
The suicide of Dong Xingyi, Master Li Chengru, the teacher of the six-year-old child, and the idol of Pu Cunxin

author:I'm a codeword

Recently, Li Chengru suddenly occupied a lot of entertainment pages, and he ruthlessly attacked the bad acting skills of some artists in various variety shows, because his remarks were too fierce, so the evaluation of him on the Internet also showed extreme two sides.

The suicide of Dong Xingyi, Master Li Chengru, the teacher of the six-year-old child, and the idol of Pu Cunxin

Some people say that Li Chengru's comments are addictive and transparent, and some people say that Li Chengru is pretending to be a big-tailed wolf. Some people question how many masterpieces Li Chengru has, and whether his comments on other people's lines and acting skills are qualified?

The author believes that Li Chengru is really enough to be this character, don't look at his film and television masterpieces are not much, but the boutique rate is very high. In addition, his line skills were taught by famous masters and he studied them for ten years.

Li Chengru once recited a "Ode to the OrangeRy" in an interview with "Ke fan listening", and he imitated his master, and even if he imitated it, it still made people feel that the sound and rhythm were so amazing.

Li Chengru's mentor is China's famous performance artist, recitation artist Dong Xingyi, he is known as the "king of sound" by the recitation circle, and some people say that "Dong Xingyi does not die, who in the Chinese recitation circle dares to be bullish.".

The suicide of Dong Xingyi, Master Li Chengru, the teacher of the six-year-old child, and the idol of Pu Cunxin

1. The clever actor of Beijing Renyi

Dong Xingyi is simply called an excellent drama actor in Beijing Renyi, and then more complicated is a smart actor. His grasp of the character is extremely accurate, and he can make people ignore the actor himself.

The red scholar Liu Xinwu once wrote an article commemorating Dong Xingyao, saying that he had seen three dramas starring Dong Xingyi in a row, in "Thunderstorm" he played the innocent young master Zhou Chong, who was much younger than himself, in "Beijinger" he played the decadent and dim-witted old lady who was much older than himself, and in "Sunrise" he played a demon-like Hu Si. The three dramas were performed differently, and Dong Xingyi took turns to enter the role without any impact.

It is said that Dong Xingyi's Hu Si was too realistic, and he was chased on the street, which was indeed a rare phenomenon in that era, which was enough to show Dong Xingyi's ability to shape characters.

The suicide of Dong Xingyi, Master Li Chengru, the teacher of the six-year-old child, and the idol of Pu Cunxin

Second, the king of sound that is second to none

Pu Cunxin once revealed that when he was examining The Art of Beijing, he imitated Dong Xingyi and recited a passage of "Haiyan", which is one of Dong Xingyi's masterpieces, and Dong Xingyi has always been his idol in recitation.

Li Chengru recalled that in 1972, he visited Dong Xingyi, went to Teacher Dong's house once a week to study, and taught three words in the first class, the first sentence in Wei Wei's "Who is the loveliest person": In North Korea. In this way, Li Chengru continued to study with Dong Xingyi for ten years and laid the foundation for his line skills, so he had the divine work of the end in "Big Shots".

Dong Xingyi did not take anything from Li Chengru.

The suicide of Dong Xingyi, Master Li Chengru, the teacher of the six-year-old child, and the idol of Pu Cunxin

In today's recitation world, no matter who it is, no one dares to say that the artistic standard can surpass Dong Xingyao, he is a peak in the recitation world.

When Xie Tian filmed the movie "Tea House", Dong Xingyi was ill and could not star, but Xie Tian still strongly asked Dong Xingyi to narrate the movie, saying that he did not feel unable to sit in "The Tea House".

In the "Journey to the West" trial episode, Dong Xingyi also voiced Tang Monk, which is his only dubbing work, although it now sounds like Tang Monk is a bit older, but his language control is excellent, making Tang Monk more like a high monk with opinions.

Readers who have not heard of Dong Xingyi's recitation works can search for themselves, and they can find them on the Internet, and after listening to these exquisite recitations in history, you will find that the current recitation circle really lacks such a voice.

The suicide of Dong Xingyi, Master Li Chengru, the teacher of the six-year-old child, and the idol of Pu Cunxin

3. The Covenant of Journey to the West

In 1982, the "Journey to the West" crew was established, director Yang Jie selected Sun Wukong actor Zhang Jinlai acting skills and lines are somewhat jerky, for which she found the art of Dong Xingyou, at this time Dong Xingyi because of depression tormented mood is not good, but under the generous invitation of director Yang Jie, he gladly came to the "Journey to the West" crew as an acting instructor for six-year-old children.

In the "Journey to the West" crew for more than a month, Dong Xingyi's mood has improved a lot, he not only guides the six-year-old children every day, but also serves as the voice of the Tang monk, following the recording engineer to the mountains and cemeteries in the middle of the night to record the same sound, without feeling the slightest hardship.

The suicide of Dong Xingyi, Master Li Chengru, the teacher of the six-year-old child, and the idol of Pu Cunxin

Dong Xingyi also introduced his daughter Dong Dai to the crew to be responsible for costume management, and Dong Dai also made a cameo appearance as a girl who was intimidated by Sun Wukong in the episode "The Monkey King First Came Out".

Accompanied by his daughter and accompanied by his apprentice Li Chengru as a drama manager, Dong Xingyou's time in the "Journey to the West" crew was a rare happy time at that time.

The suicide of Dong Xingyi, Master Li Chengru, the teacher of the six-year-old child, and the idol of Pu Cunxin

IV. Restoration of "Liao Zhongkai"

In the preparation stage of the film "Liao Zhongkai" directed by Tang Xiaodan, Sister Deng asked Dong Xingyi to play Liao Zhongkai by name. For this reason, Dong Xingyi was a little hesitant, and he confessed to director Yang Jie that if the "Journey to the West" crew did not agree to his departure, he was willing to stay. However, director Yang Jie considered the weight and rare opportunity of this film, and did not want to delay Dong Xingyao, or let him go to the film crew.

"Liao Zhongkai" is Dong Xingyao's film masterpiece, in which he vividly portrays the image of a revolutionary, a father and husband. Liao Zhongkai's son, Liao Chengzhi, is said to have shed tears when he saw the film, and he thought that Dong Xingyao played his father too well, and he felt like he saw his own father's shadow.

The suicide of Dong Xingyi, Master Li Chengru, the teacher of the six-year-old child, and the idol of Pu Cunxin

Some people also commented that Dong Xingyao's performance in the film is better than that of other old drama bones of Beijing Renyi, such as the famous Sozhi, although he is invincible on the drama stage, he often shows the appearance of a drama actor in some small details in the movie, while "Xiao Dong" (Dong Xingyao) behaves more naturally in the movie, more like a movie actor.

Dong Xingyao himself once said that when he first saw himself on the screen, he was almost self-conscious, and the figure and tone on the stage were too obvious, so he constantly reviewed his shortcomings and gradually grew into an excellent film actor.

The suicide of Dong Xingyi, Master Li Chengru, the teacher of the six-year-old child, and the idol of Pu Cunxin

Fifth, suicide is suspected

Just after the movie "Liao Zhongkai", Dong Xingyi returned home, and one day in June 1983, he hanged himself in the bathroom at home, ending his 54-year-old life.

For Dong Xingyao's suicide, there are two versions circulating on the Internet, one is that he missed the protagonist of the drama "Xianheng Hotel" and caused a depressed mood. Another said that his daughter Dong Dai went against his will to sing at a hotel restaurant in Guangzhou, which disappointed him.

Therefore, posterity has two theories: Dong Xingyi was ostracized by Ren yi and led to suicide and was killed by his daughter.

In fact, the cause of Dong Xingyi's tragedy is very simple, he is ill.

The suicide of Dong Xingyi, Master Li Chengru, the teacher of the six-year-old child, and the idol of Pu Cunxin

Dong Xingyi is an introvert who focuses on business and is not sociable, and he suffered from depression in 1977, when no one regarded the disease as a disease. It was not until 1981 that Dong Xingyou's depression became more and more serious that he went to Anding Hospital for treatment, and after discharge, he still did not get better.

When director Yang Jie found Dong Xingyao, he felt that he was depressed, but with his enthusiasm for creation and art, Dong Xingyi still threw himself into the work of the crew of "Journey to the West". However, after the movie "Liao Zhongkai" was completed, Dong Xingyi's old illness recurred, coupled with some unpleasant things at home and at work, which eventually led to his ending.

In fact, it should be said that Dong Xingyi had an inappropriate disease in an inappropriate era, even in modern society, how many people pay attention to depressed patients, and how many people will think that depression is also a disease that needs to be cared for and treated.

The suicide of Dong Xingyi, Master Li Chengru, the teacher of the six-year-old child, and the idol of Pu Cunxin

6. Follow-up

In 1984, the 4th Golden Rooster Awards of Chinese Cinema was announced, and Dong Xingyi won the Best Actor Award for his outstanding performance in the movie "Liao Zhongkai", which was a belated honor.

At the Spring Festival Gala in 1985, Dong Xingyao's daughter Dong Dai sang two songs on the CCTV stage, although she had become popular in the singing industry with her masterpiece "A Touch of Color", she finally gave up her singing career and went to study medicine.

Nowadays, we can probably only see Dong Xingyu's name from Li Chengru's mouth and Wang Chongqiu's pen again.

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