
Pu Cunxin: My family members have passed away one after another, and I don't dare to grow old at the age of 70, and I have to take care of my old mother

author:Aoman 求知所
Pu Cunxin: My family members have passed away one after another, and I don't dare to grow old at the age of 70, and I have to take care of my old mother

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Facing the approaching night, the seventy-year-old Pu Cunxin silently leaned against the window, his deep eyes staring at the sky that was gradually covered in darkness.

At this moment, his vision was as deep as a whirlpool, surging with deep worry, as if he had traveled back to the distant past through a time tunnel.

It is true that Pu Cunxin used to be a fanatic of the persistent pursuit of art, whether on stage or in front of the TV screen, he was able to fully immerse himself in the role, completely integrate himself into the plot, and his exquisite performance skills won warm praise and applause from the audience.

At that time, he seemed to be omnipotent, and his career climbed to the top.

Pu Cunxin: My family members have passed away one after another, and I don't dare to grow old at the age of 70, and I have to take care of my old mother

However, the dreams and pursuits of youth were not all smooth sailing, and the grinding of life had brought him a heavy blow.

Pu Cunxin recalls his childhood when he was ridiculed and ostracized by his peers because of polio.

Whenever he thinks of those painful years, his eyes will instantly dim, as if he has fallen into that gloomy past again.

However, fortunately, his parents were always by his side and gave him endless love and support. It was under the careful care of his parents and the careful treatment of doctors that he finally overcame the disease and regained his healthy legs.

Pu Cunxin: My family members have passed away one after another, and I don't dare to grow old at the age of 70, and I have to take care of my old mother

Pu Cunxin's eyes once again shone with the light of hope, and the love of his parents gave him the courage and strength to move forward.

Under the ardent expectation and encouragement of his parents, he bravely stepped out of the house, refused the protection of his family, and firmly chose to devote himself to a military career. During his time in the army, he became a literary soldier and opened a new chapter in his life.

Just as Pu Cunxin's career was booming, fate ruthlessly waved a cruel iron fist at him. A sudden phone call came with bad news, informing him that his younger brother Pu Cunxin had unfortunately passed away due to a sudden illness, and the news exploded in his ears like a thunderbolt in the clear sky.

Pu Cunxin, who hurried home, saw his parents with white hair and a sad face, and his heart seemed to be tightly choked by an invisible hand and he couldn't breathe. My younger brother is in the prime of his youth and has always been in good health, why did he suddenly die? He froze where he was, unable to recover from the shock.

Pu Cunxin: My family members have passed away one after another, and I don't dare to grow old at the age of 70, and I have to take care of my old mother

It wasn't until he saw his parents' eyes full of exhaustion and grief that Pu Cunxin suddenly realized that as the eldest son in the family, he must take on the responsibility of taking care of his family.

He poured extraordinary energy into dealing with his brother's afterlife, but in fact he used his busy work to numb the poisonous pain in his heart. Once Pu Cunxin's fear stopped, endless thoughts and sorrows would hit his heart like a torrent.

After holding the funeral for his younger brother, he silently walked into the silent corner, holding the relics left by his brother before his death, tears like water bursting the embankment, uncontrollably welling up in his eyes.

Just when Pu Cunxin had not yet recovered from the heavy blow of his brother's death, more cruel news came like a thunderbolt in the clear sky - his father Su Min died of a sudden illness.

Pu Cunxin: My family members have passed away one after another, and I don't dare to grow old at the age of 70, and I have to take care of my old mother

This is undoubtedly worse, Pu Cunxin feels as if he has been hit hard by the giant hammer of life, he has difficulty breathing, and his heart is like ashes. He tried his best to save his father's life, but in the end he was unable to recover.

Mother Jia Quan also suffered from severe Alzheimer's disease due to the double blow of losing her son and husband in a row, and her mental condition deteriorated day by day. Watching his mother gradually grow old and in a trance, Pu Cunxin had mixed feelings in his heart.

He resolutely decided to put aside his career for the time being and devote himself to taking care of his elderly mother.

Faced with the increasingly serious health of his mother Jia Quan, Pu Cunxin made a difficult decision - to completely give up the career he had spent countless efforts to serve and take care of his elderly mother wholeheartedly.

Pu Cunxin: My family members have passed away one after another, and I don't dare to grow old at the age of 70, and I have to take care of my old mother

At first, his sister suggested that she and Pu Cunxin could take turns taking care of her mother and share this responsibility. But Pu Cunxin politely refused. He knew that what his mother needed most at this moment was a son who was always by her side and cared for her at all times, rather than a caregiver who rotated regularly.

In order to be able to take care of his mother wholeheartedly, Pu Cunxin even took the initiative to resign from the important position of vice president of the Beijing People's Art Theater. Since then, he has devoted a lot of time and energy to his mother's daily life.

Daily life is like an endless cycle: when the first rays of sunlight in the morning fall on the earth, Pu Cunxin will carefully prepare a nutritious breakfast for his mother; This was followed by helping the mother with daily chores such as washing, toileting, and dressing.

Whenever noon comes, he always takes matters into his own hands to cook a light and delicious lunch for his family; In the evening, he would dutifully accompany his mother, or stroll through the streets at dusk, or enjoy a leisurely conversation and laughter, or enjoy his mother's favorite TV series together.

Pu Cunxin: My family members have passed away one after another, and I don't dare to grow old at the age of 70, and I have to take care of my old mother

When night falls, he carefully settles his mother in order and then engages in the tedious chores of the house.

Sometimes the mother will unexpectedly forget all kinds of memories of the past, and even the face of her own son can not be recognized, in the face of this situation, Pu Cunxin always comforts her with great patience and delicate care, and tells those good times again and again.

Despite his physical and mental exhaustion, he felt that all his efforts were worth it when he saw the occasional peaceful smile on his mother's face.

In that passionate youth, Pu Cunxin was still a high-spirited young man, he resolutely chose to join the army despite the opposition of his family and became a glorious literary warrior.

Pu Cunxin: My family members have passed away one after another, and I don't dare to grow old at the age of 70, and I have to take care of my old mother

This decision not only honed his tenacity and unyielding will, but also added a colorful chapter to his life journey.

Pu Cunxin, who has just entered the military, although his figure is a little thin, his eyes are flashing with youthful vitality and endless longing for the future. As a literary and artistic soldier, he gave full play to his talents in the army's literary and artistic performances, and won countless warm applause and cheers.

As his outstanding performance in the army gradually became known, more and more women appealed to him, trying to attract the attention of this handsome and dashing young man.

However, despite the deep affection of many women to him, Pu Cunxin's heart is like a quiet lake, undisturbed. Until one day, the goddess of fate opened a new window for him, and he met the love of his life - Wanping.

Pu Cunxin: My family members have passed away one after another, and I don't dare to grow old at the age of 70, and I have to take care of my old mother

Wan Ping was an excellent battalion-level officer in the army at that time, and she was beautiful, intelligent, and resolute and calm, and she could be called an outstanding female representative at that time. And Pu Cunxin is a talented and high-spirited young man, and the two hit it off at first sight when they first met, as if they were destined by God.

Soon after, they fell deeply in love with each other and decided to spend the rest of their lives together.

Although Wan Ping's military rank is higher than Pu Cunxin's, she did not hesitate because of this. In the face of true love, this strong woman bravely made a choice and entered the sacred marriage hall with her beloved.

Soon after, they welcomed a lively and lovely daughter, and formed a warm and harmonious little family.

Pu Cunxin: My family members have passed away one after another, and I don't dare to grow old at the age of 70, and I have to take care of my old mother

No one could have predicted that this once-seemingly beautiful and stable love marriage would be so quickly hit by the ruthless blow of the family upheaval......

Despite the challenges and difficulties in his life, Mr. Pu Cunxin has always adhered to a fiery and sincere heart for public welfare, and looks forward to injecting positive elements into the society with his personal influence.

Back in time, HIV was still a foreign and distant concept for the general public. Many people treat people living with HIV with fear and prejudice because of ignorance.

However, Mr. Pu Cunxin, who witnessed and understood this tragic reality, did not hesitate to stand up and use his extensive reputation in the entertainment industry to advocate for the public to have a correct attitude towards people living with HIV and dispel misconceptions about them.

Pu Cunxin: My family members have passed away one after another, and I don't dare to grow old at the age of 70, and I have to take care of my old mother

In order to disseminate scientific knowledge related to AIDS more effectively, Mr. Pu Cunxin devoted himself to the filming of many public service announcements.

In front of the camera, he affectionately called on people to give sympathy and love to these unfortunate people;

Behind the camera, he did not hesitate to lend a helping hand and provide assistance to children in poor areas and AIDS-epidemic areas, with a cumulative donation of more than 400,000 yuan.

As a well-known artist, although this amount is not astronomical, Mr. Pu Cunxin has never regarded money as the only measure of value. In his eyes, as long as it can bring a glimmer of hope to those helpless children, no matter how much it takes, it is worth it.

Pu Cunxin: My family members have passed away one after another, and I don't dare to grow old at the age of 70, and I have to take care of my old mother

In addition to paying attention to people living with HIV/AIDS and poor children, Mr. Pu Cunxin is also actively involved in other public welfare fields.

Donating blood, protecting precious wildlife, sponsoring education for underprivileged children, and more.

Whenever he had the opportunity to do good deeds, he always did not hesitate to give generously and silently contribute his strength.

It is precisely because of his outstanding performance in public welfare undertakings that Mr. Pu Cunxin was awarded the high honor of "Top Ten People Who Moved China".

Pu Cunxin: My family members have passed away one after another, and I don't dare to grow old at the age of 70, and I have to take care of my old mother

This honor is not only a great affirmation of his noble character, but also injects endless impetus into his firm steps on the road of public welfare.

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