Steamed cake mold bread chiffon home baking set 8 inch live bottom oven to make steamer with tools abrasive eight6 ¥5.8 purchase

6, the oven up and down the fire 110 degrees in advance preheating, put in the middle of the oven at 110 degrees first baked for 25 minutes, and then turn up and down the fire 150 degrees and then bake for 20 minutes, so that the first low temperature set, and then bake at high temperature, the qiffon cake stability is good, do not shrink the waist, do not collapse, do not crack.

French dessert strawberry mousse, high appearance and praise, the operation is very simple, make it with me

7, out of the oven immediately vibrate the mold twice, the mold upside down on the drying net, or the mold inverted frame on other caliber of the same mold to cool, this can also effectively ensure that the cake does not collapse.

French dessert strawberry mousse, high appearance and praise, the operation is very simple, make it with me

8. After the cake is cooled, the cake is peeled around with bare hands to separate the cake from the mold, and then hold the mold to detach the cake, and finally detach the bottom of the mold from the cake. Cut into 1 cm thick slices and cut a heart-shaped cake base into heart-shaped mousse rings for later.

French dessert strawberry mousse, high appearance and praise, the operation is very simple, make it with me

9: Wrap the mousse ring with plastic wrap on one side, tighten and flatten the plastic wrap, and then lay a heart-shaped cake base for later.

French dessert strawberry mousse, high appearance and praise, the operation is very simple, make it with me

6 inch-12 inch adjustable stainless steel mousse circle cake mold mille-feuille cake tiramisu baking ¥12.8 purchase

Second, the production of chocolate mousse layer

1, gelatin slices with ice water soaked soft, drain the water for later, cream plus sugar with an electric whisk, low speed to beat until there is a pattern on it, and then cover with plastic wrap in the refrigerator refrigerated for later,

French dessert strawberry mousse, high appearance and praise, the operation is very simple, make it with me
French dessert strawberry mousse, high appearance and praise, the operation is very simple, make it with me

Nestlé Light Cream 250ml*4 Box Household Animal Whipped Cream Cake Mounted Cream Baking Material ¥55 Purchase

2, chocolate melt in water and set aside

French dessert strawberry mousse, high appearance and praise, the operation is very simple, make it with me
French dessert strawberry mousse, high appearance and praise, the operation is very simple, make it with me

3, milk with a small pot of low heat heat, the pot around the slight bubble can be away from the fire, and then pour the milk into the melted chocolate and stir evenly, while hot to add soft gelatin slices stir evenly,

French dessert strawberry mousse, high appearance and praise, the operation is very simple, make it with me
French dessert strawberry mousse, high appearance and praise, the operation is very simple, make it with me

4: After cooling, add 1/3 of the whipped cream, stir well, pour the chocolate liquid into the remaining cream, and continue to stir well

French dessert strawberry mousse, high appearance and praise, the operation is very simple, make it with me
French dessert strawberry mousse, high appearance and praise, the operation is very simple, make it with me

5: Then pour the chocolate mousse paste on the cake base, do not pour it on the edge of the mold when pouring, and then cover with plastic wrap and freeze in the refrigerator for 30 minutes

French dessert strawberry mousse, high appearance and praise, the operation is very simple, make it with me

Third, the production of strawberry mousse layer

1: Soak the gelatin tablets in ice water to soften, drain the water and set aside, beat the cream until there is a grain and put it in the refrigerator for freezing

French dessert strawberry mousse, high appearance and praise, the operation is very simple, make it with me

2: Beat the strawberries with a blender, heat and melt the soft gelatin slices in the microwave on high heat for 10 seconds, and then pour them into the strawberry mushrooms and stir evenly

French dessert strawberry mousse, high appearance and praise, the operation is very simple, make it with me
French dessert strawberry mousse, high appearance and praise, the operation is very simple, make it with me

3, then pour 1/3 of the whipped cream into the fruit mushroom and stir evenly, and then pour the fruit mushroom into the remaining cream and stir evenly, the strawberry mousse paste is ready, pour the strawberry mousse paste on the frozen and set chocolate mousse layer, and finally gently shake the mold twice, so that the surface of the strawberry mousse layer is smooth and smooth, and the mold continues to be put into the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

French dessert strawberry mousse, high appearance and praise, the operation is very simple, make it with me
French dessert strawberry mousse, high appearance and praise, the operation is very simple, make it with me

Fourth, strawberry jelly production

1, gelatin tablets with ice water soaked soft, fished out to grasp the water, microwave oven on high heat for 10 seconds until melting, strawberries with a blender to stir into strawberry fruit mushrooms, add syrup to stir evenly, and then pour the melted gelatin liquid into the strawberry mushrooms and stir evenly

French dessert strawberry mousse, high appearance and praise, the operation is very simple, make it with me

2, the strawberry jelly liquid poured on the frozen and fixed strawberry mousse layer, gently shake the mold twice to make the jelly layer surface flat and smooth, there are small bubbles with a toothpick once, and then put the refrigerator frozen for 2 hours, or refrigerated for at least 3 hours, it is best to overnight!

French dessert strawberry mousse, high appearance and praise, the operation is very simple, make it with me

Fifth, surface decoration

1, first find a towel with hot water to soak, wrap the mold with a hot towel to cover the mold for a while, or use a hair dryer to blow the outside of the mousse circle, so that the mousse circle can be detached.

French dessert strawberry mousse, high appearance and praise, the operation is very simple, make it with me

2, after demolding, the mousse surface can be placed some fresh strawberries and sugar granules as decorations, this decoration is done according to their own likes.

French dessert strawberry mousse, high appearance and praise, the operation is very simple, make it with me


When the mousse is cut into pieces, the knife should be heated with a hot towel, or soak the knife in hot water, wipe it dry and then cut it, so that it is more neat and beautiful.

I am Simao, every day to share with you every meal I made for my family, like my food to share you, don't forget to share and collect my recipes, welcome to pay attention to me, I will continue to share my food to everyone!

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