
Yan Changhong Tao Jiyi: Huang Xing and Hu Hanmin during the Xinhai Revolution


"Work together for the country, work hard together to sky."

This is a couplet on the Lujinglie Pavilion of Huang Xing's tomb in Yuelu Mountain, Changsha, which is very appropriate to describe the intimate relationship between Huang Xing and Hu Hanmin (1879-1936) during the Xinhai Revolution. A young man who died young and later became the leader of the right wing of the Kuomintang, their fighting friendship may have lost some of its touching luster due to the passage of time and the change of personnel. However, their concerted efforts, mutual cooperation, conspiracy to make a revolution, jointly build the Republic of China, and make great contributions to the realization of the lofty ideal of China's bourgeois-level democratic revolution will forever be recorded in the annals of history.

From strange classmates to close comrades-in-arms

Huang and Hu first met, and when they crossed fuso almost at the same time in May 1902, they entered the normal department of the Hongwen College in Japan. Although they belonged to the same international students sent by the government, because the two belonged to Xiang and Guangdong respectively, and Huang Xing was 5 years older than Hu Hanmin, there was little intercourse between them. More than two months later, Hu Hanmin was indignant about protesting the admission to chengcheng school and returned to China; after that, Huang Xing was elected as a commentator of the Chinese Overseas Students Association, participated in the publication of the "Youxue Translation and Compilation", assisted in the founding of "Hubei Student Circles", served as a shooting coach for the student army and a returned athlete of the Military and National Education Association during the rejection movement against Russia, and became an active member of the international student movement. There are coincidences. After returning to Japan for a period of time, in the winter of 1904, the two came to Japan again. At this time, Huang Xing had already impressed his classmates. He was admired and admired by progressive students for his practical movement against the Qing Revolution when he returned to China, and soon became the leader of the students studying in Japan and the main ally of Sun Yat-sen's formation of the national revolutionary group. In August 1905, the Chinese League was established, and Huang Xing became the second most important person in the association, the second son of the prime minister Sun Yat-sen (executive secretary, in the position of associate). Hu Hanmin was late in coming and showing nothing: he was only a reviewer in the review department. But Hu's actual status in the meeting rose rapidly because both Sun Yat-sen and Huang Xing gave him the opportunity to show his talents. After Ma Junwu, the secretary of the headquarters of the League, resigned because he was admitted to Kyoto University of Technology, Sun Zhong designated Hu Hanmin to succeed him as secretary, in charge of confidential documents, and to assist in the daily affairs of the headquarters. This opportunity allowed Hu to get close to the leadership of the League: he later became Sun Yat-sen's right-hand man and a close comrade-in-arms of Huang Xing, an important foundation.

The opportunity that Huang Xing gave to Hu Hanmin was the founding of minbao. On that day, the inaugural meeting of the League was in full swing, and Huang Xing loudly proposed that the magazine "Twentieth Century China" of the Huaxing Association system be handed over to the League as an institutional publication, which was founded by Huang Xing, Song Jiaoren and others in Tokyo. This generous proposal was immediately endorsed by all participants. Because the magazine was banned by the Japanese authorities for its radical rhetoric to promote revolution, Sun and Huang adopted Hu's suggestion and renamed it Minbao, and on the basis of Hu's writing ability and experience as an editor of the Poster of < Ridge in Guangzhou, they presume that he was the editor of Minbao. Since then, he has published a number of important articles under the pseudonym "HanMin", and the name "Hanmin" has been found in the world since then. Based on the above facts, it can be said that Huang Xing was not only created for the Alliance. It also provided a stage for Hu Hanmin to write an article explaining Sun Yat-sen's Three People's Principles and to emerge on the theoretical front. Huang Xing was not a theoretician, and he may never have written an article for minbao, but he made such an important contribution to the theoretical propaganda work of the League. On December 2, 1906, the commemorative celebration meeting of the founding anniversary of the founding of the Minbao was presided over by Huang Xing, and Hu Hanmin recorded and reported. Such an arrangement reflects the different positions and roles of the two in the People's Daily. Huang Xing and Hu Hanmin, who were not familiar with each other at the Hongwen Academy, finally became revolutionary comrades who worked together day and night. Their important position in the League allowed Sun Yat-sen to rely on him. In the division of labor in the revolutionary cause, Huang Xing was a military strategist who led troops to fight, and Hu Hanmin was a propagandist who used his pen as a gun, and when he went to armed struggle, Huang Xing was the commander-in-chief of the former enemy, and Hu Hanmin was the general grain station in the rear, one after the other, cooperating tacitly. Their relationship, in the words of Hu Hanmin, has been suffering for many years, and in Huang Xing's view, it is also like "the friendship of the neck". Although the two were Sun Yat-sen's right-hand men before and after the founding of the Republic of China, they played different roles in Sun Yat-sen's cause: Huang Xing was the grandson of the Alliance Association--The other end of Huang Axis's heart that could compete with Sun Yat-sen, and was a collaborator of Sun Yat-sen's "safety must be fought in the end"; Hu Hanmin was always a loyal believer in Sun Yat-sen and an indispensable confidant of the chief of staff. Such a relationship between the three of them has a special significance in the leadership of the League, that is, Hu Hanmin can play a buffer role between Sun and Huang when they are at odds, and can also act as a bridge when Sun and Huang seek reconciliation.

For example, in the spring of 1907, a flag-style dispute broke out among the leadership of the League, and because Sun Yat-sen opposed the tic-tac-toe flag plan approved by Huang Xing and insisted on using the Blue Sky and White Sun Flag as the revolutionary banner of the League, Huang Xing almost "withdrew from the league in anger" and "severed ties" with Sun. Later, Huang Xingcong, considering the interests of "the party and the overall situation", reluctantly obeyed Sun Yat-sen's opinion. Hu Hanmin is playing a role in reconciling Sun and Huang in this crisis. Huang Xing disagreed with the Qingtian White Sun Flag plan, ostensibly because "the design of qingtian white sun is not beautiful and too similar to the Japanese flag, but the underlying reason is to oppose Sun Yat-sen's practice of "using the flag to express himself and be proud of his achievements, which is inconvenient to put forward in front of Sun." Huang Xing conveyed his reservations to Sun Yat-sen through Hu Hanmin. In a letter to Hu Hanmin, who was traveling with Sun, he said: "Fame does not have to be self-made, merit does not have to be self-reliant, and secondly, merit is accomplished without dwelling." Why must sir hold the banner of the first uprising? And it was through Hu Hanmin and Wang Jingwei that Sun Yat-sen continued to persuade Huang Xing, in Hu's words, "force to overcome the strong solution", and Huang "did not repeat his words" after Huang. During this period, Hu Hanmin adopted a moderate attitude, favoring both the use of the "revolutionary banner of shedding blood for some reason" and The saying that Huang Xing "succeeded and did not live", believing that Huang "holds a very high level of righteousness, and this intention will not be abolished because of the controversy." This attitude allowed him to mediate, eased the contradictions between Sun and Huang, and prevented the alliance from disintegrating due to the differences between the two leaders.

Through this incident, Hu Hanmin had a further understanding of Huang Xing and knew that he was a person who took into account the overall situation. Therefore, in the subsequent "Opinion of the Members of the Seven Provinces League", Huang Xing refused to distribute the opinion, and wrote to Li Xiehe to defend Sun Yat-sen, and wrote to Sun Yat-sen to reiterate his support and support for him. All this, in Hu Hanmin's view, "is not for Zhongshan's individual, but for the overall situation." Therefore, Hu Hanmin's evaluation of Huang Xing is: "Sex is pure and thick", "Mr. Xiongjian, can not be a lifetime, and the treatment of things in the world, is humble and meticulous, turned into the arrest of the exiles".

From the Fangcheng Uprising to the Battle of Huanghuagang

The revolutionary friendship between Huang Xing and Hu Hanmin of "sharing hardships" and "having neck-to-neck relations" was more prominently manifested in the armed uprising jointly organized and led by the two men.

In the spring of 1907, Sun Yat-sen took Hu Hanmin to Hanoi, established a revolutionary organ, and planned an armed uprising in Liangguang. But Hu Hanmin, a weak scholar, can he lead his troops to fight? The later Battle of Zhennanguan confirmed this. At that time, Huang Xing and Hu Hanmin, under the leadership of Sun Yat-sen, were both on the front side of the enemy, and Hu fainted on the road due to his weakness and drowsiness. Therefore, Sun Yat-sen summoned Huang Xing shortly after arriving in Hanoi. He sent Huang to infiltrate the interior to campaign the Qing army, or rushed to the former enemy, commanded the nationalist army, and sent Hu Hanmin to travel between Hanoi and Hong Kong to serve as a armament collector and support the front. Their division of labor and cooperation began with the Battle of The Defensive City. In September 1907, Huang Xing infiltrated the camp of Guo Renzhang, the commander of the Qing army in Qinzhou, to do counter-rebellion work, while Sun Yat-sen and Hu Hanmin sat in Hanoi and planned their plans. In the spring of 1908, Sun Yat-sen was replaced by the French colonial authorities. Expelled from Annam, the heavy task of continuing to launch a border uprising in the three provinces of Guangdong, Guizhou, and Yunnan was entrusted to Huang and Hu, and their division of labor was still the same; Huang Xing was in Qin, Lian, and Shangsi, personally went to the front, led the army to battle, and became famous; Hu Hanmin took care of the liaison and support work in Both Qinzhou and Hekou in Hanoi, and was exhausted by the supplies and salaries of the two armies. During those years of military service, Hu Hanmin showed great concern for Huang Xing, and again advised Huang Xing to beware of Guo Renzhang's change of heart, so as not to be deceived; and also asked Huang Xing to seriously learn Cantonese so that he could cover up during the activities of the two Cantons. However, Huang Xing put his life and death on the sidelines of the revolution, and Hu's advice did not have much impact on him. He still went to Guo Renzhang again, and almost suffered a loss when Guo Renzhang changed his mind. Interestingly, Huang Xing thought that Cantonese was easy to learn and did not make any effort, and as a result, when he later returned from the estuary front, he was finally expelled from Annam for impersonating a Cantonese and being recognized by the judicial police.

In the process of planning the uprising on behalf of Sun Yat-sen, Hu Hanmin and Huang Xing also showed great trust. After the defeat of the Battle of Qinlian Shangsi, Hu Hanmin once thought that Huang Xing had died and was very sad. After seeing Huang Xing return to Hanoi unharmed, he was overjoyed and speechless. At that time, Huang Mingtang, Wang Heshun had launched an uprising at the mouth of the Yunnan River. Hu Hanren, who had already felt that Huang and Wang were unlikely to achieve great things, sent a telegram asking Sun Yat-sen to "quickly order Keqiang to unify his army, and even more so that comrades who know the military can help command and can enter the battle?" In the course of the uprising, Huang and Wang's troops were poor in food and ammunition and their actions were delayed, and they needed Huang Xing, an experienced revolutionary leader, to personally command them. Therefore, after Huang Xing was defeated from Qinzhou, he was undecided and pushed by Hu to the first line of the estuary. In a letter to Sun Yat-sen on the hekou uprising, Hu regarded "now that there is the knowledge and experience of Brother Huang Keqiang, and for the sake of overall planning, there are many talents" as one of the important conditions for "the overall situation of Yunnan can be planned." Huang Xing also gladly responded, "full of spirit, no kurama work", and immediately set off for the estuary, making Hu feel relieved that Huang "personally went to the overseer, and the morale was a hundred times better." However, the Battle of Estuary failed for subjective and objective reasons. From the perspective of command and strategy, Hu Hanmin made many mistakes in handling it. First of all, he said to Huang Mingtang and Wang Heshun that "the military pay is not enough to worry about", but when Huang and Wang asked for an advance payment of 30,000 yuan, they could not take it, causing them to lose their trust in the frontline soldiers and make them refuse to enter according to the soldiers. Later, Huang Xingchi was invited to supervise the division at the front, hoping to use the authority of the revolutionary leader to command the troops, but he did not grant Huang Xing a letter of appointment, so that when Huang Xing arrived at the front, the soldiers were still not killed. Tan Renfeng was still indignant about this many years later, saying that "I had to blame the Han people for the defeat of hekou." However, Huang Xing, who is "sexually pure and thick", has never said half a word of complaint.

Huang and Hu Erjin worked together, cooperated with each other, and conspired to conspire for a revolutionary cooperative relationship, which reached its peak at the Battle of Huanghuagang, and the two of them participated in the whole process from planning the uprising to the aftermath. On November 13, 1910, they were called together to attend the secret meeting held by Sun Yat-sen in Penang, and accepted an important task, planning to attack Guangzhou first, and then Huang Xing, Zhao Sheng, and other troops to the north, and then to nanjing, and then to the Northern Expedition and directly attack huanglong.

Yan Changhong Tao Jiyi: Huang Xing and Hu Hanmin during the Xinhai Revolution

Huang xing

Immediately after Huang Xing returned to Hong Kong, he formed a coordination department, he and Zhao Sheng were appointed as the chief and vice ministers, responsible for leading all matters of the uprising, Hu Hanmin wanted to be responsible for raising funds from overseas Chinese in Saigon, Siam, and other places, and before the trip, he said to Huang Xing: "Swear to die and get money to help," After returning to Hong Kong, he was responsible for presiding over the secretarial work, in charge of all the documents needed for the uprising, and in fact he was also one of the righteous leaders. After the uprising was launched, Huang Xing personally led a death squad to attack the Governor's Office, Zhao. Hu was also summoned to Guangzhou at the behest of Huang Xingzhi to prepare for the battle, but was unable to show his ambitions because the uprising had already failed.

After the failure of the uprising, a quarrel broke out between Huang and Hu. Huang Xing believed that Hu Hanmin's cousin Hu Yisheng "did not donate weapons and was unpredictable" during the uprising, and that Chen Jingbo, who advocated the appointment, was "really a great detective", so he expressed that he had asked Hu Yisheng and others about the guilt. Hu Hanmin felt that Huang Xing's accusation that Hu Yisheng not only made his cousin "bear the injustice of not being white", but also damaged his own reputation, so he vigorously defended Hu Yisheng and ridiculed Huang Xing: "Success is attributed to oneself, and failure is blamed on others, not a joke." Hu Hanmin was angry that he "ignored everything", and Huang Xing said that he would not ask about party affairs in the future", the two once avoided meeting, but this failure caused heavy losses to the revolutionary forces, and the essence of the league was lost in half. Whether it is Huang Xing or Hu Hanmin, their mood is very heavy, their attitude is not calm enough, and it is obviously not appropriate to hastily investigate the responsibility for failure in a hurry, and it is inevitable that there will be indignant words, untruthful words, and even hurt comrades. However, after all, Erjin was a comrade-in-arms who had suffered and shared hardships for many years, and soon after, he joined hands to deal with the aftermath, and jointly wrote a letter to overseas donors to report the uprising. When summing up the lessons learned, Huang Xing no longer stressed the responsibility of Hu Yisheng and others, and the two sincerely stated in the letter: "The crime of plotting against the party, taking responsibility for the party and friends, and brotherhood is really unspeakable," Huang Xing's plan to avenge the martyrs by assassination was also supported by Hu Hanmin, and the two jointly commanded the sniper operation against Li Zhun, the admiral of the Qing guangdong water division, and Fengshan, the new general of Guangzhou.

Many years later, Hu Hanmin made the following evaluation of the Huanghuagang Uprising: "Moving for righteousness, advancing and retreating, the martyrs are willing to die as if they were gluttonous, and there is no longer a blunt view of success or failure, so as to show that the revolutionary party sacrificed the great spirit to the world." Time has changed from generation to generation, but it is enough to make people feel unforgettable, stubborn and cowardly, and the situation is at that time? From the beginning to the end of the court, the shock and panic, the people are tens of thousands, the more they have the will to 'mourn and die'. To Wuchang's arm, and the whole world should be, the Battle of March 29 is the precursor. Therefore, judging by the overall measure of the revolution, although this battle was defeated, its merits were a hundred times greater than those who won the land, and today it can be concluded. This is not only an extollation of the revolutionary spirit of the martyrs of Huanghuagang, but also a commendation to Huang Xing, the leader and direct commander of this uprising.

Sun Yat-sen called the "Ten Revolutions", and Huang and Hu jointly participated in the organization. The uprisings led and commanded accounted for as many as six times, they were the main executors of Sun Yat-sen's armed anti-Qing line of the League, and they were the "meritorious ministers" of the Xinhai Revolution.

From the joint construction of the Republic of China to the parting of the road

After the outbreak of the Wuchang Uprising, Huang Xing saw the new situation of "Huai Cone did not meet the poverty of Guangdong, Lu Bufei passed on the Shu Daotong", quickly went north, arrived in Wuhan via Shanghai, and participated in the leadership and command of the Battle of Yangxia. Hu Hanmin had planned to go north with Huang Xing, but due to the delay in returning to Hong Kong from Saigon, Huang Xing left first, and the trip did not take place. The two comrades who had cooperated with each other in the previous armed struggle and fought side by side this time temporarily broke up.

But their hearts are connected. Whether Huang Xing was in the Han Governor or when he was organizing a provisional government in Shanghai, he deeply regretted the lack of Hu Hanmin's arm support. When he was in Wuhan, he called Hu Hanmin to express his worries about the future of the defense war in Wuhan, and later went to Shanghai, and even sent a telegram to Hu Hanmin, who was already the governor of Guangdong, to send troops to join the Northern Expedition and Laining to organize a provisional government and "preside over everything." The four words "presiding over everything" contain Huang Xing's ardent expectations of Hu Hanmin.

In the process of forming a national provisional government, Huang Xing was first promoted by the Federation of Provincial Representatives to be a Grand Marshal, and later changed to Deputy Marshal due to the opposition of some deputies and Huang's own strong resignation. Although Huang Xing even refused to accept it, Hu Hanmin always respected Huang as the leader of the whole party and the principal responsible person of the provisional government organized before Sun Yat-sen's return to China, and not only insisted on calling Huang Xing a "grand marshal" in his telegrams, but also directly asked Huang for instructions on major issues such as the Northern Expedition.

Sun Yat-sen's return to China broke the deadlock in the organization of a provisional government, and the Nanjing Provisional Government headed by Sun Yat-sen was established. Since Sun Yat-sen had no close connection with domestic developments before and after the Wuchang Uprising, his position in government was not stable enough. However, Sun Yat-sen was supported and assisted by his close comrade-in-arms Huang Xing and his right-hand man Hu Hanmin. Huang Xing was appointed chief of the army and chief of staff, and the organizations of the various ministries adopted his opinion, "Military full power, all in one, although there is no name for the cabinet, the leader of the Ministry of Preparation is also." ”

Hu Hanmin was appointed by Sun Yat-sen as the secretary general of the presidential office, he was conscientious and responsible, handled things fairly, and won the trust of Zhongshan, and many official affairs were directly handled by him, so that it was rumored that Hu Hanmin became the "second president".

Yan Changhong Tao Jiyi: Huang Xing and Hu Hanmin during the Xinhai Revolution

Hu Hanmin

Huang and Hu not only shared a large number of military and state affairs for Sun Yat-sen, but also tried their best to eliminate resistance and solve problems for Sun Yat-sen when he encountered administrative troubles. For example, after the election of Yuan Shikai to take over as the provisional president, Sun Yat-sen advocated that the capital be Nanjing, but because the senators of the League did not support it, the bill was rejected by the provisional Senate. Huang Xing, Hu Hanmin resolutely supported. Sun Yat-sen's claims. According to the Senate Law, the government must submit it to the House of Representatives for discussion before it can overturn the original case, and Huang Xing was very angry, believing that the League should have a unified understanding that "there should be no objection in the Party", and threatened, "The Government will never bend the formalities for this purpose, and the House of Representatives will automatically overturn the case today, otherwise I will be admitted to the Court as a gendarme and bind all the members of the League." Huang Xing- Although this statement was crude and even contrary to the spirit of the legal system, it showed his sincere desire to safeguard Sun Yat-sen's correct ideas and the will to unify within the party, and Hu Hanmin did not have such courage, but participated in this struggle in his own way. On that day, when Sun Yat-sen went to the Ming Tomb to pay tribute, Hu said that he was ill and could not go, but he wrote a document at home, and according to the legal procedures, submitted it to the Senate in the name of the provisional president and the government, and when Sun Yat-sen returned from the Ming Tomb, the matter was properly resolved. Huang and Hu cooperated in their own ways and tacitly, so that Sun Yat-sen's propositions could be implemented.

When Huang Xing was in trouble, Hu Hanmin also relieved him. Huang Xing, as the chief of the army, had to pay so many troops; but the provisional government was in financial difficulties, and he negotiated with Sun Yat-sen's consent to change the Hanyeping Company into a Sino-Japanese joint venture in order to obtain a huge sum of money to relieve the urgent need. This move was obviously improper, and was immediately opposed by all sides, and Zhang Xiao, the chief industrial officer, actually resigned in protest, causing Sun Tou to resign. Huang was embarrassed. Hu Hanmin wrote to Zhang Xiao to defend Huang Xing: "Since January, Brother Ke Qiang has supported the food of many armies with empty fists... Sleeping and eating are wasted, as for vomiting blood. It is not unknown whether it is anxious to choose shade or not. Now that it has been accomplished, I pray for forgiveness. ...... But in the case of Chappi, whether it is self-interest or not. ...... The matter is very, and its blame may be forgivable. Just a few words fully reflect Hu Hanmin's maintenance of the party leader and his understanding and understanding of his comrades-in-arms.

It was in this way that Huang Xing and Hu Hanmin united around Sun Yat-sen and together contributed to the creation and consolidation of the nascent Republic of China.

It is worth mentioning here that more than a decade later, Hu Hanmin not only claimed in his "Autobiography" that Huang Xing was "increasingly right-wing in political views" in the early years of the Republic of China and became a "rightist" representative with Song Jiaoren and others, but also openly declared: "The brothers tried to compare Mr. Chen Yingshi and Mr. Huang, thinking that before Xinhai, Mr. Keqiang's revolutionary spirit was less than one-tenth of his; and after the establishment of the Nanjing Provisional Government, Mr. Keqiang really could not reach one-tenth of Mr. Yingshi's revolutionary spirit." The basis for this is that "after the establishment of the Nanjing government, Mr. Keqiang thought that Mr. Song 's (according to Song Jiaoren)' propositions were very correct, and the comrades should stop trying hardships and take all risks to go to the revolution." He saw that the Chinese people were already very bitter, and if they were to make another revolution, they would be afraid that they would not be able to bear it; in the future, if the world was at peace, as long as we got the National Assembly in our hands, no matter how many Yuan Shikai there were, there was a way. This view of his gave a great influence to later generations who studied the political situation in the early Min' period, and the original maker of hats such as "right-wing leader" and "right-wing leader" on Huang Xing's head was probably Hu Hanmin. If "right-leaning" refers to abandoning armed struggle and compromising with Yuan Shikai and the old forces, then are it only Huang and Song who became increasingly "right-leaning" in the early years of the Republic of China? In fact, there is no essential difference between their organization of the Kuomintang in the parliamentary struggle, hoping to get the National Assembly in hand in order to oppose Yuan Shikai's propositions, and Hu Hanmin's practice of urging Sun Yat-sen to give way to Yuan Shikai and hoping that yuan shikai can be restrained in the future by using the "Covenant Law"; the political views of many revolutionary party leaders in the early years of the Republic of China were "increasingly right-leaning", which was a concentrated manifestation of the weakness and compromise of the Chinese bourgeoisie and one of the important reasons for the failure of the Xinhai Revolution. Hu's criticism of the deceased is too harsh.

Looking at the "Second Revolution", Huang and Hu were also consistent in advocating that the law should overthrow Yuan, and Hu Hanmin even went further. When it came time to force Yuan, Hu's performance was not as good as that of the "right-leaning" Huang Xing. In March 1913, after the Song Jiaoren case occurred, Sun Yat-sen, out of his righteous indignation against Yuan, advocated immediately raising troops to beg Yuan. Proceeding from the unfavorable situation of the balance of forces at that time, Huang Xing advocated the first use of legal means to overthrow Yuan. When Huang Xing telegraphed Hu Hanmin's opinion, the Sun's confidant, who had always followed Sun Yat-sen, also called back in favor of the legal settlement, and he also replied to all parties to express their sincerity in "respecting the law" and "solving the problem by pure law": However, after Yuan Shikai's soldiers were forced to completely eliminate the wolf ambitions of the southern revolutionaries, Huang and Hu finally lost their illusions and, together with Sun Yat-sen, raised the banner of using force to court Yuan: Huang Xing raised an army in Nanjing on July 15, 1913 to fight against Yuan, commanding the battle in Jiangning at the Battle of Ganning. Hu Hanmin came to Shanghai via Hong Kong, actively cooperated with Sun Yat-sen in planning a plan to woo Yuan, and even prepared to go to Guangdong with Sun Yat-sen to directly lead the struggle against Yuan. After all, they have maintained the fighting spirit and revolutionary integrity of the bourgeois revolutionaries and contributed their share to saving the revolution from defeat.

This was the last struggle that Huang Xing and Hu Hanmin fought side by side in the same trench. Since then, with the different views of Sun Yat-sen and Huang Xing on the issue of the Chinese Revolutionary Party, Huang and Hu have also been separated.

Originally, Hu Hanmin agreed with Huang Xing's point of view, that is, he did not agree with Sun Yat-sen's methods of "attaching himself to Mr. Sun's revolution" and covering his fingers when he formed the Chinese Revolutionary Party. He also did work to persuade Sun Yat-sen to revise the oath, but to no avail. As usual, Huang Xing again presented his views to Hu Hanmin, asking Hu to persuade Sun Yat-sen to change his ways, because he believed that "the Han people are not what he advocates among the Chinese revolutionaries." After Hu Hanmin was entrusted, he asked Ju Zheng, Tian Tong, and others to consult and put forward a compromise plan to change the oath from "attached to Mr. Sun" to "swear to obey the premier of the Chinese Revolutionary Party", and Sun and Huang Shou agreed. However, due to the resolute opposition of Sun Yat-sen's other confidant, Chen Qimei, at this time, Sun Yat-sen insisted on the original proposal, which made Hu Hanmin's efforts to reconcile the contradictions between Sun and Huang this time in vain. After Sun Yat-sen came to the door to mobilize, Hu Hanmin finally sided with Sun Yat-sen.

After that, Huang and Hu, one in the United States, one in Japan and at home, participated in the struggle of the Chinese Revolutionary Party, and the two became estranged. Moreover, Huang Xing's death was relatively early, so that the two lost the opportunity to communicate, so that Hu Hanmin made some criticisms of Huang Xing after Huang Xing's death, such as on May 2, 1929, Hu Shi said in a speech to the students of the CSKA Officer School: "At that time, Mr. Song was dead, and everyone thought that the premier would not have a problem in reorganizing the party. Unexpectedly, Mr. Huang Keqiang suddenly disagreed and obstructed out of thin air. Wherever the martyrs are out of reach, we cannot fail to admire them, but because of their ideological errors, they have stirred up places where they cannot be in line with the prime minister, and we must not fail to recognize them, otherwise we will have a little scruples and a slight avoidance, even if it is not the attitude of a revolutionary. He also said that Huang Xing never came to join the Chinese Revolutionary Party, and he repeatedly tried to persuade him to become enlightened, but Huang finally did not listen and finally refused to come. He even criticized: "Mr. Keqiang's thinking has finally failed to be broad and thorough, knowing that the revolution is therefore for the country, knowing that after saving the country, the country will be built, but what is our ideal country and how to achieve this ideal is not certain in Mr. Keqiang's mind." Those who do not have enough thoughts and do not have strong beliefs will be more accommodating to the current environment and facts, because they are accommodating, they will be more shaken, and they will naturally feel that the expression of sufficient and refined thoughts is too high. Mencius said: 'Born in his heart, harmful to his government', Mr. Keqiang's behavior, completely burdened by thought, is a good example. ”

We have tirelessly quoted Hu Hanmin's large paragraphs of criticism of Huang Xing, which is nothing more than a show: On the issue of the Chinese Revolutionary Party, Huang and Hu were praised separately, which is the inevitable result of the difference in their personality and temperament. In the process of unity and cooperation with Sun Yat-sen, Huang Xing has always respected and maintained Sun's leadership status, while always maintaining his independent personality. Doctrine lies in the reluctance to change means to agree with others, never blindly obeys Sun Yat-sen's mistakes, shortcomings and weaknesses, and sometimes resists Sun Yat-sen's arbitrary style and stubborn attitude. On the question of the Chinese Revolutionary Party, he believed that Sun Yat-sen had violated the equality and liberalism he had advocated for more than a decade, did not conform to the spirit of democratic revolution, did not fear each other with absolute sincerity, and finally parted ways, although he did not move slightly in terms of how people were hurt. Hu Hanmin lacked this spirit, he was loyal to Sun Yat-sen, unwilling to deviate from Sun Yat-sen's line, even if he had his own opinions, he had to suppress it to obey Sun Yat-sen, and finally reached the point of "respecting Sun Yat-sen alone" in the Chinese Revolutionary Party and the Chinese Kuomintang. He drew a line with people to show that those who were inconsistent with Sun Yat-sen were wrong in their thinking and unssteady in their beliefs, and they did not hesitate to throw dirty water on his former friend Huang Xing, and this method and quality of Hu Hanmin's thinking was extremely undesirable.

This is probably a lesson we should draw when studying the relationship between Huang Xing and Hu Hanmin.

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