
Drink a bowl of nutritious and delicious tomato egg pearl soup for breakfast, and the spirit of the day is full

author:Food warms the home

Drink a bowl of nutritious and delicious tomato egg pearl soup for breakfast, and the spirit of the day is full

There is a saying that "breakfast should be eaten well, lunch should be full, dinner should be eaten less" The meaning of this sentence is very clear to everyone, but not many people can do it.

The main reason why we can't do it is because we are more and more accustomed to staying up late, resulting in us getting up in the morning, we have no appetite at all, either looking at breakfast and can't eat, or we can't eat much.

In fact, from the perspective of nutrition, the amount of nutrients needed for breakfast accounts for about 30% of the nutrition of the whole day, if you do not eat breakfast, or eat less breakfast, the harm to our body is very large. Therefore, breakfast must be eaten, and also eat rich, so as to ensure that our body can ingest enough energy, in order to better cope with heavy study and work.

So, what to eat for breakfast is standard?

Nutritionists have also given the answer to this question. For example, bread, milk, eggs, juice and meat, etc., as long as we switch to eat these nutritious foods every morning, we can make our body full of nutrients and achieve a balanced state of diet.

Since eating breakfast is so important, it is not possible to rely on the outside breakfast shop, after all, the breakfast shop has a single food, and after eating several times, there will be no appetite, and the easiest way to improve appetite is to make a variety of dishes by ourselves, which can not only save money, but also make our breakfast diverse.

When it comes to making your own breakfast, many people will find it troublesome, thinking that making breakfast not only takes up time, but also requires a certain amount of cooking skills. In fact, this is a misunderstanding. Because there are many kinds of porridge or soup suitable for breakfast, it is not only easy to make, but also very time-saving, up to ten minutes to complete.

Drink a bowl of nutritious and delicious tomato egg pearl soup for breakfast, and the spirit of the day is full

There are many such porridges and soups, which can be eaten every day for a month without repeating the sample, and when it comes to making the simplest and most suitable for all ages, it must be "tomato egg pearl soup"

Tomatoes help digestion, increase the acidity of gastric juice and regulate gastrointestinal function, and it contains a variety of vitamins as well as calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, copper, iodine and other elements. Moreover, according to the determination of nutritionists: 50 grams to 100 grams of tomatoes per person per day can meet our body's needs for vitamins and minerals.

And eggs contain phosphorus, zinc, iron, protein, vitamins, etc., these substances are necessary for our body, so the soup made with tomatoes and eggs, the nutritional value is very high, such soup plus flour, it becomes a full and delicious perfect breakfast.

【Name】Tomato egg pearl soup

【Ingredients required】Flour Tomatoes Eggs Coriander Shallots Salt Chicken Essence Monosodium Glutamate Cooking oil

Drink a bowl of nutritious and delicious tomato egg pearl soup for breakfast, and the spirit of the day is full

Step 1: Peel the tomatoes and cut them into small pieces.

Drink a bowl of nutritious and delicious tomato egg pearl soup for breakfast, and the spirit of the day is full

Step 2: Put a small amount of cooking oil in the pot, heat it up, pour the tomatoes into the pot, turn on high heat and stir-fry to make the juice.

Drink a bowl of nutritious and delicious tomato egg pearl soup for breakfast, and the spirit of the day is full

Step 3: Add water to the pot and bring to a boil.

Drink a bowl of nutritious and delicious tomato egg pearl soup for breakfast, and the spirit of the day is full

Step 4, put flour in the basin, add a small amount of water, stir with chopsticks, when the flour becomes a small ball, pour a little bit into the pot, after the flour ball into the pot, you need to use a rice spoon to stir the bottom of the pot in time to prevent sticking to the pan.

Drink a bowl of nutritious and delicious tomato egg pearl soup for breakfast, and the spirit of the day is full

Step 5: Beat the eggs, stir into a paste, when the flour is put into the pot for about 3 minutes, sprinkle the egg liquid evenly on the soup, you can turn off the heat and get out of the pot.

Drink a bowl of nutritious and delicious tomato egg pearl soup for breakfast, and the spirit of the day is full

Step 6: Put the chopped coriander and green onions into the soup, this nutritious and delicious tomato egg pearl soup can be enjoyed, and the little friends who like sesame oil can also drop a few drops of sesame oil into it, the taste will be better.

This soup has both the sweetness and sourness of tomatoes, the deliciousness of eggs, and the lubrication of small dough, which is very appetizing and delicious, and the combination of red, white, yellow and green is very eye-catching and makes people have an appetite. Moreover, this soup can be eaten by both the elderly and children, there is no taboo crowd, and it is really very suitable for the whole family to eat.


Soak the tomatoes in hot water for about three minutes to easily peel them.

When making small dough, it is recommended to put more flour in the basin and less water, so that the dough will not stick together, so that the dough will not be too large to cook.

If you are worried about sautéing tomatoes with cooking oil to increase the greasy feeling of the soup, you can also directly boil water and put the tomatoes in a pan of cold water, so that the soup flavor will be very fresh.

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