
How did Mr. Sun Wen's only son, Sun Ke, live after fleeing to Taiwan with Chiang Kai-shek?

In history, there have been many beautiful misunderstandings, such as some proverbs that we are familiar with, in fact, posterity has misunderstood its original meaning, and some of the names of people we are familiar with have actually been mistaken, and the famous Father sun Wen is an example.

Most people now call him "Sun Yat-sen", in fact, he himself has not used this name. The name "Sun Yat-sen" comes from a mistranslation.

At that time, Sun Wen was in exile in Japan, there was a Zhongshan family near his residence, and emperor Meiji's birth mother was a member of the Zhongshan family, and Sun Wen highly admired the changes brought by the Meiji Restoration to Japan, so he gave himself a pseudonym "Nakayama Kiri". His good friend Miyazaki Yinzo wrote a book called "Thirty-Three Years of Dreams", which contains an introduction to Nakayama Kiri.

The famous literary scholar Zhang Shizhao was greatly appreciated after seeing it, so he began to translate it into Chinese's "Sun Yat-sen the Great Revolutionary" for publication in China. However, at that time, Zhang Shizhao's learning was somewhat untiring, and he translated the original "Sun Wen is Mr. Zhongshan Qiao" into "Sun Wen is Mr. Sun Yat-sen". In his later years, Zhang Shizhao was still very remorseful.

Because his translation of "Sun Yat-sen the Great Revolutionary" was very popular in China, the name Sun Yat-sen also spread in this way.

How did Mr. Sun Wen's only son, Sun Ke, live after fleeing to Taiwan with Chiang Kai-shek?

Mr. Sun Wen is also wrong, his life is quite wonderful, it can be said that he has been fighting for the revolution all his life, for his official affairs, most people are very familiar with it, so today we will talk about his private affairs.

According to our current vision, There are quite a few of Mr. Sun Wen's wives and concubines, and there are five people with names and surnames:

Lu Muzhen, Kaoru Ōtsuki, Chen Pufen, Haru Asada, and Song Qingling

But he had only one son, Sun Ke.

Because Sun Ke is the only son, So Mr. Sun Wen treats him very strictly, even if he does not have much time to accompany, he has always asked his son to study more, which can be said to have affected Sun Ke's life, in the later Executive Yuan of the National Government, Sun Ke is one of the few people who love to read.

Mr. Sun Wen lived in exile for a long time in his early years, and Sun Ke moved to Honolulu, Hawaii with his grandmother at the age of 4, and received many years of education in the United States.

In 1907, Sun Ke joined the League and became part of the revolution, and only returned to China in 1917.

How did Mr. Sun Wen's only son, Sun Ke, live after fleeing to Taiwan with Chiang Kai-shek?

After returning to China, Sun Ke first served as the confidential secretary of his father Sun Yat-sen in the Grand Marshal's Office of Guangzhou, and in 1921 became the mayor of Guangzhou with the support of some elders.

At that time, Guangzhou was the base of the Nationalist government, and he was able to take on this heavy responsibility at a young age, and his father was Sun Wen, and the political future was too bright to be bright, and many people regarded him as the successor of the revolution.

But then something happened, Jean

Sun Wen was so discouraged by his son that he almost shot him.

In 1923, Sun Ke was then the governor of Guangzhou and the governor of the river, one of his duties was to raise military supplies for the revolutionary army, and Hu Hanmin was the political minister and general counselor of the base camp, and he acted as Sun Wen's grand marshal many times, which can be said to be the second person in the National Government.

One day Hu Hanmin was ordered by Sun Wen to allocate military salaries to Sun Ke, but Sun Ke was not good at belly, and always thought that Hu Hanmin was his political opponent, so he did not give it to him.

From this incident, it can also be seen that Sun Ke's political ability is indeed worrying, since ancient times, if the second generation wants to succeed smoothly, in addition to having its own team, it must also rely on the strength of the elder faction, otherwise how can a group of "new people" with unstable foundations convince others?

How did Mr. Sun Wen's only son, Sun Ke, live after fleeing to Taiwan with Chiang Kai-shek?

Sun Ke did not give, and Hu Hanmin had no choice but to report to Sun Wen truthfully. Sun Wen was furious when he learned of this, no matter how to say that Hu Hanmin was also an elder figure of Sun Ke, and asking for military pay was also for the revolution, and Neither the public nor the private Sun Ke should do this, so he quickly called his son to the front and scolded him.

Sun Ke did not dare to refute his father's words, but he poured all his anger on Hu Hanmin, believing that Hu Hanmin deliberately provoked the relationship between father and son, and after finding Hu, he raised his cane and beat him (at that time, the dignitaries and nobles all used canes), and several guards could not hold back.

Sun Wen, who had heard the news, saw this scene and was angry to the peak, grabbing the guard's pistol and chasing Sun Ke, or Hu Hanmin and others pulled it in time to not cause a big mistake.

Sun Ke was also quite smart, and when he saw that something was wrong, he immediately ran away, and only after the situation stabilized did he go back to apologize to his father and Hu Hanmin, and the matter was obviously over. But it had two serious effects:

First, Sun Wen saw that his son had a narrow belly and was not suitable for being a leader, so he gave up cultivating him; second, Sun Ke and Hu Hanmin formed a bond, and basically did not get his support after that.

It is equivalent to cutting off Sun Ke's career.

How did Mr. Sun Wen's only son, Sun Ke, live after fleeing to Taiwan with Chiang Kai-shek?

In March 1925, Mr. Sun Wen died, and Sun Ke, one of the twelve central executive members of the Kuomintang, also participated in the competition for the leadership of the country, but unfortunately only won one vote, losing to Wang Jingwei.

Not long after, Wang Jingwei established a national revolutionary government in Guangzhou, and Sun Ke was also an important member of it.

The Nationalist government in Guangzhou soon collapsed due to struggle and financial problems, but Sun Ke, with the "son of the father of the country", could later be mixed with the Government of Chiang Kai-shek in Nanjing, and once served as the chief executive. But just as he guarded against others, Chiang Kai-shek was also guarding against him, so he basically held virtual positions without real power. It was not until the second half of 1946 that Sun Ke began to change his position in favor of Chiang Kai-shek that he slowly gained some power.

In 1948, the National Government constitutionally changed to the presidential system, and Chiang Kai-shek undoubtedly became president, but the competition for vice presidents was fierce, and the main candidates were Li Zongren and Sun Ke. Compared with Li Zongren, Chiang Kai-shek still liked Sun Ke a little more, so he mobilized his strength to support Sun Ke behind his back.

Although the Gui clan is strong, in the end it is still not as strong as Chiang Kai-shek, originally Sun Ke was not suspenseful as vice president, but an old news from the anti-Japanese period was turned over.

Sun Ke has a publicly acknowledged second lady named Lani, her experience is also legendary enough, once had a marriage and gave birth to three children, after the divorce was favored by Sun Ke in a wine banquet, first as a secretary, and then became a de facto couple.

How did Mr. Sun Wen's only son, Sun Ke, live after fleeing to Taiwan with Chiang Kai-shek?

Just the words of the peach news will not have a great impact, but Lan Ni stayed in the Shanghai Concession during the War of Resistance Against Japan, and did some smuggling things in the name of Sun Ke's second wife, making a big fortune for the country. At the end of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in 1945, a batch of high-grade construction paint imported from Germany in Shanghai was confiscated by the government as enemy property.

The wife was wronged, Sun Ke of course came forward to solve it, and always found Wu Rencang, director of the Central Trust Bureau, to intercede, and finally all the materials were returned.

This is completely lawless, treating state affairs as a child's play, and after this matter was polished by Li Zongren's team, the crowd was indignant! Even another vice presidential candidate, Cheng Qian, simply abandoned the election and voted for Li Zongren.

In order to clear up the relationship, Sun Ke personally came forward to say that he had nothing to do with Lanni, but the masses were not fools, the two were so ostentatious at the beginning, and now they say that they have nothing to do with each other.

In the end, the vice president was taken away by Li Zongren, and Lan Ni also broke up with him because of this, so she really had nothing to do with him, and really lost her wife and folded the army.

Looking at these two things, Sun Ke is indeed not the material of being a leader.

How did Mr. Sun Wen's only son, Sun Ke, live after fleeing to Taiwan with Chiang Kai-shek?

After Chiang Kai-shek's defeat in Taiwan, Sun Ke did not follow him for the first time, but went to France and the United States. Although there are some problems in other places, in terms of "wealth", Sun Ke, like his father, does not store private wealth, and the money that initially fled overseas was sold to make up for it.

When he lived in the United States, he also lived an extremely poor life, everything had to be done by himself, and often had to rely on his little daughter to help, generally people who suddenly came down from the political arena would seem very uncomfortable in life, at this time the importance of hobbies was reflected, Sun Ke's home was full of books, and he would go to the library every day to read, so such a life was not boring for him.

It was not until 1965, with Chiang Kai-shek's consent, that Sun Ke went to Taiwan, where he served as a senior advisor to the office, the dean of the Examination Institute, and the chairman of Soochow University, which were also some fictitious positions, but economically he was more generous, and perhaps he was more suitable to be a scholar than to engage in politics.

Sun Ke was not in good health in his later years, and died of a heart attack in Taipei in 1973 at the age of 82.

How did Mr. Sun Wen's only son, Sun Ke, live after fleeing to Taiwan with Chiang Kai-shek?

Sun Ke was the only son of Mr. Sun Wen, which was an excellent innate condition, but he did not learn some of his father's skills, and his later attitude towards the CCP showed political immaturity.

At first, Sun Ke followed Soong Ching Ling's call for the restoration of the three major policies formulated by Mr. Sun Wen, which were friendly to the Communists at this time, and in the early stages of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he suddenly openly followed Chiang Kai-shek to attack the CCP, and later in the late stage of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he hoped that Chiang Kai-shek could restore the legitimate status of the CPC, basically in a state of no firm stand and no thinking of his own.

Again, maybe he would be better suited to be a scholar.

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